Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1287 1287 [You guessed it]

After the high school students took notes, they were supposed to say goodbye politely, but they did not leave.

"We're all here." Jiang Xia looked at the two fellow detectives thoughtfully, "Why don't we just go to that Huang Mao and ask for clues?"

Hattori Heiji nodded immediately: "I think so too."

The two people quickly reached a consensus. Jiangxia slapped Hattori Heiji on the shoulder, pushed him forward, and brushed his face along the way.

After all, this is the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, and Hattori Heiji is a well-known Kansai detective. There is really no one here who doesn't know him, so there is no obstruction.

The group arrived at the interrogation room successfully.

In addition, considering that Huang Mao might not pay attention to a group of high school students who seemed to be traveling, Hattori Heiji also summoned a police officer related to this case and specially selected a ferocious-looking one and asked him to go in and help ask about the situation.

The high school students watched secretly from behind.

In the interrogation room, Huang Mao, the suspect in the murder under the bridge, Kiritani Teruhiko, was sitting behind a small table with a sullen face.

His long hair was dyed blonde and tied into a bunch on the back of his head. With his current gloomy expression, he didn't look like a good person.

Kiritani Teruhiko looked at the door and out the window from time to time, looking very anxious, as if he was afraid of something.

Jiang Xia mingled among a group of classmates, looking at him from a distance with slight curiosity.

Now that Kiritani Teruhiko's identity as a "peripheral member of the organization" was confirmed, looking at this person, he still couldn't feel much of the organization's aura - there wasn't much murderous intent in this person, and there was no ghost hanging on his legs.

Jiangxia: "..." Since it is a fraud gang, maybe Kiritani Teruhiko is mainly engaged in economics, and the people he kills all commit suicide, and there is no chance to turn into a shikigami and grab his lap.

While they were observing the people in the room, the police officer who was summoned temporarily walked into the room, pulled out a stool, and sat across from Kiritani Teruhiko.

Kiritani Teruhiko immediately gathered his distracted eyes, looked at the policeman, and shouted angrily: "I have told you so many times, I am not the one who killed him! Don't waste your time on me, I have something urgent!"

The policeman hesitated and asked casually: "Then why did you appear near the crime scene?"

Huang Mao frowned when he heard the words, tried his best to be patient, and repeated his previous experience: "I received a call, saying that Kanemura came to me in an emergency and asked me to go to the bridge immediately to hand over. I thought at the time, the bridge is inseparable anyway. It was far away, and... well, it might have been a life-threatening emergency, so I went there. Who knew that as soon as I got there, the police jumped on me and dragged me away."

"Is that so?" the policeman followed up and asked, "Who is the person who called you?"

Huang Mao gradually became impatient: "I don't know! It's a strange voice, and I've never seen the number before!"

"Hmm..." The policeman touched his chin under his nervous gaze, with disbelief written all over his face, "It's a call from an unknown number, and it's from such a remote place under the bridge, and he just asked you to go and do it? - "I'm not looking for trouble. Listen to yourself, it really sounds like a made-up excuse."

Huang Mao finally couldn't help it anymore, slapped his hand on the table, and said angrily: "You know what a p!" - What if another cadre or quasi-cadre suddenly assigned them to work? Can you not go? !

He couldn't afford to offend any of those people. The more unfamiliar the number, the more careful you have to be. After all, the people above use virtual numbers or fake numbers, just like changing clothes. There are too many numbers to count.

The bloody and tearful experience of countless colleagues told him that when receiving such a call, one would rather be deceived than not go. Otherwise, if the matter of an angry cadre is delayed, the person may suddenly disappear within a short time.

Thinking of this, Kiritani Teruhiko couldn't help but grind his molars in frustration: The peripheral members of this bastard organization simply have no human rights. If it weren't for the fact that the organization held a lot of leverage for him to commit crimes, and could also help clean up some troublesome people when necessary, he wouldn't want to work for the organization.

"..." But these words must not be said in the police station.

Even though he was just a peripheral member, Kiritani Teruhiko knew very well: People from the organization were everywhere, and they might suddenly pop up in some unexpected place - maybe a certain cadre was hiding in the current police headquarters.

He took a deep breath and thought to himself: He did not kill anyone, this was probably just a mistake.

If you are innocent by biting yourself to death, and say nothing, you will still have a chance to be released later and find a way to survive.

But if he did, I'm afraid it wouldn't be long before...he would "accidentally die" in the police station.

Although the police felt that Kiritani Teruhiko was hiding something, they really couldn't find out anything.

In addition, they actually suspected that Kiritani Teruhiko and his employees were involved in many frauds, so they only thought that Kiritani was concealing the fraud, but did not look at the "dark side of this society. There is a spider web everywhere." Think about this aspect of a huge organization.

The same goes for high school students.

Unable to get any more clues from Huang Mao, they sighed and left the interrogation place.

"Don't stay at the police station all the time. You are here to travel." Yuan Shan and Ye patted Jiang Xia and reminded him not to forget his original intention.

Then she took back her hand, dug out of her bag, and pulled out a small notebook - before going out today, Yuan Shan and Ye had already calculated the time in detail, and how long they would take to see each scenic spot, and they had a plan.

However, now, before half a day has passed, this wonderful plan has been disrupted by two sudden murders.

The warm and hospitable Osaka classmate Toyama Kazuha feels that it is not feasible to continue like this.

She tried hard to get the vacation life of several Tokyo classmates back on track, so she showed an encouraging smile like a tour guide: "Where should we go next?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "Let's go to Camellia Park."

Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately nodded in agreement. To be honest, they thought so too.

Camellia Park is exactly where the little policeman mentioned earlier, where Fayue Dema often hangs out.

There, you may be able to collect more clues about this suspicious old man.

"Camellia Park, I remember it is over Camellia Town." Hattori Heiji checked the map, "It's only a few stops away. Take the train and you'll be there in a while."

The young police officer was about to go out and happened to pass by them.

Hearing these words, he was slightly startled, then turned back: "Are you going to Camellia Park to find Mr. Fayue?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

The police officer's eyes lit up and he handed over a faded photo: "In that case, help me return this to him by the way. This was accidentally left at the police station when he was taking notes just now. If he is not here Park, you can put it in his home mailbox - his home is right next to the park, and there is a sign of 'Fa Yue' hanging on it. This surname is not very common, so it shouldn't be difficult to find."

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