Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1406 1406 [Case closed]

So now, the "White Bird Police Department" is actually more concerned about what's going on in that building. He peeked into the ruins from time to time: Are there really no monsters like leopards or fish in the underground garage? The foggy dog ​​shouldn't be in there. He always felt that even if he and Mao Lilan didn't show up just now, Jiang Xia probably had other ways to escape...

As a fellow monster insider, Kidd planned to take the opportunity to ask for details.

However, when he turned around, Jiang Xia had fallen asleep peacefully, looking like he didn't want to answer any questions.

Kidd: "..." I always feel like this guy is pretending to sleep. Is there really a monster underground protecting him secretly? Damn it, he really wants this kind of monster-friendly physique.

I was about to reach out and shake the person awake and quietly ask about the situation.

Just as he stretched out his hand, Conan happened to remember something and looked at him thoughtfully: "The White Bird Police Department is so busy, is it time to leave? - If it's too late, your colleagues won't come to pick you up."

"..." The "White Bird Police Department" retracted its hand silently: Threat, this is a naked threat! Detectives are indeed a bunch of bastards - who drove you all the way here, and then you throw them away after you use them, tui!

However, upon closer inspection, the huge movement of the building collapsing here did attract the attention of others. Many police cars rushing to search for Shi Kaobing turned this way, as if they wanted to confirm the situation. More and more police officers are gathering here, and if they continue to stay, there is indeed a risk of exposure.

"..." Forget it, at worst, I'll send a message to Wutiangou later to ask about the situation.

"White Bird Police Department" forced a smile: "A lot of things happened today. In this case, I will go to work first. You guys, be more careful."

A few streets away.

Gin glanced outside the window and finally landed on the rearview mirror of the truck.

He looked at the police cars chasing him down the street in the distance and sent out an email.

Soon, a police car collided with a private car, and the road instantly became congested. In the chaos, the "lucky" truck stepped on the accelerator and left "narrowly".

After waiting for a while, no new police cars were chasing behind me, and no private cars with the intention of tracking were seen.

They actually managed to get rid of the pursuers just like that.

"We only hit one car, so we can't continue tracking. The Tokyo police are really a bunch of trash." Gin snorted coldly, put the second, third, and fourth emergencies he was preparing to be on standby, and drove away in the truck.

The two of them had actually left the underground garage a long time ago, but in order to match the timing of the explosion, they hid nearby for a while, pretending that they had just driven out of the underground shortly before the explosion.

I originally thought that this would cause them a lot of trouble in "escape from police tracking".

But I didn't expect it to be very different from what I expected. Apart from being delayed for a while and sending a few more emails, nothing happened.

...Although there was an unpleasant feeling of giving the abacus to a pig, as a busy cadre, Gin didn't have much opinion on this. He just told Vodka: "Find a place to change cars, and then go to the base - Shi Kao Do not let your soldiers pass through other people's hands."

Vodka responded and drove in a different direction.

He thought of the shocking explosion just now and murmured in his heart: Big brother actually cooperated with Uzo's timing of the explosion. Although the bomb this time was an abandoned building, the population density around it was not too low. In addition, what exploded was the treasure house of the mysterious thief "Shi Kaobing", and now Uzo will definitely be in the news again.

Vodka: "..." A cadre who is supposed to pursue a hidden organization actually wants to manipulate the heat. Humph, neither fish nor fowl, not doing his job properly.

...But looking at the bright side, the faster Uzo's fame rises, the sooner he will have the opportunity to penetrate into the upper class society - those big shots with financial power are different from ordinary people who are easy to control. Uzo may one day overturn and board the high society. The silence list is on, hehe.

Even if not, when there are more interesting prey, Uzo's attention will gradually be distracted, and presumably he won't have to worry about him constantly staring at his colleagues for persecution. Thinking about it this way, Uzo's rapid growth is actually a good thing.

Vodka: "..." However, you must grow in a certain way, but don't ride a rocket to climb to the top of your elder brother. If your status really reaches that point, then Uzo will ask the boss to ask "Vodka" to be his younger brother, and maybe he can succeed. .

Thinking of this, Xitu's miserable face once again appeared in Vodka's mind, and he couldn't help but shudder: How in the world was he being targeted by Uzo? Can't he change it? I hope Uzo's statement about wanting him to be his younger brother was just a joke...

The other side is different from what I imagined with vodka.

Although Jiang Xia did miss him a little, she didn't really intend to treat him as her younger brother. After all, Vodka has been in the organization for a long time and has done a lot of practical things. His status in society is not secure. Before, Jiang Xia just thought of "assistant" and said it casually.

Of course, the organization's affairs have nothing to do with the righteous detective at this time.

Jiang Xia was like an ordinary detective who had been affected by a robber, waiting for the ambulance to pick him up.

Seeing the vehicle coming from a distance, Jiang Xia suddenly remembered that Mao Lilan hit the window just now: "Why don't you go check it out too?"

"Me?" Mao Lilan moved his body a little and didn't feel anything was wrong. "I don't need it."

Having said that, more than one ambulance came because the building collapsed. Now there is only one injured person, and it is empty. I heard that Mao Lilan had just rolled on the broken glass, and the emergency personnel immediately paid attention to her and took her back to the hospital.

After an inspection, Mao Lilan was indeed unscathed, with no scratches on her body. Only the clothes were a little scratched. Fortunately, she brought spare clothes with her when she went out. After putting them on, she looked like a brand new high school girl again.

Next door, Jiang Xia briefly checked the situation around the hospital. Finding that it was quite safe here, he took back the ghosts and shikigami floating outside, took care of the hospital's examination, and then slept peacefully.

When she got up the next day, Jiang Xia turned on the TV in the ward and saw that the news that "the identity of the mysterious thief 'Shi Kaobing' has been exposed" had already made the headlines.

——The brutal robber who used the very unique method of "shooting in the right eye" to silence all those who might reveal her identity was actually just a young woman in her twenties. This news in itself is shocking enough. Coupled with the fact that "Shi Kaobing" had previously kept the information highly confidential, the value of this news has once again increased.

This time, there are quite a lot of people who know that "Pu Siqing Lan" is "Shi Kaobing".

Her related images were also dug out from passing surveillance cameras. Although they were a little blurry, the appearance of the person in the picture could still be seen. I also heard that some reporters wanted to interview the brave detective who had last contacted her, but they were blocked by the hospital and the police passing by the hospital.

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