Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1565 1565 [Hostage-taking]

"Rain boots? Aren't they recognized as a good helper for destroying corpses and eradicating traces?"

Jiang Xia looked at the receipt in Inspector Asa's hand and stood up: "Let your forensic department find the remaining clues in this room. As for where to catch the suspect now, I think it's best to go Take a look at the back door of this building.”

"Back door?" Inspector Asa also stood up and handed the note in his hand to his subordinates.

He wiped his hands and thought for a moment before he understood: "That's right. As soon as the person who fell from the building fell, a large number of passers-by gathered to watch. Those people gathered at the door of the building. The murderer probably didn't dare to leave through the main entrance... Go!" Asaph! The police inspector waved his hand and called to his subordinates, "Go downstairs and take a look."

The group of people rumbled along the stairs towards the back door.

When I got to the door, I took a closer look and saw that the back door was locked. There was even a door chain hanging on it, so it couldn't be opened and closed from the outside.

Jiang Xia looked at the door chain carefully: "There are no traces of tape or fishing line. The murderer probably did not leave through the back door."

Sheriff Anna reminded in a low voice: "The person who fell from the building is still being rescued and may not die in the end. The word 'murderer' is not appropriate right now."

"That's right." Jiang Xia smiled, "I usually say I'm used to it, and I can't change it at once."

Conan didn't care about the details of this wording. He touched his chin and suddenly thought of something:

"Do you think the murderer has actually been hiding in the building? Although he could have escaped through the window on the first floor even if he did not use the back door after committing the crime, no matter how you think about it, there is no need for him to give up the back door and use the window - and vice versa. I thought, maybe that person did not leave. I heard that when some people feel panicked, their actions will become extremely conservative. Rather than running away in full view of the public, maybe he chose to stay where he was and wait for the matter to be over. Then sneak away secretly."

Although Inspector Asa disliked the child who had been led astray by Jiang Xia, he had to think that what he said made sense. He thought for a while: "I remember when I first entered, there was a staircase leading down. There seems to be an underground garage here. It should be convenient for hiding people. Let's go and take a look."

When they arrived at the garage, the police carefully searched for a while, but could not find the person hiding in the basement. They only saw a car parked quietly in the corner.

——After checking the license plate number, it was not difficult to confirm that this was was the belongings of the person who fell.

"There's no one in the car." Jiang Xia leaned close to the window with the sunshade film on it and took a look inside. "But there was something not very good on the back seat - a pair of rain boots and a brand new shovel. It looked like It’s perfect for digging pits and hiding corpses in inaccessible places.”


Inspector Asa took a closer look and found that it was true, but: "These two tools are often used when tidying up the garden. Don't think of murder cases when you see these tools. Their job is not to use them." Commit a crime.”

After saying that, he remained silent for a moment: "..." In fact, according to the frequency of cases happening next to Jiang Xia, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this young detective thinking so...

Inspector Asaph was thinking as he straightened up and looked to the side.

I saw that several Tokyoites ignored his rebuttal and were looking at each other with thoughtful expressions at this time. Even the little girl in the hood who looked very well-behaved was no exception - they were all obviously thinking seriously about Jiang Xia's " Digging a hole to hide a corpse" hypothesis.

Inspector Asa: "..." What kind of miserable life do these Tokyoites lead?

Thinking about how tired he was these days, he suddenly felt that he was a little harsh on these tourists - after these two or three days, he already wanted to put Jiang Xia on a rocket and rush back to Tokyo, but Jiang Xia and the others did not. We are experiencing this all the time.

Inspector Asaph: "..." London is so wonderful, he always likes it here. Before, he thought that the crime rate in this shabby place was too high, but now he only felt that objective evaluation still had to be made through comparison.

When several people were looking for clues in the underground garage.

Mao Lilan went to a nearby store to buy umbrellas and towels, and ran back with a bunch of things. She saw that except Dr. A Li, who was taking notes in the foyer, everyone else was gone.

"Did they enter the building?" Mao Lilan asked Dr. Ali. After getting a positive answer, he left the building with a towel. I plan to wipe it with a few people who have been exposed to the rain to prevent colds.

After walking through the hall, Mao Lilan discovered that this building was much larger than she had imagined, and Jiang Xia and the others didn't know which floor they went to to solve the case.

She took out her cell phone and was about to dial the number to ask. But after a moment of hesitation, he put the phone back into his pocket, thinking:

"The detective probably doesn't like to be disturbed when sorting out his thoughts. Well... the person we saw who fell fell from the rooftop while being pushed by others. Jiang Xia and the others should have gone to the rooftop to check the situation first. After all, That’s the first scene.”

Thinking so, Mao Lilan stepped on the steps upward.

I originally planned to walk all the way to the rooftop.

But when I arrived on the third floor, there was a sudden clanking noise in the corridor.

Mao Lilan was startled and looked towards the corridor. She saw a fire extinguisher falling out of the water room and rolling to the ground, as if someone had accidentally knocked it over.

Mao Lilan: "..." Could it be that Jiang Xia and the others have already finished investigating the roof and reached the third floor?

She hesitated for a moment, then trotted over, calling tentatively: "Uncle Kudo? Jiang Xia? Are you in there?"

It's past midnight now, and normal employees have already gone off work. In other words, there should be only a few detectives sneaking in to investigate in this building, and the police officers who walked in openly to investigate.

No one answered when I called my friend's name. Mao Lilan thought for a while: "Chief Anna? And that police inspector? Are they you guys?"

Still no one answered in the water room.

Mao Lilan had already run to the door of the water room.

She carefully looked inside and saw no one in the room. She only found that the faucet was on and water was flowing.

"……"Such a waste.

Although something felt wrong, some instinct still made her walk over quickly to turn off the water.

When Mao Lilan walked towards the pool.

Behind the door, a strong man looked at her slender back and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

——There are police officers upstairs and downstairs now. It is almost impossible to escape by brute force in this environment.

After thinking about it, the only option he had left was to capture a hostage and let the police let him go.

Thinking of this, Honda Ryohei couldn't help but feel lucky: Fortunately, the first person to come to the water room was a little girl who could be easily controlled. It seems even the gods are on his side.

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