Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1400 1400 [Uzo overturned? 】

Thinking of this, Vodka couldn't help but become vigilant. He quietly looked back and saw that Jiang Xia's eyes were resting on him, and his eyes were even more evil than before.

Jiang Xia looked at the vodka, then at Shi Kaobing, and sighed sadly: It is difficult to lose murderous aura when she faints, and it will not continue to grow. It is even a little lighter than when she was awake just now. ... Vodka is too impulsive.

"..." Vodka tried his best to ignore Jiang Xia's gaze, turned to Gin, and reported the report as if nothing had happened, "Brother, we caught someone."

——The eldest brother asked him to open the door, and the eldest brother asked him to arrest the person. What are you watching him do? If you want to stare, just stare at the big brother!


While Vodka searched Pu Siqinglan's belongings, he secretly turned his head and looked at Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia was still lying on the ground, her eyes blinking, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Vodka looked at it twice and gradually felt that something was wrong: Uzo actually just expressed his dissatisfaction verbally and didn't come over to find trouble with his hands and feet... Could it be because he can't get up now?

...Shi Kaobing actually succeeded in stages?

This thought flashed across his mind. Vodka looked at Jiang Xia and then at the dagger Shi Kaobing dropped beside him. He regretted in his heart: Damn it, if I had known this, I should have slowed down when I cracked the electronic door just now and let Shi Kaobing. The God of War took care of Uzo without anyone noticing.

But the eldest brother was nearby at the time. If he became suspicious because of this...

Vodka: "..." Forget it, everything is in the past, and it is of no use whether it is regret or fear now. One cannot always look back, one must look forward optimistically.

For example, what happened this time gave people a glimpse of the light - when you later torture Shi Kaobing about whether she has other strongholds, remember to take the opportunity to ask her how she succeeded in defeating Uzo, and then quickly silence her... The man in black pushed Pushing up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a reflection flashed in his eyes.

Gin was originally looking at the situation of the underground treasure house.

Suddenly he realized that his younger brother was a little sneaky. He followed Vodka's gaze and his eyes fell on Jiang Xia. After being startled for a moment, his thinking was successfully led astray.

Ginjiu walked up to Jiang Xia and let out a gloating laugh: "Did you get rid of it?"

...I didn’t expect that Shi Kaobing’s anesthetic could actually take effect on Uzuo. He thought that this time it would be like the previous tube of poison that failed to work, and that Uzo or his subordinates would turn him around in advance.

Seeing the mastermind who controlled everything turn over, Gin felt a strange joy in his heart: This is a good lesson. Someone has to let Uzo know that not everything in the world is under his control. .


Ginjiu looked at Jiang Xia's expression, and suddenly realized: For some reason, this young cadre not only didn't have the regret, anger, and fear that normal people would have after overturning.

On the contrary, he was in a good mood.

This made Gin couldn't help but be silent for a moment: ...If it were the other way around, and Uzo not only didn't learn the lesson, but instead found fun in this kind of life-and-death gambling excitement, it wouldn't be so good?

Gin: "..." Tsk, you really should take Belmod with you when you go out. At least she knows a little bit about psychology, and maybe she knows how to use today's incident to steer things in the direction that's most beneficial to the organization.

Next to him, Jiang Xia didn't expect that just a few seconds after Vodka came in, a circle of murderous aura suddenly expanded.

He was thinking about the principle, and just when he figured it out, he saw Gin walking next to him and mocking him inexplicably.

"What are you trying to do?" Jiang Xia lowered his head and noted the position where he was lying, and let out a disdainful snort that was 99% similar to Gin, "You are overthinking, how could a real villain play with yourself... …”

As he spoke, he sat up and snapped his fingers.

"..." Gin suddenly had a premonition when he saw this exaggerated summoning action.

With a flicker of his peripheral vision, he quickly turned his head and saw a man in a black suit and sunglasses walking out from behind the pillars a few meters away, like a quiet shadow.

Gin looked at the position where Matsuda Jinpei was just now, and silently held the handle of the gun - until Uzo's subordinate came out, he didn't realize that there was anyone here at all. With such a close distance, if Xitu had wanted to make a sneak attack just now, he might actually be able to succeed.

This assumption made Gin's eyes become darker, and he secretly reflected that he had let down his guard too much just now.

Vodka's mood change was the opposite of Gin's: he breathed a strange sigh of relief and felt lighter - Uzo didn't seem to be under the influence of anesthesia, and there was this Situ watching quietly from the side. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Shi Kaobing to really kill someone just now.

In this way, he wouldn't have to regret that he cracked the electronic lock and picked the lock too quickly... The problem he had been struggling with for a while was solved just like that!

If you want to survive in an organization, you must always have a little optimism.

Vodka is optimistic at this point.

But when he thought about it, he suddenly noticed something. He thought of the extremely complicated lock in the underground treasure house and looked at Matsuda Jinpei in confusion: "Wait, how did you get in?"

Matsuda Jinpei: "..." He followed Jiang Xia and swaggered in, and then took the opportunity to use puppet clay to build his body behind the pillar... But there is no need to tell living people about this kind of thing, and they won't learn it if you tell them.

Although he is generally a talkative ghost, normal people cannot understand ghost talk after all.

Therefore, in the eyes of people other than psychics, "Xitu" at this time is just a cold tool man in black who says nothing and seems to have no soul and thoughts.

Seeing that he was completely ignoring her, Vodka felt a little embarrassed and snorted coldly: "If you can't speak, why can't you type? Why are you so cool!"

Jiang Xia remembered that he often used this puppet and joined their conversation: "Secrets make men more masculine. How can such stealth skills be taught randomly? However, if you are willing to come over and be my assistant, I will not Do you mind letting him teach you?"

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, feeling that it sounded strange to say this - Belmod's mantra was indeed not suitable for changing gender and applying it mechanically. Another day I should ask her tactfully if she has any other good lines and let’s talk...

Vodka didn't pay attention to whether this sentence was normal enough. The content of the second half of the sentence alone made him silently get goosebumps, and his face showed vigilance: "..." Uzo, this guy, only coveted his position before, how come he now starts to covet him? !

Thinking of this, the strong man in black couldn't help but look at the active Uzuo boy next to him.

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