Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1398 1398 [Night fishing plan]

Conan quickly ran to the entrance of the passage with some suspicions about Anonymous and worries about his classmates.

Then he was slightly startled: the entrance had been firmly closed. The baffle above the head is smooth and tightly fitted, without any handles or anything like that.

Conan's heart skipped a beat, but soon he regained his composure: "..." Forget about the fork in the road just now, it is impossible that even this main road cannot be opened from the inside, unless the owner of the house is someone who wants to harm his children and grandchildren. Later generations express the perversion of "Now that you have come down, stay with your great-grandmother forever."

His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings and quickly landed on one of the bricks - only this brick was different in size from the others.

Conan raised his hand and pushed it down tentatively.

The stone suddenly sank, and then, with a rumbling sound, the secret passage above the head slowly slid open.

The smell of diesel fuel, mixed with the smell of burnt fire, hit my face.

Conan was startled and ran out quickly. He quickly passed by the messy hall and came outside the door. He saw that there was one less car parked outside, and both Jiang Xia and Pu Siqinglan were missing.

Various clues were put together in his mind, and Conan gradually restored the scene in his imagination a few minutes ago.

It is still unknown whether the collapse of the ceiling was caused by natural causes or was tampered with, but one thing is certain - if Jiang Xia caught Shi Kaobing, he would at most drag him to a hidden place and knock him a few times. Drive people away. The driver must be Shi Kaobing!

Conan: "..." Damn it! It turned out that Shi Kaobing succeeded. The gun-wielding thugs were really foul, just like the two guys who knocked on their own sap in the amusement park. Although Gin actually didn't use a gun when he dealt with Kudo Shinichi... But that's not the point. Now is not the time to think about this. Jiang Xia must be found quickly. In addition, the people underground cannot be ignored.

Conan dialed the alarm number and turned to look at the castle.

The paths above and below ground gradually took shape in his mind, overlapping one another. He thought for a moment, then suddenly ran out of the gate, turned around and went sideways, and soon came to a small stone building next to the castle.

"The tunnel in the branch road extends out, it should be at this location..." Conan approached the small building, looked around, and soon discovered that the stone brick layout on the wall next to it was very similar to the main tunnel exit.

He pressed hard on the large stone.

The floor in front clicked open, revealing the passage at the end of the forked road.

Conan looked at the connected space and breathed a sigh of relief.

With the passage, before the police arrived, the people in the tunnel successfully climbed out of the passage opened by Conan with the help of the art dealer's ladder.

Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan looked around and were worried to find that a classmate was missing: "Where is Jiang Xia?"

"There is no blood on the ground, and there is no body." Conan first told the good news, and then said euphemistically, "Shi Kaobing may have left with him for some reasons."

"Leave together? Jiang Xia will not leave with her, she must have kidnapped the person!" Suzuki Sonoko was not fooled by Conan's words, and slapped the wall furiously, "Even if you steal things, you still want to steal people! Humph! , I have long discovered that she has evil intentions. When Jiang Xia helped her pick up things before, she forcibly touched the back of Jiang Xia's hand..."

Conan: "..." How long are you going to talk about this? My ears are almost ringing with noise. If I really can’t wait to find Jiang Xia, why don’t you go over and touch it, so that we can be even...

However, Suzuki Sonoko's words gave him a new direction of thinking: Shi Kaobing suddenly captured the detective, was he really trying to rob him of sex? Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why she wanted to arrest people. After all, Jiang Xia didn't have much to plot...

Um? Wait, is there some treasure mystery that cannot be solved and you want Jiang Xia to help her find the answer?

Conan breathed a sigh of relief: "..." Yes, this is the most reasonable conclusion. Just now, he was led away by Suzuki Sonoko.

"Anyway, judging from the tube of anesthetic I just picked up, it seems that Shi Kaobing has no murderous intention towards Brother Jiang Xia." Conan made his own reasoning, "But Brother Jiang Xia must not be willing to help her do anything illegal. If things continue like this, the situation may be very dangerous, and we must find them quickly."

"Follow this signal point and look for it." "White Bird Police Department" took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times to bring up the screen. He said sternly, "Actually, I have long thought that there is something wrong with Miss Pu Si Qinglan, and I also let her My colleagues helped with the investigation, but the results haven’t come out yet, so to be on the safe side, I installed a locator on her body..."

Conan's eyes twitched, and now he was almost certain that this "White Bird Police Department" was definitely a fake. After all, except for those public security policemen, serious police would not dare to do such a thing.

He raised his head and found that the "White Bird Police Department" was also looking at him. This fake police officer seemed to have discovered that he had been exposed.


The two sides looked at each other, and in order to find someone, they nodded secretly, and temporarily reached a silent consensus.

So facing the police car driving down the mountain, Conan silently shut his mouth and decided to pretend to be ignorant of Kidd's identity for the time being.

the other side.

The target that a group of people were preparing to track was stepping on the accelerator. After changing cars midway, they rushed all the way to the nearest den.

Jiang Xia took advantage of Shi Kaobing's concentration on driving and took a look outside. The more he looked, the more familiar the road became - it seemed that it was exactly the way they came, and they actually returned to Tokyo.

At first he was still wondering whether Shi Kaobing was coming to Tokyo to transfer.

Later I realized that I had overthought it, and Shi Kaobing's stronghold was actually located in Tokyo.

Jiang Xia: "..." Why do criminals like to choose Tokyo as their base? Could it be that Tokyo is not only a feng shui treasure for psychics, but also theirs?

It seems that the night walking activities that were carried out in the past to find the organization base should be continued: when riding motorcycles, go to places you have never been to. Even if you can't find other organizational cadres, you may still be able to find some big thieves with deep experience. , harvest a batch of murderous aura or shikigami of good quality.

Jiang Xia silently adjusted her schedule while looking at the scenery.

Next to her, Pu Siqinglan walked along the path and soon arrived at her destination.

She drove to an abandoned building.

This place is currently under her false identity, and it is nominally being renovated. In fact, it has been delayed and has not been completed. The appearance is shabby, and few people are willing to come in. But in fact, few people know that there are priceless treasures hidden underground.

Arriving at the door, Pu Siqinglan entered the complex password, verified the palm print, and finally took out the key and opened the basement door.

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