Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1290 1290 [Don’t be afraid, I’m coming]

Gin: "..." What's more, now, Uzo clearly told him and Vodka to pick up the target.

If he instead leaves the task to other members in Osaka, and that person happens to be a waste, Uzo faces the risk of being exposed... This will not only lose a cadre with an unlimited future, but also allow the boss to take this person away. All the accounts were written on his head, Gin.

So in the end, Gin made a decision: it was idle anyway, so it was better to follow the "stage" given by Uzo and go over to see the excitement.

Watching Uzzo tease those stupid cops, who not only know nothing about it, but also show admiration for Uzzo, is barely a form of entertainment.

"Fa Yue... Fa Yue..."

Several high school students ran all the way back to Camellia Park, looking for help nearby.

Soon, Suzuki Sonoko stopped in front of a single-family house, looked closely at the small wooden sign with "Fa Yue" engraved on the door, and waved to the other people: "This is the one!"

Knocked on the door, but no one answered. Fayue Dema seemed to have gone out.

Jiang Xia said "Huh", lowered his head and poked Conan.

Conan: "..."

As a first-year kid who would not be held accountable for breaking into a private house, Conan sighed, and consciously took out the lock picking tool.

However, before he could demonstrate the lock-picking skills he learned in Hawaii, the impatient Hattori Heiji turned the doorknob and was startled: "The door is not locked."

"Maybe he was too anxious to go out, or he didn't intend to lock it in the first place." Jiang Xia looked into the room through the crack in the door, "Some old people are really not used to locking the door during the day."

The structure of the house is simple. Looking in from the door, you can see the living room without any obstruction.

Fa Yuedema's room is very tidy, with very few things. There is a TV, a wooden cabinet in the corner of the living room, and only an old wooden table.

There is a heavy notebook on the small table. The cover of the notebook is elegant and the pages are fluffy. It looks like it has been used for many years.

Conan was looking at the situation in the room when he was poked on the shoulder again.

"..." He walked into the room silently and went straight to the small table and the notebook on it.

Several other high school students followed him and walked in "in order to catch the naughty kid who broke into the house."

The heavy notebook was picked up and opened.

On the unfolded page, a few lines of beautiful fonts were revealed.

This is actually a diary.

And judging from the signature on the cover, it does not belong to Touma Hozuki, but to the old lady who committed suicide after being deceived, Mitsuko Shibata.

"Mr. Fayue's bicycle is parked at the door, and his wallet and cards are also on the shoe cabinet in the entrance hall." Jiang Xia walked around for a while and then came back. "He may have gone to a place not far away."

Conan looked at the contents of the diary and felt a little heavy: "Go and find it, I always have a bad feeling."

Two thousand meters away, in the other corner of Camellia Town.

Motegi opened his phone, glanced at the newly received email, and followed the address on it. He was in a good mood.

——The old man with whom he has become a "long-lasting friend" said that he had something important to tell him tonight and asked him to go to the address on the email on time.

According to Motegi Takashi's experience, this must be the old lady No. 2 who was moved by the bankruptcy story he fabricated and planned to spend all her savings to help him "make a comeback." So tonight, I invite him to a high-end restaurant for dinner as the starting point of his "counterattack" career, creating a sense of ritual to reshape his life.

Motegi Takashi: "..." What a bunch of naive old guys, they are still so easy to deceive even after their age.

Thinking about the other party's eagerness, he couldn't help but get goosebumps - if those old ladies hadn't saved a lot of money, he wouldn't be too lazy to pretend to be a good young man in front of those old faces like rough bark every day.

Thinking of this, Motegi took a deep breath, tried to adjust his state, and showed patience. Go where you want to go.

We arrived at our destination soon.

It was almost evening at this time, the sky was already a bit gloomy, and the light was very bad.

Motegi Takashi turned the corner proudly, raised his eyes and glanced around, and gradually felt that something was wrong.

——This is not the same as the "decent meeting place" he imagined.

Instead, it was a remote open space that looked like a stalled construction site.

"..." Why make an appointment at a place like this?

Just as he was looking around with some confusion, Mogi Takashi suddenly heard subtle footsteps behind him.

After all, he is not a serious person, and Motegi Takashi's vigilance has always been acceptable. He turned around sharply and suddenly saw a figure holding a cane high and slamming it down on him.

"?!" He hid in a panic, tripped and rolled to the ground. He could only crawl back while shouting, "Wait, stop! What are you going to do?!"

When Fa Yuedema saw that the blow missed, he cursed in his heart, stepped forward quickly, and swung the stick hard again.

At this moment, a black hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and grabbed him. Hattori Heiji advised: "Don't do this, killing people won't solve the problem!"

The crutch that Fayue Dema swung out with all his strength also made a clang and hit a swinging stick hard.

Mogi Takashi slumped on the ground, looking at all this in confusion.

It wasn't until Hozuki Touma was pulled away by Hattori Heiji and a female high school student that he finally came to his senses and understood the situation.

——This old man must have known about his defrauding Mitsuko Shibata and wanted revenge! When Mitsuko Shibata was chatting with him before, she mentioned the matter of Touma Hozuki.

Motegi looked at Hozuki Dema, and when he thought that he was almost hit on the head by this old thing, he felt a murderous intention in his heart.

The next moment, the enthusiastic detective holding the swinging stick turned around without warning and glanced down at him.

"!" Motegi Takashi immediately suppressed his angry expression and showed a bit of panic, "Thank you... I was scared to death just now. I didn't expect this old gentleman to suddenly hit someone."

The young Tokyo detective laughed softly, stretched out his hand to help him up, patted the dirt on his body with a swing stick, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, we are here."

Mogi Takashi looked at the confused detective who was deceived by his few words, and sneered in his heart.

But he still looked scared on his face and nodded. Then, as if he was very moved, he shook Jiang Xia's hand hard: "Then I'll leave it to you!"

"Yeah." Jiang Xia glanced at the hand he had just thrown on the ground. He turned around and took out his handkerchief, silently wiping off the dirt.

At the door of the construction site, a siren sounded at some point.

The Otaki Police Department arrived with people.

——Although he still has doubts about whether Fa Yuedema is the murderer of the "Murder Under the Bridge Case". But Hattori Heiji asked him to come just now, and there happened to be no new murder cases, so he had no choice but to bring someone over.

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