Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1440 1440 [Why target Bourbon]

Toru Amuro read this passage over and over again and felt that it had nothing to do with him and could not explain Jiang Xia's strange behavior just now.

He then tentatively analyzed: "It sounds like those who threatened him entered his home, and in order to escape, he tried to jump from his balcony to the roof of the opposite building, but failed to stand firm and fell?"

Jiang Xia was about to nod.

But at this moment, Conan's eyes sharpened next to him.

He pushed up his glasses, and a reflection flashed across the lenses: "Uncle Amuro, you have never entered the deceased's home. Why do you think he would escape from the balcony to the building opposite? Are you familiar with the environment of these two buildings? ?”

Toru Amuro: "..." Is it an illusion? I always feel that this little kid likes to target him.

It is true that he has never entered the deceased's home. However, whether he is a police officer, a member of an organization, or both a police officer and a member of an organization... When arriving in a new environment, it is best to first observe the terrain and find out various hidden routes. Basic instinct. After all, he wants to ensure that he can escape at any time, or take shortcuts to chase people at any time.

Compared with the various complex environments he had seen before, the small apartment in front of him was simply the most basic level of difficulty.

Toru Amuro: "..." But if he really said this reason, I'm afraid Conan would ask random questions again.

Although there is no actual damage, it is annoying to be pestered by a child asking "why why, why on earth"... Looking at it this way, Jiang Xia is really patient and is actually willing to play with this talkative child.

While thinking about it, he said perfunctorily with hard-to-refute reasons: "When I looked at houses before, this apartment was also among my choices, so I saw the schematic diagram here and went in with the agent to actually check it out. "

Conan: "..."

He failed to find any relevant points related to today's case and temporarily stopped working.

Jiang Xia waited patiently for them to finish their fight. Unfortunately, he found that the coffee-smelling murderous aura did not increase, so he had to continue what he had just said: "But the strange thing is that after entering the deceased's room, we found that the door was locked from behind, and there were no signs of a fight in the room. "No one else seemed to be intruding. And the deceased didn't look anxious - he even had a bottle of bourbon to drink from."

Toru Amuro: "?!"

...Bourbon? ?

He was extremely sensitive to this word. After all, it was his code name in the organization. He had been using it for a long time and was as familiar as his name.

Hearing this, Toru Amuro finally understood why Jiang Xia's expression was so strange just now - this clever subordinate had laid the groundwork so that he could naturally say "Bourbon" when others were present. thing.

Toru Amuro: "..." It would be fine if there was just a bottle of bourbon on the table, but now, his "bourbon" happened to appear around the scene around the time of the crime.

In addition, the deceased was "recently being threatened by a group of mysterious people"... All kinds of clues were added together. From Jiang Xia's perspective, this was really a coincidence.

Perhaps Jiang Xia thought that the deceased was the target of "Bourbon" and that there was an organization involved in this matter, so he tentatively asked him.

Toru Amuro also felt that it was too coincidental and there might be a hidden agenda behind it.

But fortunately, his expression management ability has always been good, and the warning in his heart is not shown on his face.

Following Jiang Xia's words, he pondered: "Such a thing still exists. It seems more like a premeditated murder than an accident - you guys, please be careful. I'll go to the 5th floor to check the situation first."

With that said, he didn't stay any longer and left in a hurry.

Wait until his footsteps completely fade away.

Conan couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Have you noticed that boss Amuro always seems to be working near the crime scene?"

Jiang Xia gave him a complicated look.

After being stared at by him like this, Conan came to his senses and was silent for a moment: "..." Well, putting aside all kinds of colored glasses, the probability of appearing at the crime scene is better than that of Jiang Xia and Uncle Maoli. Boss Amuro is too tall.

Doubt is doubt, and one must be rational and objective when looking at people and things. At least in this case, there is one person who is obviously more suspicious than Boss Amuro.

Thinking this, Conan temporarily withdrew his attention from Toru Amuro and turned to look at Room 601.

——The name card says "Kanda", which is exactly where the client lives.

"Go in and take a look?"

Jiang Xia said as he stepped forward and pressed the doorbell.

The doorbell made a dull click, but no music came out.

Jiang Xia was slightly startled and retracted his hand: "It seems to be broken, so let's knock on the door."

He was about to knock, but before he started, he suddenly remembered Dr. Kanda's vigilant look when he faced Toru Amuro just now.

So he turned to stand on the other side and signaled to Conan in a low voice: "You knock. Children are more likely to let people relax their vigilance."

Conan: "..." The two of them were obviously here to investigate the case, but now they seem to be trying to trick the door into doing something bad...

However, the identity of a child is indeed useful. After thinking about it, Conan did not refuse.

He walked forward and started knocking on the door, accompanied by an innocent child's voice: "Uncle Kanda, Uncle Kanda! Are you at home? Uncle Kanda!"

After knocking for nearly a minute, Dr. Kanda finally responded.

He hurriedly came to the door, pushed open the door with the anti-theft chain, and opened it a crack as wide as the width of his hand.

A child's face appeared outside the door.

The child saw him and showed an innocent smile: "Uncle, can you give me a glass of water? I just wanted to get water downstairs, but Uncle Maoli punched me and told me not to touch things in the house. But I'm so thirsty."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the stairs with a guilty conscience: If Uncle Maori heard about this, he might get punched again.

Dr. Kanda saw only a child at the door and was not suspicious. Remembering his gentle persona, he did not refuse the request.

Soon, he closed the door briefly, took off the anti-theft chain, opened the door, and said kindly: "Come in."

"Thank you uncle!"

Conan trotted into the house.

Dr. Kanda was about to close the door when he suddenly discovered that there was another person following the child.

Facing his shocked gaze, Jiang Xia smiled even friendlier than him: "I'm sorry, because those who threatened the deceased who caused the deceased to fall may still be nearby. I was worried that something would happen to the child running around alone, so I followed him - —You’re such a nice person, I’m sure you won’t mind.”

Dr. Kanda's forehead twitched hard, and he wanted to regret it immediately and pack these two people up and throw them out, lest they find any traces that were detrimental to him in his room.

...But the matter has come to this, and doing so will only reveal one's own suspicion.

Instead, give them a glass of water and send them away quickly, so that you are less likely to expose yourself.

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