Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1439 1439 [I’m just working]

"So the deceased should have been the only one in the room at that time." Police Department Megu smiled at each other and answered in tacit understanding, "It can be seen that this was a deeply regrettable accidental fall."

The two high-fived each other, looking like they had just solved a difficult case.

Conan: "..."

He always felt that there was something hidden behind the matter, but it was difficult to piece together a chain of evidence for a while, so he could not refute the two old policemen.

Just as he was about to find more evidence, he suddenly found Jiang Xia standing by the balcony, silently looking at the deep night outside.

Conan came closer and felt that he and Jiang Xia had more in common: "What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Xia sighed faintly: "I was wondering why some people always like to find detectives as their alibi makers. Is it because the conclusion drawn in this way is more authoritative?"

"?" Conan blurted out, "You know the murderer again?!"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "I'm not sure yet, I just have this feeling - but this shouldn't be an accident, but someone secretly manipulating it behind the scenes."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Jiang Xia had not found all the evidence like him.

This shows that the current evidence itself is inconsistent, not that his thinking ability has deteriorated.

While thinking about it, Conan nodded heavily and expressed euphemistically that he was currently at the same progress as Jiang Xia: "It's really wrong for a person to fall and his shoe to fall so far."

Jiang Xia took advantage of the police to take photos and collect evidence at the scene, then turned and walked towards the door: "Let's go out and have a look."

The two people left Room 501 where the deceased lived, found the stairs at the same time, and went up along it.

After passing the 6th floor, there is the rooftop.

The administrator did not lie. The iron door leading to the rooftop was indeed locked and could not be entered.

"The higher the deceased falls, the easier it is for his slippers to fall. Since it's not a rooftop, then..."

The only eligible location seems to be the 6th floor.

"Let's go to 601 and have a look." Jiang Xia turned and went downstairs.

Conan took out his cell phone and started flipping through the photo album: "When I came up just now, I took a photo of the mailbox downstairs. The person who lives in 601 is, um... named Kanda?!"

"This surname is not too common. This must be your client." After Conan was startled, he suddenly understood, "No wonder you were talking about 'alibi' by the balcony just now. When you passed by the mailbox on the first floor, Have you discovered that something is wrong?...Those media who like to make things up are right about one thing, you guys really stole God's script."

Jiang Xia politely pushed the pot back: "Let's not talk about whether I stole the script or not, why did you take a picture of the mailbox on the first floor? You must have realized something, so you took the picture secretly."

Conan: "..." Huh? Right. Thinking about it this way, could it be that my intuition on the case is not weaker than Jiang Xia's, but that my intuition is blocked by my strong sense?

Although Jiang Xia summed it up like that, it seemed as if he had become more powerful than him.

But Conan still said matter-of-factly and modestly: "I really didn't think too much about it just now. It's just based on experience. In such murders that occur in apartment buildings, the location of each resident can often come in handy. And the most intuitive way to show the location is , it’s the mailbox at the door of the building. That’s why I secretly took photos to keep the certificate..."

As he was talking, he suddenly found Jiang Xia stopped.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked, looking up.

He was also startled when he saw the end of the corridor on the sixth floor.

——Standing at the corner of the corridor, looking from a distance, there was another person at the door of 601.

The man was wearing a florist's uniform and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was standing at the door of Kanda's client, talking to the people inside.

The door to Dr. Kanda's house was opened a crack.

Unexpectedly, even though there was a large group of policemen downstairs, Dr. Kanda's awareness of prevention was still strong, even a little too strong - there was an anti-theft chain on his door, and the door was only opened a small crack. Talk to the flower shop employee outside through the gap.

When Jiang Xia and the others arrived, the conversation seemed to have come to an end.

Conan tried his best to hold his ears open, but he only heard the last words of the person who sent the flowers: "That's it, I'm sorry to bother you."

Afterwards, the door clicked shut and the two ended their conversation.

The flower shop employee held the flowers in his arms and did not leave immediately. Instead, he looked at the door and straightened the baseball cap on his head thoughtfully. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Conan tugged on Jiang Xia's sleeve and whispered, "Do you think the flower shop clerk's complexion looks familiar?"

Jiang Xia: "..." In fact, you can completely remove the "skin color". After all, this flower shop employee looks familiar to him everywhere he looks.

The whispers between the two seemed to disturb the people at the door of the house.

The flower shop employee frowned and looked over. He was startled when he saw clearly one tall and one short on the opposite side of the corridor.

He quickly approached with flowers in his arms: "Why are you here?"

Conan: "..." He also wanted to ask why this suspicious detective agency boss was here.

But looking at it like this, you can guess it.

Conan asked bluntly: "Uncle Amuro, are you working part-time again?"

Toru Amuro looked away from Jiang Xia and glanced down at him: "..." This kid always calls brother when something happens and uncle when nothing happens. It's hard not to doubt that he did it on purpose.

But as a mature undercover agent, how could he compete with a primary school student?

He replied calmly: "I'm here to help the flower shop deliver flowers, but now it seems that someone is playing a prank..."

There is obviously something more hidden in the matter. Toru Amuro did not elaborate and changed the topic.

He asked the question he had just asked again, "What about you? What are you doing here?"

After pausing for a moment, he thought of the police car downstairs and looked at Jiang Xia in front of him. Amuro Toru's eyes twitched slightly, "...Is there another case?"

Jiang Xia nodded and briefly introduced the situation: "There was an 'accident'. The deceased was a resident on the 5th floor downstairs. We just went to his house to have a look and found..."

Having said this, he paused and looked at Toru Amuro, hesitant to speak.

Amuro Toru felt something was wrong acutely - he found that the way Jiang Xia looked at him seemed to think that he was related to this matter.

This made him immediately alert and asked: "What did you find?"

Jiang Xia then continued like a reading machine: "It's like this. The deceased downstairs seems to have been targeted by a group of mysterious people recently. He is always threatened and harassed by the other party. The deceased's friends are very worried about him. situation, so he wanted to entrust me to find the group. But as soon as I arrived, the deceased fell from the building and fell into the alley next to the apartment, and died on the spot."

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