Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1405 1405 [A must-have explosion in the theater version]

The sun shone in from the window above her head, and Mao Lilan stood in a warm beam of light. The broken glass at her feet shone like an angel falling on the lake.

But while Jiang Xia was moved, another thought flashed through her mind - if when she was choosing a place just now, she had chosen that side of the window to sit under...

"..." Jiang Xia silently added new important matters to the memo in her heart: In order to maintain the integrity and availability of the body, when she is in a closed space and Maori is outside and she has the intention to come in, The main unit must be seated away from doors or windows, or even away from walls. Otherwise, you may become a frequent visitor to the hospital...

After Mao Lilan, another person jumped in through the window that had just been kicked open.

After all, it was originally built as a garage. The ceiling is very high from the ground, as are the windows where the lighting is located.

The "White Bird Police Department" looked at the direction of the door from a distance and felt that it would be much easier to pry open the locked door from the inside, so he simply gave up and let the two people come up from the window.

"Don't be in a daze, go this way!" He memorized the direction of the door before he landed, beckoning others to run.

As soon as he finished speaking, the four corners of the garage suddenly exploded with a "boom". The face of the "White Bird Police Department" changed slightly: "Shi Kaobing actually planted a bomb here...this crazy thief!"

Jiang Xia glanced at Matsuda Jinping who was hiding behind the pillars from a distance.

Matsuda Jinpei nodded secretly to him, indicating that the problem was not big, and it was settled: before the three of them left here, the scene would only look intense, and when they left, the building would collapse on their heels - after all These bombs look like timing devices, but they are actually manually controlled and can be adjusted at any time according to the actual situation. Even if there is a slight error, he can use his skills to fine-tune the explosion time.

Jiang Xia was relieved.

He put away his cell phone, thinking that he should say some appropriate lines at this time, such as "Why did you come in?! Let's go!"

But Mao Lilan usually looks soft and soft, but at this time, her mobility is amazing. Before Jiang Xia could utter the first word, she had already rushed in front of him, and with a strong wind, she pulled him up from the ground, carried him on his back and ran away.

"..." I was carried twice by two "weak women" today. Especially this time, there were people watching. I always felt very humiliated...

Jiang Xia tried to land: "Well, myself..."


A violent explosion interrupted his words.

Matsuda Jinpei pressed the remote control again, and the explosion happened again. After the explosion, he felt that something was wrong: the master of the psychic seemed to have something to say just now, but he was interrupted.

After thinking for a moment, Matsuda Jinpei silently shrank deeper into the corridor and continued to concentrate on controlling the explosion, pretending that he had not heard anything just now.

Three people...two people ran wildly in the underground garage. The whole building shook endlessly, debris on the roof shattered and fell, scraping against their heels and collapsing, chasing behind them bit by bit, like the god of death biting its tail, it was thrilling.

The shocking effect of the movie's ending made Jiang Xia temporarily forget about the incident that had just been interrupted by the explosion.

Kidd rushed to the door and quickly opened the locked door. The moment the three people rushed out, there was a final explosion, and the garage and the building above collapsed, throwing up a huge cloud of smoke and dust. When the dust fell to the ground, there was only ruins left behind.

Kidd glanced back to confirm that they had run a safe enough distance, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: Escape from death. Such a coincidence of timing seemed like someone was controlling it behind the scenes.

But if you think about it carefully, with the level of vibration and explosion just now, surveillance might not be able to be used. The dust thrown up by the first explosion would also prevent the outside world from seeing clearly what was going on inside. This was impossible to do artificially.

Unless the person who set off the explosion was hiding in the underground garage just now. but……

The "White Bird Police Department" touched his chin: The building has collapsed like this. Even if the people in the underground garage do not die, they will probably be seriously injured and trapped underground. No one would give up their lives, just to let them stage a near-death escape... It seems that I am overthinking.

Kidd: "..." In addition, if I remember correctly, the Maori lady was quite lucky. She won whatever she drew during the lottery, especially the travel vouchers, which were always a hit. In other words, the three of them were able to escape smoothly, all thanks to this lucky female high school student... Tsk, Ou Huang has a really good physique.

"Hey - are you okay -!!"

Conan and Suzuki Sonoko have also rushed over.

In fact, when they left the "White Bird Police Department" just now, they followed here decisively. Unfortunately, Conan's legs were shorter than other high school students and he ran slower. When he came to his senses and tried to get the skateboard, he was already too late. As for Suzuki Sonoko... her legs are not short, but she simply can't run as fast as Kaitou and Mourilan.

At this time, Yi Yan quickly ran closer and saw that several people were fine. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he remembered that the dangerous "Shi Kaobing" might still be nearby: "Go to a hidden place and hide, be careful of her..."

Halfway through the words, Suzuki Sonoko was suddenly startled and looked at Mao Lilan: "Why do you have blood on your hands! I, I will call an ambulance, don't move!"

"!" Mao Lilan was also shocked, looking down at herself, a little scared.

It took a few seconds before she felt something was wrong: "Huh? I don't seem to feel any pain..."

As she said this, she suddenly remembered something. She turned to look at Jiang Xia and became nervous. She remembered that she had grabbed Jiang Xia with that hand just now, and Jiang Xia was wearing black clothes today. Now take a closer look...

Mao Lilan couldn't help but regret: "...I shouldn't have carried you just now, all the falling debris hit you."

Not carrying it?

Jiang Xia remembered the scene of being hugged by a delicate girl, shuddered silently, and shook his head decisively: "It has nothing to do with that." He sighed quietly, "...Gunmen are really the most hateful things in the world. ."

"Indeed... But let's not talk about it for now. Lie down quickly and I'll call you an ambulance!" After saying that, Mao Lilan remembered that Suzuki Sonoko had already called first aid just now - she was also an experienced dialer, and Sonoko was involved in this matter. on, completely trustworthy.

Next to him, the "White Bird Police Department" didn't pay much attention to this: he felt that the problem was not big from the look on Jiang Xia's face - the detective didn't look like he had lost too much blood, and even if he was injured, it shouldn't be serious. Just now he was sitting in the garage and had difficulty moving. There must be other reasons, such as the empty tube of anesthetic that Conan picked up.

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