Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1507 1507 [Okiya Subaru: Death is knocking on the door]

"You first propose to the deceased to wear a 'twin costume' for a trip today, and arrange to meet at the park at the scene of the crime, and ask her to bring the gothic lolita costume she bought last night. You changed into clothes in the restroom of the park.

"After that, you can just find an excuse to help her arrange her clothes, and make her back to you, then you can strangle her neck from behind and strangle her smoothly."

Zhuangtang Weijia: "You don't have a certificate...!"

"The evidence is in your own hands. When you raised your hand just now, two band-aids were exposed on your left hand near the wrist. Standing behind the deceased and suppressing her across the toilet, you will not mess up your clothes. But her hands were inevitably scratched.

"Before death, the deceased's fake nails were stained with fragments of your skin and blood. In order not to expose yourself, you could only remove all her fake nails after killing her, and also remove your own to keep them consistent. So when you walk into the cafe, you look like a gothic lolita, but you are not wearing fake nails.

"Besides, the injury on your wrist..."

Next to him, Inspector Asa's phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up casually: "Hello? Anna, what's wrong? Did you find fake nails?...What?!"

Inspector Asa looked at Zhuangtang Weijia with a face of surprise: "Blood reactions were found on the toilet paper rack in the toilet cubicle next door - after preliminary testing, the blood type of the blood was not consistent with that of the deceased. In other words... …”

His eyes fell on the wound on Zhuangtang Weijia's wrist.

On the other side of the phone, Anna's voice sounded very happy: "Sure enough, just like Jiang Xia said, you can find the murderer's blood stains in the public toilet if you look for an area that is extra clean and seems to have been specially wiped - every instruction can help We found a solid line of investigation, no wonder the detectives in Tokyo are so famous."

"..." Inspector Asa, "work hard! There are a lot of things to deal with over there."

He hung up the phone with his blank subordinate, snorted, and looked at Zhuangtang Weijia: "The real murder scene was actually in another compartment, but during the murder, you didn't expect that you were scratched by the deceased and drew blood. , so we had to wipe the area stained with blood. Then in order to prevent us from discovering abnormalities, we moved the body to the next cubicle.

"In addition, after we called, you rushed over quickly like a true friend who was shocked by the accidental death of a friend. You probably didn't have time to run too far in the middle. In other words, the clothes you used to disguise yourself, etc., must have You can find it on the way from the cafe to the toilet, right?

"So now, can you provide some blood? We need to compare it with the blood stains found at the crime scene."

Zhuangtang Weijia's expression changed several times.

In the end, there may be no way to escape guilt.

She finally sneered and stretched out her hand: "If you want blood, come and get it. Anyway, everything was taken away from me by Wei Hong, so I don't need this little blood."

Inspector Asa looked at her and thought of cases in recent years: "...Another tragic story of stealing a boyfriend?"

Zhuangtang Weijia said sadly: "Oh, that was just the last straw that crushed me - when I was twenty years old, my peaceful life was suddenly broken. I was fired from the company, kicked out by the landlord, and all my friends... Stay away from me, I will betray you.

"The only person who stayed with me was Wei Hong, who I grew up with. She introduced me to her father's company, and I was able to work as a related household in that big company. I even lived in the apartment she had arranged. In the apartment, everything seems to be starting over again.”

Dr. A Li heard a question mark: "Listen to what you said, hasn't she been helping you? What has been taken away from you? The difficult life experience?"

"Oh, what do you know!" Zhuangtang Weijia suddenly became furious, "It wasn't until a while ago that I accidentally learned that all the sudden misfortunes I experienced when I was twenty were not because of my bad luck, but because Weihong was playing tricks on me behind the scenes. !”

"Before the accident that made me lose everything, we talked once. She said that she only had me as a friend and wanted us to never be separated in our lives. I felt that she was too dependent on me, so I told her that everyone has their own In life, I can't always be with her, and then she will..."

Zhuangtang Weijia gritted her teeth: "I trust her so much and never thought she was the one who harmed me, but she ruined my whole life!"

Zhuangtang Weijia's sad and angry voice echoed in the front store.

At this time, in the bedroom at the back, a spectator was quietly sighing.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Oh, it's such a pitiful feeling.

...No, now is not the time to sigh, it’s time to turn off the phone. After all, now that the case is over, Miss Misa may return to her bedroom at any time. It would be too embarrassing if she found that the person she took in had cracked her password and used her computer without authorization.

Okiya Subaru pressed the power off button and looked at the darkened pink screen. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: Misa. Such a kind and lovely name, this must be the angel who saved him from Uzo.

It's a pity that he is about to run away to the United States, and Miss Misa has her own life, otherwise I really want this wonderful encounter to continue...

Just as I was thinking about it, the screen went completely black, reflecting the scene like a mirror.

Okiya Subaru accidentally glanced above and suddenly froze: Judging from the reflection, there seemed to be a small area of ​​darkness under the crack of the bedroom door?

He turned around quickly and saw clearly the scene behind him.

Under the crack of the bedroom door, there are actually two shadows. They are a person's feet - there is someone outside the door!

When the detectives and police were solving the case, a person quietly passed through this barrier and came to the corridor behind... Who was this person and how did he do it? What did this silent person want to do when he suddenly blocked his door? !

The alarm in Okiya Subaru's head was buzzing. He silently held the vase next to him, tensed his whole body, and stared at the bedroom door.

Under his gaze, the man stood at the door without making a sound or moving. Just standing quietly, like a warning, like a shadow of death.

At the same time, outside the bedroom door.

Conan put his ear against the door, trying to eavesdrop on what was going on in the room.

As he listened, he felt that he heard the sound of the computer host shutting down.

After the low hum disappeared, there was no sound at all in the room.

Conan listened for a few seconds and gradually felt something was wrong: "..." Why did that person suddenly shut down his phone? Forget it, but after turning off the phone, most people will usually quickly perform other actions and make some noise, but at this time, it is not like that in the room at all.

Wait, could it be...

Conan lowered his head and looked at the old door in front of him and its gap that was wider than a normal door. He broke into a cold sweat - the person in the room might have noticed someone outside!

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