Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1515 1515 [Blocking the little brother’s escape path]

Thinking of this, the middle-aged reporter couldn't wait to rush into the building.

After taking two steps forward, he remembered something and silently came back, pushing Jiang Xia to let the detective stay in his shot.

——What's so easy about photographing a simple incident? The famous detective and his decryption process are the focus. The reporter advised: "Let's go up and take a look at the situation first."

Jiang Xia nodded and ran into the hall on the first floor. At the same time, he did not forget to tell everyone: "Watch all exits and surround them on all sides. Don't let that person escape."

Although the crew were just ordinary people, there were many people after all, and the building was not too big. They emboldened themselves and surrounded the building, half following orders and half joining in the fun.

Although it is not impossible to fly with wings, it is obvious that under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, it is difficult for a normal person without wings to escape from the building.

In the corner of the tea room, Subaru Okiya fell asleep accidentally and was woken up: "..."

When Jiang Xia, Conan and a few fast-footed reporters ran into the building.

In front of the building, Dr. Ali ran over and panted heavily and stopped on the street in front of the building. Although this journey is not very long, the amount of exercise is still too much for a tech geek who doesn't exercise much.

Hui Yuan Ai, who respects the elderly and loves the young, also followed. She looked at this frail old grandfather, stood up on tiptoes and patted his back to comfort him. She felt helpless: "Why are you chasing after me? How can you run away?" Do you have to go through Jiangxia? Next time something like this happens, remember to find a safe place to wait."

Dr. A Li managed to catch his breath and explained in a low voice: "Didn't I see them running away, so I chased them instinctively..."

Just as he was talking, a gunshot sounded from above.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding light suddenly changed subtly.

The two of them were startled, and looked up, and saw that the building was originally dark, but the lights suddenly turned on on the seventh floor.

A figure was reflected on the window, and soon, the shadow became smaller and smaller - the person in the room was getting further and further away from the window, as if they had quickly left the room after firing a gun and turning on the light.

Dr. Ali touched his bald head in horror: "That was the sound of gunshots just now, was there a shooting upstairs? Is the guy by the window the murderer?!"

Hui Yuan Ai frowned and looked upstairs, thought of something, and quickly ran into the building.

Jiang Xia was still parked at the elevator door, waiting for the elevator.

Haiyuan Ai ran next to him and tugged on his sleeve: "After the gunfire sounded just now, the lights on the 7th floor suddenly turned on, and a figure was reflected in the window. It may be the murderer."

Agent Yoshino Rimi also heard it and suddenly became anxious: "On the 7th floor... that is Mr. Nanjo's room!"

Without saying a few words, there was a ding and the elevator arrived.

A group of people hurried into the elevator and headed to the seventh floor.

The ride upstairs was smooth.

But the moment he got out of the elevator, the reporter carrying the camera stumbled, and with a squeak, the camera on his shoulder spun and flew out.


Jiang Xia smoothly caught the machine, which had many images of him on it. With his other hand, he picked up the reporter who almost hit the ground and put the camera back into his hand.

"Thank you, thank you." The middle-aged reporter had not yet come to his senses and thanked him in a daze.

After a second, he touched the expensive camera and became afraid.

The reporter glanced at Jiang Xia gratefully, then looked down at his feet and found that the thing that had tripped him just now was a torn piece of tape. The black tape was stretched to a long length and placed casually on the ground.

"Who is so wicked as to throw something like this at the entrance of the elevator?" The reporter muttered and hurried to follow, preparing to take pictures of "Jiang Xia vs. "Inside the Death Array".

But just two steps ahead, in Nanjo Hayato's office, there was suddenly a superimposed scream of terror.

Jiang Xia heard the cry.

Just now he went to pick up the camera that almost died in the line of duty, and he wasted a little time.

Conan also stopped and was looking at the insulating tape at the photographer's feet with confusion, wondering why this thing was here, it was so inconsistent.

On the contrary, it was Mrs. Nanjo and her manager who ran into Nanjo Hayato's room first.

But now, judging from the two screams they made, the situation in the house seemed to be very bad - it didn't sound like they were screaming when they saw a murderer, but more like... they saw a corpse.

Conan hurriedly ran towards the house, but was stopped by Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia had just turned her back to the door and was doing what a detective should do to "protect the scene."

Unexpectedly, after such a stop, he realized that the person rushing over was not as tall as the hand he raised, so he silently lowered his hand.

Turning his head to look into the room, he saw Mrs. Nanjo throwing herself into the agent's arms in horror.

Opposite them, Nanjo Hayato lay dead in the corner between the cabinet and the wall. His head was covered with blood, there was a big hole between his eyebrows, and a large amount of blood was spattered on the wall behind him.

With the murderer's shot, the man was already dead.


There was silence.

Mao Lilan trembled as she took out her phone and pressed two "1"s.

Then he paused slightly, quickly deleted it, and pressed three "9"s again.

On the other side, the Metropolitan Police.

Chief Anna asked the police officers to sort out relevant information about the case at noon and the case on the plane.

Seeing that the matter was almost settled, she stretched out and leisurely planned to get off work, and handed over the remaining finishing touches to the police officer on duty.

But just as he stood up, someone hurried in, looking anxious: "Chief, there's another murder! The person who called the police left a name and said her name was 'Mao Lilan'. She seems to be a witness in the previous case."

"Oh..." Sheriff Anna was stunned for a moment, unable to hide her surprise, "It's not even 24 hours, this is already the third time. These children in Tokyo are really... well, not very lucky."

There was a murder case. I heard that the person who died was a Japanese celebrity, and a reporter filmed the whole incident. Of course, it was not easy to just leave it to the police officers.

Chief Anna had no choice but to bid farewell to tonight's entertainment in her heart, sighed, and ordered people to go to the scene.

When she walked out of the building, she remembered that this murder case involved foreigners, and the process might be a little troublesome. She decisively turned on her phone and sent a message to Inspector Asa: "... How can you forget your boss about working overtime? .”

Twenty minutes later.

The crime scene in the production building.

A group of exhausted police cordoned off the place.

Among the busy police officers, there was a haggard and tired middle-aged police officer.

Inspector Asa thought about it and finally came, but with a sullen face and looking unhappy.

——He doesn’t want to work overtime, and he doesn’t want to be associated with this group of Tokyoites anymore.

But I was worried that if I didn't come, things would go wrong. After all, the high school detective was, for some reason, highly valued by Chief Superintendent Lotta.

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