Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1499 1499 [This place is taken over by Uzo]

Haihara Ai: "..." The description of original hand always sounds a bit strange...

The scene of a group of men in black chopping off other people's hands and then reattaching them appeared in her mind. A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her back. She quickly patted her head to get the strange scene out of her mind.

Chief Anna nodded thoughtfully. She was about to say something when she suddenly noticed that Inspector Asa had turned back at some point. At this time, the middle-aged man was leaning at the door, staring at them faintly.

"!" Chief Anna remembered what she had just said and hurriedly changed her words to Jiang Xia, "If I find new clues, I will contact the police inspector and you as soon as possible. If I don't find it, forget it."

Inspector Asa snorted in displeasure and ignored this unsatisfactory subordinate.

He looked at the detective and his companion: "Over there in the coffee shop, you are also witnesses. Stop hanging around here and follow us quickly!"

The cafe is not too far from here.

Not long after, a group of people came to the store, and the clerk hurriedly greeted them.

"That lady in gothic lolita costume?" The clerk in the cafe was obviously very impressed by this uniquely dressed customer. "Yes, she came over around one o'clock - she was sitting on this seat at the time."

As he spoke, the clerk guided them to a seat in the corner.

Inspector Asa nodded and took out the photo of the deceased to show her: "Look carefully, are you sure it's her?"

The clerk murmured: "It should be. That customer's clothes are very fashionable, but she is actually very introverted and speaks in a low voice. I have to work hard to hear her voice clearly. She doesn't even dare to look around. So I couldn’t find any nearby watches, so I asked for the time.”

"Then ten minutes later -" she gestured to Zhuangtang Weijia, who was mixed in with the police team, "this guest also came over."

Inspector Asa looked at the seat and then at Zhuangtang Weijia: "Did she leave after that?"

The clerk thought for a while: "This customer has been at her seat the whole time. She even asked me to help her go to the restroom outside the store to find her companion. She didn't leave until she took a phone call just now."

Inspector Asa sighed: "In that case, it seems that the murderer is indeed not Miss Zhuangtang." From this store to the park restroom, whether you walk through the middle or drive around, it takes at least thirty minutes to go back and forth. .


Hearing him come to this conclusion, Conan silently pushed up his glasses, and a cool reflection flashed across the lenses.

He whispered: "That's not necessarily the case."

After saying that, Conan looked at Jiang Xia, intending to look at each other, and then smile at each other like equally matched opponents - even if it is difficult to surpass Jiang Xia in terms of results, it is still considered a success if he is not thrown away by him in small stages of reasoning. kind of progress.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Jiang Xia was looking down at her phone and was distracted.

Conan: "...?"

He leaned over and took a look, and saw Jiang Xia sitting in the seat next to him, with a small game on the screen of his mobile phone.

The game looks quite complicated, and Jiang Xia seems to be thinking intently.

Conan: "..." Actually playing games at this time?

...Has this guy already cracked the case and confirmed that the murderer can't escape, so he just started playing? ?

Conan looked at the big pendulum that was constantly rotating on his phone, and felt like he had been hit on the head by a hammer.

However, as an optimistic high school student, he quickly took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his mentality: ...Looking on the bright side, although the speed of solving the case is a little behind, at least he now has the opportunity to solve the mystery slowly!

With more opportunities to exercise, your abilities will improve accordingly.

If this continues, sooner or later, he will be transformed into a new generation answering machine.

Conan: "..." So the key now is to use the hands of the police to solve the case at hand.

With this in mind, Conan trotted over to Jiang Xia, who was meditating, and whispered, "Lend it to me."

Then he went over without permission and pretended to have heard something: "Oh, that's it! I understand everything. Brother Jiang Xia is so awesome!"

Matsuda Jinpei was leaning on Jiang Xia's shoulder, playing with the murderous aura smelling of smoke.

Suddenly Conan whispered into its ear, the corners of its eyes twitched, and it silently moved to the side: "..." Are all high school detectives so dramatic?

However, in this comparison, the acting skills of the psychic master are at least more natural...

The others lived up to Conan's hard-working performance. They were attracted by the movement here and looked over: "What's wrong?"

Conan raised his hand and pointed at Zhuangtang Weijia: "Brother Jiang Xia said that this guest is not without suspicion - because the killed witch sister is very difficult to recognize! Don't you think so?"

Inspector Asa frowned and thought for a moment, then failed to think: "...What a mess."

As a fake child, Haiyuan Ai suddenly understood:

"Indeed, when wearing Gothic lolita costumes, there is usually matching makeup - the wearer needs to make the skin pale and apply heavy mascara. Compared with the makeup, the face becomes less memorable.

“And I heard from the clerk that the Gothic lolita spoke in a very low voice, maybe because she deliberately disguised her voice.

"In other words, around one o'clock, the 'goth loli' we saw in the cafe may not be the deceased. Maybe it was just another person pretending to be her."

Inspector Asaph: "..." He was actually reminded by a child, and his words sounded very reasonable...

He remained calm on his face and nodded: "Yes, we must first confirm the identity of the guest wearing Gothic lolita costume!"

the other side.

Jiang Xia's consciousness possessed the puppet, and then drove Miss Spider's puppet and walked along the street looking for it.

Soon, he stopped in front of a clothing store.

The woman in black looked up at the sign and pushed the door open.

She looked at the person who came up to her: "Are you the store manager here?"

"That's right!"

This is a store that sells "gothic lolita" style clothing. The store manager is wearing a black dress and beautiful makeup around her eyes.

She stared at the customer in front of her with bright eyes - this lady must fit the style of her shop very well! Just put on your clothes and place them at the door, and you're a ready-made model...

I was thinking expectantly.

At this time, the guest suddenly stretched out his hand and placed a filled check in front of her.

"Is this...?" The store manager was shocked when he saw the amount above, "Are you going to buy everything in the store?!"

... She had only seen this kind of private venue scene in TV dramas before, but she didn't expect that she would actually encounter it in person now!

However, facing her question, the woman in black opposite shook her head: "Lend me this store for a few days."

"The store...lend it to you?" The store manager looked at her blankly, unable to understand what she meant.

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