Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1564 1564 [You seem to be using me as a tool]

Inspector Asa originally thought the person standing in the room was a suspect. But upon closer inspection, it doesn't seem to be the case.

After a while, the Asa police officers stared at Jiang Xia, veins pulsing on his forehead: "You ran to the crime scene without authorization again!"

Then he turned to "Kudo Yusaku" with a mustache and said, "It's okay for a high school student not to know the importance of things. How can you, an adult, do the same!"

"Kudo Yusaku": "..."

He also walked up to Conan, picked up the naughty child, and showed a tired smile belonging to an adult: "The child ran too fast, and I didn't stop him. I waited until he ran into the house before I caught up with him. I'm really sorry. , leave now, leave now.”

Conan was lifted up in the air with a guilty conscience. While Inspector Asa was looking at the other two people, he turned his back and quietly threw the ID he had just picked up back to its original place.

The three men left the room in a lawful manner.

Then Jiang Xia came back in a familiar manner and asked Chief Anna who was following Inspector Asa: "After such a long time, you must have collected important clues."

Sheriff Anna: "..."

Although she admires Jiang Xia and thinks that this high school detective is smart and handsome, she is really tired after these few days, and her skin is more than a little rougher than before. Although Inspector Asa is also tired, he is still a good person. The police inspector is responsible for coordinating and directing the crime scene. As for those trivial investigations, she and her subordinates were handling them.

So now, as soon as he saw Jiang Xia's face, Sheriff Anna instinctively felt tired.

However, if you think about it rationally, although the perpetrators and victims are Japanese, these cases occurred in London after all. No matter how you look at it, this is not Jiang Xia's fault, but their security should be blamed.

After struggling for a moment, Chief Anna finally carried Inspector Asa into the scene and quietly provided some information:

"The deceased... uh, no, I mean the injured person who fell from the building who was being rescued. His name was Ogata Masaaki. He entered the country 8 years ago and opened a loan company. These people should have heard about it just now - according to the subsequent After investigation, we found that he has a very bad reputation in the industry, or to put it bluntly, he is notorious."

She was about to elaborate on the people who had been offended by the person who fell from the building, but at this moment, Inspector Asa turned his head and said, "What are you doing! Don't disclose the details of the case to irrelevant people!"

Sheriff Anna suddenly became excited, put down the information as if nothing had happened, and whistled.

"Calm down, we saw that you were too busy just now, so we wanted to help share the burden." Jiang Xia walked over, patted Inspector Asa on the shoulder, and then pointed outside the balcony, "Speaking of which, when we looked outside just now, we I found a pair of glasses dropped on the balcony. It should have fallen from the person who fell from the building when he had a conflict with someone else."

"You really didn't just break in and catch the kid, huh! I think that kid was just a cover for you to break into the crime scene..." Inspector Asa cursed, but did not dare to give up this important clue and walked quickly. Go to the balcony and look out.

Conan stuck his head out from the door and looked at him with some emotion: "..." Finally, a wise police officer saw through the truth.

After looking at the glasses, Inspector Asa quickly found the ID dropped on the sofa, so he asked someone to find "Honda Ryohei" on the ID.

After a while, Sheriff Anna, who was looking for someone to investigate, ran into the house: "We can't contact him."

"Can't be contacted?" Inspector Asa frowned, feeling that this man's suspicion was rising sharply.

Sheriff Anna looked at the information in his hand: "I heard from people in his unit that it was his turn to be on duty today. But in the evening, he suddenly asked for leave and left, saying that there was something urgent to deal with - originally he just asked for leave Two hours of leave, but actually he hasn’t gone back to work until now.”

This is undoubtedly bad news, but Sheriff Anna also brought a clue: "I heard from his friends at work that he seemed to have met an acquaintance yesterday, and he has been obsessed with it since then. So Honda asked for leave today, maybe for Go meet that person - I heard that the acquaintance also looks like Dongya. Judging from the description of the worker, I think the person Honda came to meet is probably the person who fell from the building today."

Inspector Asa nodded, feeling like a weight was lifted off his shoulders - the suspicion was so high, as long as this "Honda Ryohei" was found, the police should be able to get off work without having to rely on the power of detectives.

"Have someone search the area. Since he just pushed someone downstairs not long ago, he shouldn't have gone too far." Inspector Asa confidently directed his men.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that beside him, Jiang Xia was standing in front of the trash can, lowering his head and looking into the pile of debris. After looking at it for less than two seconds, he slowly stretched out his hand towards the bucket.

"Stop!" Inspector Asa flashed beside him, "Stop destroying the scene. What are you looking for? Let me do it!"

Jiang Xia immediately retracted his hand from the trash can.

Then he directed Inspector Asaph to rummage in the bucket that gave off a slight odor: "That piece of paper. No, no, it's not this one, it's the one next to the peel. That's right, don't think it's dirty. , take it out and take a look.”

Inspector Asa pinched his nose, picked up the piece of paper through his gloves, and realized something belatedly: "..." Did this guy Jiang Xia do it on purpose?

This trash can looked clean, but after looking through it carefully, I found that it was really dirty. No wonder this detective usually moves so quickly, but when he was about to dig through the trash can just now, he was so slow, as if he was waiting for him to stop him...

As he thought about it, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Jiang Xia suspiciously.

Jiang Xia, however, seemed to be thinking about nothing. The high school detective looked intently at the piece of paper in Inspector Asa's hand. He seemed to be obsessed with the case and very dedicated.


Inspector Asa stopped talking for a long time, but found that Jiang Xia seemed to be fine - the police should indeed pick it up to protect the evidence.

So he had no choice but to follow and look at the piece of paper silently.

Although in the eyes of the police inspector, the righteous detective next to him became unbeatable again, it turned out that Jiang Xia could indeed find some strange clues.

The piece of paper he found with difficulty from the trash can was a receipt.

——The owner of this room, the person who fell from the building, suddenly bought a pair of rain boots last night.

"Why did you buy this all of a sudden? And you bought it last night." Inspector Asa scratched his head, feeling something was wrong, "I remember yesterday's weather forecast said it would be sunny today and tomorrow, so I didn't bring an umbrella with me when I went out tonight. , and then got caught in the rain... Is this person's judgment of the weather more accurate than the weather forecast?"

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