Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1508 1508 [Case closed]

Conan froze for a moment, then, covered in cold sweat, silently moved away and hid behind a full-length clothes rack in the corridor.

He held his breath and hid behind the wide and fluffy skirt for a few seconds. He was just trying to see if anyone was chasing him from the bedroom.

But not yet poking his head out.

Boom, boom, boom

The bedroom door was knocked lightly several times.

The man knocked on the door unhurriedly and leisurely, as if he already knew that someone was snooping in the corridor, but he didn't care. Instead, out of politeness, he knocked and said hello.

It didn't sound like the other party had any ill intentions.

However, thinking of "that adult" behind the woman in black, Conan couldn't understand it in a good direction - was the knocking sound just now a warning to him from the person on the door? !

At the same time, Conan was not the only one whose heart rate spiked.

Separated by a wall.

When Subaru Okiya heard those few blows, he was stunned for a moment: someone who was so elusive and didn't panic at all when he was discovered, but showed a trace of righteousness, must be Wu...!

Okiya Subaru: "..." No, calm down.

Theoretically, Uzo should still be in Tokyo now.

And compared to this, what should we do now? ——The man outside is knocking on the door.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Do you want to open the door and take a look?

If the person knocking on the door is really Uzo, locking him out will only make his death worse.

It's better to just open it and take a look. If it were someone else, there would be room for change. If it were Uzo, there would be no point in struggling...

Having said that, his reason allowed Subaru Okiya to open the door and check, but his feet remained fixed in place, refusing to move a step towards the door.

Okiya Subaru was hiding behind the door, and Conan was hiding behind the clothes rack in the corridor, while they were brainstorming.

Bedroom door.

Taking advantage of the dim light in the corridor, a cat with dark clouds and snow squatted at the base of the dark wall and quietly retracted its paw that had just knocked on the door.

Then he looked left and right, and furtively raised his paw to tap a few times.

After that, it hid its merits and fame and spread out in a low profile.

Another knock on the door finally broke some delicate balance.

In the bedroom.

A heavy step with a look of death slowly walked to the door. Subaru Okiya raised his hand and pressed the doorknob.

Click, the door was opened a crack.

At the same time, a few meters away, behind the full-length clothes rack in the corridor.

Conan poked half of his head out and looked at this scene, his heartbeat pounding violently, and he swallowed unconsciously.

The moment the door was about to open, allowing him to see clearly the people in the room.


At the other end of the corridor, a voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan seemed to realize that a child was missing, and looked for him along the corridor: "What are you hiding here for?"

Mao Lilan took a few steps closer, looked at this "naughty kid", and picked him up skillfully: "The store in front is where customers can enter. This is the store manager's private space. Good kids are not allowed to break in." oh."

The two people took the naughty child they had picked up and returned to the front store without disturbing the beautiful store manager too much.

Conan was lifted away stiffly.

On the way, he struggled to look back and found that the door that had been opened slightly had closed again, like a closed secret.

After the three of them walked away.

In the bedroom behind the Gothic Loli clothing store.

Okiya Subaru leaned against the door, slid to the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Judging from the sounds outside just now, it turned out that the person hiding in the corridor was not Usa, but the first-grade boy with glasses who got excited whenever he encountered a case.

In this way, when I think about it carefully, the location where the door was knocked just now does not sound high.

It's hard to imagine the indecent scene of Uzo squatting and knocking on the door, or kicking the door... In other words, from the beginning, the person standing at the door and knocking on the door was the child?

Okiya Subaru: "..." The naughty child is really harmful!

If Jiang Xia hadn't taken the person away in time and the stalemate continued for a while, he would have suspected that he would have high blood pressure.

"...Haha, I am too suspicious. Uzo is so busy, how could he delay the battlefield abroad? If he really finds out the clues, there is no way I can get out of Tokyo alive."

After escaping another disaster, Subaru Okiya couldn't help but remind himself:

"Don't make this assumption in the future. There are not many cases of young people dying suddenly. If you escape your boss but scare yourself to death, you will really die with your eyes open... This is a foreign country, and there is no Uzo here. Really do not have……"

The police car roared over and quickly took Zhuangtang Weijia away.

"I didn't expect that the murderer was really her. Then all my previous arrangements would be useless."

Inspector Asa muttered, realizing that the police officers who escorted the murderer came very slowly. He suddenly remembered that he was still sending people to find the "brutal man" who had been identified by two tourists and appeared at the crime scene. Asian men".

"Okay, the case has been solved, let them all withdraw."

While Inspector Asa sent a message to his subordinates, he couldn't help but frown: Those two people shouldn't have to lie, so what happened to the ferocious Asian who appeared near the public toilet? I always feel a little suspicious...

However, no one was arrested after being arrested for a long time, and the case had been solved, so doubts became doubts, so Inspector Asa had to temporarily put down his suspicions.

He turned his head and glanced at the high school detective who was surrounded by several reporters. He snorted and left the follow-up processing to his subordinates. He hurried back to the nearby tavern - he was originally on vacation today, but who knew that suddenly A murder case occurred, and now that the case has been solved, it's time for him to continue his leisurely vacation.

Inspector Asa: "..." Speaking of which, why are there so many cases around this guy Jiang Xia? In addition to the murders on the plane last night, there were already two murders in less than 24 hours. What a disaster...

He shook his head, stopped thinking about these bad things, and left quickly.

Next to it, in front of the store.

Jiang Xia didn't expect to meet reporters in the UK.

However, after a quick glance, he found that among these reporters, there was a person who spoke Japanese English, so he suddenly felt that he understood something: this person seemed to be a reporter who came from Tokyo to develop, no wonder he was so sensitive to murder cases.

When a well-informed reporter comes to interview him, Jiang Xia will naturally not refuse.

A few minutes later, he put several brand new business cards into his pockets, picked up Hui Yuan Ai, who was still shivering in the corner, and left the store.

Although there are some famous detectives in London, the number does not seem to be as large as in Tokyo, and the response speed of the related industry chain is also slow.

Half an hour passed. Jiang Xia was sitting in a nearby shop, drinking afternoon tea and refreshing the web page when she finally found relevant case reports.

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