Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1514 1514 [Shoot for me! 】

Jiang Xia searched along the street and found the convenience store that Mrs. Nanjo mentioned.

After several people came out after shopping, Hui Yuan Ai yawned and was about to say something, but suddenly made a move.

Jiang Xia glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

Hui Yuan Ai raised his hand and pointed to the other side of the street.

There was a burger restaurant there, and maybe because it was getting late, there weren't many people in the store at this time. And sitting near the window, a somewhat familiar woman with short hair was sitting.

——Nanjo Hayato's manager was leaning against the window, looking distractedly at the building diagonally opposite.

"The agent was also kicked out by Mr. Nanjo." Dr. Ari thought of the famous actor with a bad temper and looked at her with some sympathy. "You are still so young and you have already experienced severe beatings in the workplace."

After all, they weren’t too familiar with each other, so they didn’t rush over to chat.

They ate snacks, strolled along the streets, and visited nearby small attractions. Unfortunately, it was pitch dark at night and there was no sense of beauty.

After playing for a while, Jiang Xia lowered her head and looked at her watch: "Mrs. Nanjo should have finished talking to the director."

Thinking of the big meal that Mrs. Nanjo said and the investigation that was not yet over, the few people did not continue to hang around nearby, but returned to the temporary office building of the production crew, intending to have a dinner.

I walked back slowly, and before I reached the building where the crew was located, I saw a crowd of people at the intersection.

——It seems that the crew has finished their work for the day and is gathering at a nearby intersection to have dinner.

The director took a quick look at the number of people and became confused: "Why are there still people who haven't come and haven't eaten?"

"Maybe they have eaten by themselves." The person in charge also counted the number of people. "I remember that a few guys couldn't sit still and ran to visit the scenic spots."

"That's it." The director didn't pay much attention to these staff members, but it seemed that there were others who weren't there. "Why didn't Nanjo come down?"

Mrs. Nanjo looked at the building at the other end of the street and sighed: "She must be worried about the threatening letter. Who would be in the mood to eat slowly after receiving something like that."

The director snorted: "I don't think so."

The staff member next to him remembered something: "When I came down, I saw Mr. Nanjo going to the toilet - but that was more than twenty minutes ago."

The director smiled sarcastically: "At his age, it's normal for him to go to the toilet slowly - go ahead and urge him. Otherwise, if we leave him without saying a word, he will definitely find trouble again later."

The staff member nodded and was about to walk back. But just as he took a step forward, he suddenly looked in the direction of the building and was startled.

Then his expression turned to horror.

The staff trembled and pointed at the temporary office building of the production crew: "That, that..."

A group of people followed his direction and looked from a distance.

Nearly a hundred meters away, a man wearing a black robe and a skull mask flashed past and ran away quickly.

Mao Lilan had good eyesight and recognized it: "The black robe and skull mask seem to be the costume of 'Inside the Death Array'!"

——And in my impression, the signature on the threat letter was "Inside the Death Array"!

The crowd was in an uproar. Since there were many people around when the threatening letter was found in Nanjo Hayato's luggage, this matter had already spread throughout the crew.

A few seconds ago, most of the people in the crew actually agreed with the director - according to Nanjo Hayato's character, the threatening letter was probably a hype for his own directing and acting.

Who would have thought that now, "Inside the Death Array" would actually run out.

As soon as Jiang Xia glanced over there, he saw a child rushing out at his feet, so he quickly followed.

Among everyone, except for the two detectives who rushed out, the reporters were the first to react.

The leading middle-aged reporter waved his hand and said excitedly: "Where is the camera?"

Regardless of whether it's for hype or not, this is obviously a good subject - looking at it this way, the "Death Formation" in the distance is extremely skilled and has smooth movements. It's actually a bit of a pleasure to run, not to mention the one chasing him behind. Still a famous detective.

Detective vs. Death, no matter how you watch it, it is worth reporting.

In the past, because the probability of cases happening around Jiang Xia was too random, by the time middle-aged reporters received news about Jiang Xia and rushed to the scene of the crime, the case would often have been solved.

Unexpectedly, this time with the crew, he would actually gain something as a detective. This is really...

How wonderful! !

"Quickly, take pictures for me!" The middle-aged reporter thought the apprentice was too slow. After shouting, he simply grabbed the camera and put it on his shoulder. He followed Jiang Xia closely and rushed over.

The speed of the detectives' pursuit was not too slow.

But after all, the starting point was half a street away, and Jiang Xia was very martial and did not cheat by taking out things like spider legs, wings, or panthers.

When they finally closed the distance, the "death god" in black robes just climbed over the wall and disappeared in front of everyone.

Mao Lilan looked at the high wall, clutched the fresh and warm signature book in her hand, and felt that she should contribute some security to Mrs. Nanjo's husband.

She was about to climb over the wall and try to catch up.

But next to him, Jiang Xia suddenly thought of something and stopped hesitantly.

"I'll go check on Mr. Nanjo first," Jiang Xia said. "I'm not very familiar with the terrain around here. If the 'Death Formation' attacks from east to west, or if there are accomplices who attack Mr. Nanjo while we are chasing him, things will be in trouble." .”

Mao Lilan: "!" That's right.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

A group of people rumbled back to the building where the crew was located - just now, the "death array" did not run towards the building, but to a nearby park.

On the way, the reporter who was running hard with the camera just caught up and found that Jiang Xia and the others turned back towards the building again. They couldn't help but be a little surprised:

"What's wrong? No more chasing people?"

For the sake of performance, he asked, but he could only run back with Heng Chi He Chi.

As soon as Jiang Xia arrived at the door of the temporary office building of the crew, a person happened to jump out on the other side of the door.

Mr. Nanjo's short-haired agent ran quickly from the direction of the burger restaurant just now.

"Miss Yoshino?"

Yoshino Rimi gasped, grabbed Jiang Xia, and said anxiously: "On the way back from the burger restaurant, I saw a person rushing into this building - that person was dressed strangely! He seemed to be wearing a A black robe, I remember it was that kind of attire in the 'Death Array', could it be..."

"Oh? So, is it really the 'Death Array' who came to kill people?" The middle-aged reporter's eyes lit up.

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