Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1289 1289 [Uzo is the boss] Please give me your monthly vote oo

Chapter 1289 1289 [Uzuo is the boss] Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Conan nodded and had no objection. For him, investigating the case was indeed more interesting than the attractions he had visited several times.

In addition, he had some other conjectures: "Speaking of which, if Mr. Fayue is bold enough, or based on the principle of 'the most dangerous place is the safest place', maybe the crutch he was holding just now is that The murder weapon.

Jiang Xia also has no objection at all. His favorite attractions are mobile - he prefers to enjoy the scenery wherever the people next to him are.

Half of the six high school students planned to rummage around for the murder weapon. The other three didn't have much desire to travel. The three female high school students looked at each other for a moment and finally joined them silently.

Several people searched nearby places where the murder weapon might be hidden, but didn't find much.

While they were discussing whether to study the crutch in the grandfather's hand.

Hattori Heiji's cell phone suddenly rang.

He glanced down and saw the caller ID clearly, his eyes lit up: "It's Noda calling. It seems we have a clue!" Noda was the little policeman just now.

Hattori Heiji picked up the phone and was about to press the speakerphone. But suddenly she remembered something, she turned her head and looked at Jiang Xia beside her.

Hattori Heiji: "..." To be honest, he didn't want to think about it.

...How about you find a pair of headphones, one for each of you and Kudo, and listen to the two of them duke it out in secret, without wearing any earphones?

Just as he was thinking about it, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him.

Yuan Shan and Ye had been following the three detectives for so long, and they became a little interested in the case. When they heard that there were clues, she decisively pressed the speaker phone.

When he retracted his hand, he glanced at Hattori Heiji in confusion: "What are you doing?"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

...As long as you are quick! !

However, the hands-free is already turned on, and then turning it off again seems awkward and not good-looking.

Hattori Heiji had no choice but to take a deep breath, pretending that he was really just slow, and silently listened to the clues found by the police.

Sure enough, we got some useful information over there.

"We checked Mr. Hozuki's train IC card. He took the train directly from Ukimachi Station to Camellia Station, and there was no record of getting off the train on the way. The crime scene was closest to Subaojima Station on the way. Judging from the time of death of the deceased, , Mr. Fayue should still be riding in the car at the time of the incident."

The young policeman sounded a little happy, which meant that Fayue Dema had an alibi.

But another thing did make this old man seem to have quite a motive.

"Regarding fraud...many old people feel embarrassed or sad, and are unwilling to report the crime, or even talk to us more. But based on what I know so far, several of the victims are friends of Mr. Fayue.

"The one who has the best relationship with him is a lady named 'Shibata Mitsuko'. She is suspected to have been deceived by a young man named 'Motegi Takashi'. Her neighbors said that Motegi Takashi and Mitsuko's deceased son Po Because of the resemblance - Motegi Takashi was also a member of the housekeeping company of the deceased. Because of his work, he accidentally helped Ms. Mitsuko clean the garage once, and the two got to know each other.

"After that, Motegi Takashi always took good care of her. He would go to her house to chat with her when he had time, and help her purchase and replace furniture. The two seemed to be very compatible, and their relationship was as good as mother and son.

"However, the good times did not last long. After Ms. Mitsuko gave Motegi a huge sum of money, he suddenly disappeared. Not long after, Mitsuko hanged herself - these contents were pieced together from the diary left behind by Mitsuko after her death. It is also us I doubt the opportunity of this housekeeping company."

"Mitsuko?" Hattori Heiji felt moved when he heard the name.

"Is she the lady in the photo just now?" Jiang Xia asked the police officer on the other side of the phone, "Mr. Fayue's departure time is exactly the same as the tram's arrival time? Is there any delay?"


There was a sound of typing on the keyboard from the other side of the phone, and the person on the other side seemed to be confirming.

After a while, the police officer's voice sounded again, sounding a little hesitant: "The time he left the station was about 16 minutes later than the time the vehicle arrived at the station."

When Conan and Hattori Heiji heard this clue, they suddenly thought of something, and two exclamation marks seemed to appear above their heads.

After hanging up the phone, the expressions of several detectives became solemn: "Let's go to Mr. Fayue's house and have a look. If you ask him directly about some things, you might be able to get more clues."

The group of people then hurried back to the place they had just left, preparing to return to Camellia Park.

I heard from the police officer just now that Fayue Dema's house is near the park, and there is a "Fayue" sign hanging on the door. It is not difficult to find.

On the way, Jiang Xia looked around and sensed the current location of Ganfanmao.

Then he turned on his phone, typed two lines, and pressed send.

It is normal for a famous detective who openly accepts commissions and is very popular with repeat customers to exchange a few emails, and no one thinks much about it.

Jiang Xia finished sending the message with a calm face and sighed like a tired social animal. Then he put his phone back into his pocket and continued to follow the high school students, running energetically towards their destination.

"Construction site at Camellia-cho 5-chome."

Gin glanced down at the mail and gave the address to Vodka.

After saying that, he frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to focus on business. For the time being, he ignored Uzuo's commanding tone as if he was commanding his subordinates. He also said the other requirements of this young cadre: "Stop." Stay far away, as long as you can see the situation clearly, wait until the police leave before getting closer, and wait for the target to come out alone."

"Police?" Vodka was startled, and immediately became nervous - something like "police" is undoubtedly a powerful weapon for Uzo to harm innocent cadres.

However, when he carefully drove to a nearby hillside, found a hidden high point in the shadow, and looked at the construction site with a telescope, Vodka couldn't help but wonder:

"Brother, there are no police over there, only a sneaky old man - have the police left? Let's go there now?"

Gin looked at the time and thought it was unlikely. It's probably because Uzo hasn't gotten the police over yet, and everything hasn't started yet.

He looked out the window: "Wait a minute."

Dealing with a few peripheral members of Osaka who were on the verge of being exposed was such a big deal that he actually didn't need to take action personally at all.

But only then did Gin realize that he had underestimated the level of waste among some people in the Osaka branch. In addition, on this trip to Osaka, he was carrying a mission personally assigned to him by "that lord" after all. And if the missing member who may have leaked the secret has not been found yet, and a few more are posted... Even if they can't leak much important information, in the eyes of the boss, this must be a major dereliction of duty.

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