Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1399 1399 [There are only two of us]

Entering the underground, Pu Siqinglan looked at the dull-toned space and took a deep breath. The mood of the recent rainy weather had improved a lot. She felt like she smelled the scent of the Romanov dynasty.

When Jiang Xia came in, he was originally in the mood of visiting the treasure house.

However, after taking a quick glance, he fell silent for a moment: Those collections with ornamental value were only displayed on a few shelves in the corners. Looking at them from a distance, they couldn't be seen clearly at all.

On the contrary, sculptures filled the basement one after another - all of them were statues of Rasputin, as if the "monster" himself had formed a set of terracotta warriors and horses.

Jiang Xia looked at the statues with angry eyes and beards on both sides: "..." Although he has long known that "Shi Kaobing" has different thinking from ordinary people, isn't this interest too weird...

"Oh, I woke up so quickly."

As he was watching, Pu Siqinglan's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Pu Siqinglan hurried back to the base just now, and now she felt a little safer.

She was about to free up her hands to deal with Jiang Xia, but unexpectedly she found that the detective had his eyes open. She remembered the amount of anesthesia she had just injected into her. Her face was cold, but a cold sweat was silently breaking out behind her. What exactly was this detective's resistance to drugs? How strong is it? Surprised to wake up so quickly. Fortunately, just to be on the safe side, when she was at the castle, she injected a dose that was enough to kill someone, so Jiang Xia didn't wake up until now. Otherwise, what if the monster just woke up halfway and snatched the steering wheel?

"..." No matter what, luck is on her side, so there is no need to worry.

Pu Siqinglan quickly calmed down her emotions. She first went to drag a gas stove from the cabinet next to her, then dragged Jiang Xia out of the car, pushed him to the ground, sat on him, and pulled out the matching stove. Dagger, sneered: "You are still very calm. Relying on your strong vitality, you think I can't kill you? - Shot in the right eye, potassium cyanide, Shen Hai. You are really powerful if you can still be alive after experiencing these, But...this is it."

Under Jiang Xia's puzzled gaze, she turned on the stove switch.

There was no pot on the old-fashioned stove, and a bright flame ignited. Under the swaying firelight, Pu Siqinglan showed a strange smile: "Let the flame destroy the activity of every cell in your body, and eventually burn it into sections of coke. How can you survive then?"

"..." Jiang Xia thought of the organization's crematoriums all over the place, and looked at Pu Siqinglan's small stove, which was obviously not professional. She reminded him tactfully, "Have you ever thought about how long it takes to cremate a person? Time?"

His tone was obviously calm and polite. But Pu Siqinglan heard it, and for some reason, she always felt that this guy was mocking her for being ignorant.

She sneered and said: "I don't know how long it takes to burn a person. But it probably won't take long to scorch a person's heart, brain, internal organs, eyes... As long as you can't resume action immediately, the rest will I can naturally find a place to deal with it."

As she spoke, she held the dagger, and the sharp blade slowly slid over Jiang Xia's body. Pu Siqinglan recalled the panic she felt when she saw this "dead man" suddenly come to life on the yacht, and then looked at the completely reversed situation now, feeling a vague pleasure in revenge.

The tip of the knife finally hovered next to Jiang Xia's eyes. Pu Siqinglan was like a person who couldn't wait to cut the cake. After gesticulating for a long time, she finally decided where to start.

She thought for a moment and said leisurely: "Let's dig it out from here. Your eyes are very beautiful. In the past, I only destroyed the right eye when killing people. This time, I will do the opposite. I will save your remaining eye. , a good commemoration and collection.”

What she was describing was obviously not a pleasant thing. In Pu Siqinglan's concept, normal people would be more or less panicked in this situation, and would even cry and kneel down to beg for mercy.

However, Jiang Xia didn't give the reaction she wanted. Not to mention panic, for some reason, this guy started looking at her distractedly again.

This made Pu Siqinglan's originally calm heart once again spark a small flame of anger.

"Relax a little, so the blood won't spurt too high." She held Jiang Xia's face and tried her best to mock, "Don't be nervous, there are only two of us now, no matter how ugly your body is, it won't be seen by others. arrive."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised the knife in her hand and stabbed Jiang Xia in the eye.

The moment before the tip of the knife was about to pierce into the flesh, it stopped suddenly, making it difficult to move forward.

The person who was supposed to be under the influence of the anesthetic suddenly held her wrist.

"Yes." Jiang Xia sighed softly, as if she was regretting something, "There are only two of us."

Murderous Qi may only be able to harvest the last wave. After all, they are so close now, and Pu Siqinglan is using such an obvious killing method as a single blow... It will be difficult to "resurrection from the dead", and she can't really let her cut people open.

Jiang Xia: "..." But thinking on the bright side, it is already a miracle that he has been able to stay in the dark for so long and develop the murderous aura that tastes like Borscht three times in a row - all because Shi Kaobing always shoots his right eye when killing people. It’s only through not adapting that we can have the abundant harvest we have today.

He grabbed Pu Siqinglan's frantically struggling wrist, trying to squeeze out as much time as possible.

However, the skills of some people exceeded his expectations - before he could think of the best lines to provoke murderous intent, the door to the underground treasure house was suddenly pushed open next to him.

"...It's a pity that someone actually disturbed our two-person world." Jiang Xia was silent for a moment and had to look over there and temporarily changed the target of the squeeze. "It's really too indifferent."

Pu Siqinglan was startled and turned around quickly. She clearly remembered that she locked the complicated door again after entering. But now, the door was actually opened.

Looking back at this moment, she thought it was the detective's annoying accomplices who came in, but to her surprise, there were two strange men in black at the door.

...Although it was a guy she had never seen before. But for some reason, the siren in Pu Siqinglan's mind sounded loudly, and she felt extreme danger.

She didn't care about competing with Jiang Xia, and raised the gun with her other hand. But before she could take aim, Gin glanced at her from under the brim of her hat and pulled the trigger.

There was a gunshot, accompanied by the sound of metal colliding. The gun in Pu Siqinglan's hand flew far away. Then Vodka swooped over, threw her to the side, raised her hand and knocked her unconscious, completing the arrest.

Then he silently dragged the person away from Wuzuo, so that he could stay away from Jiang Xia. When he entered the door just now, Vodka heard Jiang Xia's words of "interrupting the world between two people", and he always It feels like this insidious behind-the-scenes director is taking advantage of the situation again to persecute innocent colleagues.

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