Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1513 1513 [Okiya Subaru: Avoid the Death Team]

When Mrs. Nanjo said this, her tone was a little weak. After all, Nanjo Hayato's attitude just now was really bad.

Fortunately, the high school student opposite her seemed to have a good temper.

Not only did Jiang Xia not say any angry words such as "Since he looks down on us, let's just leave!", but instead turned his head to comfort her warmly:

"Everyone will feel nervous when they suddenly receive a threatening letter like that. When you are nervous, you will easily have a bad attitude. I understand that - and I received the commission from you. No matter what Mr. Nanjo's attitude is, as long as you feel the need to continue ,I will not leave."

Mrs. Nanjo couldn't help showing her moved eyes.

Kinoshita Yoko looked on and nodded secretly with pleasure:

She knew that a just detective like Jiang Xia would not let threats go unchecked. On the contrary, Jiang Xia will stay until the last moment where a case may occur - this is the persistence of a detective.

Yoko Kinoshita: "..." When I make a collection of newspaper clippings later on, I need to include this growth point.

Um? No, no, it's just a threatening letter, it may not cause trouble. Or on the other hand, she should just hope nothing happens...

Kinoshita Yoko stopped her thoughts and secretly tapped her head to get rid of the strange thoughts.

Fortunately, Mrs. Nanjo didn't know what this popular idol, who had been through a lot, was thinking.

Seeing that Jiang Xia agreed to continue the commission, Mrs. Nanjo also focused her energy on catching the person who wrote the threatening letter.

She analyzed: "Fortunately, this is the UK. There are not many people who can write threatening letters in Japanese and have issues with my husband."

Haibara Ai listened silently, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart: Are there many people in the country who have issues with Nanjo Hayato?

...That's right. Judging from the way Mr. Nanjo spoke just now, he must have made a lot of enemies on weekdays. It's not a big miracle that he can survive until now. It’s no wonder that even if the scope is limited to “people nearby who speak Japanese”, the word “extremely large” can be used for the number of suspects.

Next to her, Mrs. Nanjo looked around and lowered her voice: "Actually, I suspect that the person who sent the letter is a member of the crew. Otherwise, how could he recognize my husband's suitcase. It just so happens that you guys look..."

She looked at the group, led by an underage male high school student and composed of old people, children, and female high school students, and said politely:

"Fortunately, you don't look like you are here to arrest someone, so you can make the person who sent the letter relax his vigilance. How about this? In the name of a visit, I will take you to visit various places. I hope you can successfully find the person who sent the letter. The person who sent the threatening letter.”


Although Mao Lilan was a little worried about the famous actor who had received the threatening letter, she was inevitably happy after hearing these words.

——A crew cannot have only one or two celebrities. It seems that she will be able to collect signatures from many celebrities in the next few hours... It is so happy to go out with Jiang Xia! Except for the fact that there are a little more cases...

Several people started touring the building with different thoughts.

Although Mrs. Nanjo and Yoko Kinoshita provided convenience, there were so many people in the entire crew, and there were even some fans and reporters who followed, so it was difficult to really find out the situation in a short time.

Speaking of suspects...

When walking along the stairwell to the next floor, Jiang Xia glanced at the tea room at the end of the corridor at the other end: "..."

...Why has Subaru Okiya been hiding there so secretly? How long has it been, aren't your feet numb? It always feels like he is hiding his group of people as plague gods.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia followed the pattern and told Wutian Dog from a distance, asking him to keep following closely and not to lose anyone.

Kiritengu sat next to Okiya Subaru and nodded quickly after receiving the message.

Then he moved a little closer and solemnly hugged the target's trousers.

Until it was completely dark, the crew still couldn't finish the investigation. After all, this group of people each have their own jobs, and they even work overtime. They are always on the move, making it difficult to catch them.

After seeing them wandering around the same floor three or four times, a middle-aged man wearing glasses couldn't help but walked over: "You are still investigating the case."

Mao Lilan saw someone approaching and instinctively handed over the signature book.

After handing it over, I realized that I didn’t seem to recognize this person.

Yoko Kinoshita saw it and introduced thoughtfully: "This is Tadao Ohno, the director of the crew."

Director Ohno nodded to them. He obviously heard about Mrs. Nanjo's desire to invite a detective to investigate: "Is there any result?"

Jiang Xia looked at him and shook his head: "I haven't found anyone particularly suspicious yet."...Except for the little brother who has been squatting at the foot of the wall, trying his best to reduce his presence.

The director had an expression of "Sure enough," and patted him on the shoulder teasingly: "Just check it out, don't try too hard - anyway, the so-called 'death array' in the threat letter will not appear. "

Dr. A Li ran up and down with them, and was very tired now.

Hearing this, he was immediately confused: "What do you mean? Are we doing useless work?"

Director Ohno spread his hands: "In my opinion, this is simply a stunt done by Hayato Nanjo to promote the new drama, directed and acted by himself."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the reporters nearby who came to talk to the crew: "Nanjou's costumes were not in place today, so he was not photographed. All his free time was spent bragging to those reporters, saying what? Even if the 'Death Formation' really comes, it's just a fake. The real thing like him is fearless. What he said is enough to fit into a page - he is so nagging even after being threatened. He is not directing and acting. What else could it be?

Mrs. Nanjo said angrily: "What are you talking about?!"

The angry look and sharp voice were very different from the elegant image she had always had.

Mao Lilan didn't expect that there was a sudden quarrel between the two sides, and she shrank in shock.

Awakened by her movements, Mrs. Nanjo remembered that there was someone else next to her.

She glanced at these guests and detectives, took a deep breath, tried to remain elegant, and smiled a little: "It's already past nine o'clock, you must be hungry - I remember there is a convenience store nearby, you go and buy some first. We ordered some snacks to fill our stomachs, and the director booked a hotel nearby. When the work is over later, we will go have dinner together."

Jiang Xia nodded, seeing that she still had something to say to the director.

In addition, several people were indeed hungry, so they followed Mrs. Nanjo's direction and planned to go to the convenience store.

Kinoshita Yoko seemed to have something to deal with. He didn't go with them. He just said to Jiang Xia: "Bring me a burger."

After saying that, he suddenly remembered something and silently changed his mind: "Well, it's a sandwich with vegetables." Damn it, you have to stay in shape...

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