Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1500 1500 [Okiya Subaru: There is Usa, no, there is Usa, no]

Chapter 1500 1500 [Okiya Subaru: There is Usa, no, there is Usa, no...]

"From now on, I am the shop owner here. However, when I am not using it, you can come back to do business at any time. All sales during this period will belong to you."

Store manager: "..."

She was a little hesitant, mainly because she had never heard of such a request, so she instinctively worried that it was a scam.

Just as she was thinking about it, something flashed out of the corner of her eye.

Looking down, he saw the woman in black handing out another check, with the same understatement and the same shocking amount.


A second later, the shop owner held her cold hand: "Deal! Dress up as a shop manager and experience life. I understand, I understand. I just want to travel recently, so I will leave this place completely to you!"

Store manager: "..." It doesn't matter if it's a fraud. Unless the other party can defraud the entire land, the money will be enough for her to build another store and buy everything in the store.

The store manager is a cheerful person.

After making the decision, she took this customer with strange requirements around the store, told her some things to pay attention to when opening a store, and briefly became familiar with the store's procedures.

During the explanation, she secretly glanced at the woman in black and found that she was really listening attentively.

The store manager secretly breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that he has thought too much, this is probably just an ordinary experience transaction.

After explaining the matter, the store manager trotted into the back bedroom, quickly packed his suitcase, and then happily took the two checks in his pocket, preparing for a quick trip.

Both of them were very satisfied with this unexpected transaction.

After the store manager left, Jiang Xia drove Miss Spider's puppet and looked at the new store - the money on the check was all the capital-free money from the gold sold in the boss's old house, and if you calculate it, the money for renting the store was Even a small amount of money can't even use up the decoration on a golden sculpture.

And there’s no need to worry about leaks. The account opened by Ma Jia, the check signed by Ma Jia, no matter who it is, if you want to check it, you can only find Ma Jia.

And if someone really notices something strange about this store and investigates in depth, then maybe he can rent an additional capable person with murderous aura...

After walking around the store, I suddenly heard a bit of chaos on the street.

Jiang Xia drove Miss Spider's puppet to the door of the store and looked out like a curious melon-eater.

I saw a few foreign plainclothes people busy on the street.

"Have you found someone?"

"I saw it just now, but in the blink of an eye I didn't know where to hide."

"If he can run away, he must be a repeat offender!"

"That's right, with so many shopping bags, he can still slip away from our surroundings. That guy is really slipperier than a loach - how can a serious person have such an ability? Even a well-trained policeman would find it difficult to do this. Come on, Inspector Asa has really sharp eyes, there is definitely something wrong with that man, he might be the murderer of the public toilet murder case!"

Several people left cursing.

Jiang Xia: "..." Why is Wuzuo's little brother no longer a serious person?

Discrimination, you guys, this is naked discrimination.

However, there is nothing to argue with a few policemen who do not risk murder.

Jiang Xia followed the pattern and listened to the news from the ghosts, and nodded slightly.

Then he locked the store door and returned to the store.

On the intricate streets.

Okiya Subaru held his breath and hid behind the mobile newsstand. He and a guy who looked like a plainclothes man were walking around in a blind corner.

Then while the other party lowered his head to check the message, he silently rushed into the side alley.

In the alley.

After temporarily breaking away from the sight of various "passers-by". Okiya Subaru wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling more and more something was wrong.

He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "Although it is indeed inappropriate to hit someone on the street, it was completely a misunderstanding at the time - I thought the person behind me was going to stab me with a knife, so I ducked, but who knew that the guy was just using ice cream?" Stab someone.

"And when I looked back and found that the other party didn't have a murder weapon in his hand, I immediately stopped in a friendly manner... So why did things become like this? There must have been too many police officers coming to see me!"

Just as I was thinking about it, the exit on the other side of the alley arrived.

Okiya Subaru stopped and took advantage of the cover of the billboard to carefully look out.

Then he desperately discovered that there were police officers searching for him - the young couple kissing next to the phone booth, the bald man at the door of the lottery station... Even the driver in the truck looked like a plainclothes man.

Okiya Subaru: "..." As for that. Did he accidentally drop some British royal family? To actually send so many people to look for him, the search for the murderer was only on this scale at best.

Thinking of this, Okiya Subaru was suddenly startled.

...Wait, a murder case? !

He was horrified and suddenly realized that he had overlooked a certain fatal element.

...Uzo! !

Okiya Subaru: "..." Could it be that he accidentally stepped into the script again, and this time the character was the murderer? ! Or was he an unlucky passerby who was regarded as a murderer and died accidentally during the escape, thus casting a tragic shadow on the story?

...Speaking of which, if the person who caused him to be chased all over the street was really Uzo, would there be any point in running?

Okiya Subaru was distracted and forgot to dodge his gaze.

In the distance, a plainclothes man turned around. Seeing the corner of the shopping bag exposed on his side, the plainclothes eyes sharpened and soon returned to calm.

After a while, he began to approach here as if nothing had happened.

Okiya Subaru moved his peripheral vision and noticed the police's movement from the reflection of the street window. He quickly came to his senses, and driven by the desire to survive, he instinctively retreated back to the alley.

But after retreating a few meters, Okiya Subaru suddenly stopped: If I remember correctly, there were also several plainclothes policemen on the street on the other side of the alley. These policemen must have maintained contact with each other.

If he just went back the same way, he might run into the group from before. There is no way out on either side unless...

Okiya Subaru raised his head and looked at the roof.

This alley is very narrow. If you try hard, you can hold on to both sides and climb up, but...

He was lost in thought and kept muttering in his mind: "Does all this really make sense? If this was already Uzo's stage, then when I climbed up, I would probably have stepped on the wall just before reaching the roof. moss, then slid down, hit the ground head first, and fell to his death.

"But, what if this is really just a coincidence, without Uzo's intervention? - They have successfully arrived in the UK and taken the most difficult step of 'leaving Tokyo'. If we give up now..."

His thoughts flickered, swinging back and forth between wanting to live a few more years and fearing Uzo.

Before he could figure out a result, there was a sudden crunch behind him.


Okiya Subaru turned around cautiously and found that a window on the wall behind him was gently pushed open.

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