Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1566 1566 [Don’t learn everything from Jiang Xia] Please vote for me

Chapter 1566 1566 [Don’t learn everything from Jiang Xia] Please vote for me (づど)

While thinking about it, Honda Ryohei quietly approached Mao Lilan from behind under the cover of the rushing water, and then silently raised his fist.

Mao Lilan's attention was still on the faucet.

She was about to turn it off quickly, but at this moment, she suddenly felt her calf being tapped by something—according to experience, it felt a bit like a cat's claw.

Mao Lilan turned around in confusion. She didn't see the cat on the ground, but behind her, she saw a strong man grabbing her with open hands and a ferocious face.


Same building, in the basement.

Police and detectives are trying to find the suspected "Honda Ryohei".

At this time, across the layers of cement floors, a penetrating scream suddenly sounded from upstairs.

Although they were far apart, Conan was able to distinguish them quickly. He was surprised: "Xiaolan!"

When Inspector Asa heard the frightened scream, he instinctively had a bad premonition. He quickly followed the sound and rushed upstairs. At the same time, he remembered something and looked at Jiang Xia, who was also rushing up:

"'Xiaolan' is the female high school student who is with you, right? Why did she enter the building? She seems to be quite well-behaved, but she is running around everywhere. Can you guys calm down a little bit? You know, That dangerous Honda Ryohei may still be hiding in this building!"

Jiang Xia looked very innocent: "I think you should have sent someone to seal the building just now. After all, Xiaolan is not a detective. She may not know that entry is not allowed here, so when she saw that we were missing, she wanted to come in and look for us."

At this time, Jiang Xia's cell phone suddenly vibrated, and someone called.

While climbing the stairs with a group of people, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. He found that the caller was Mao Lilan, so he picked up the call.

"Jiang, Jiang Xia..."

Mao Lilan's voice trembled and she sounded very scared: "I just wanted to go into the building to find you guys, but... I met a scary man on the third floor."

This daily phone has a little bit of sound leakage.

Inspector Asa next to him heard her words, and his heart skipped a beat, realizing that his bad premonition had come true.

He grabbed Jiang Xia's cell phone and put it to his ear: "Don't panic! Tell the person who coerced you to call him not to hurt the hostages. Everything can be discussed!"

Mao Lilan said timidly: "But..."

Under the full-speed sprint of a group of adults and the double-speed sprint of some short-legged children, the distance of three floors passed in an instant. As they spoke, they had already rushed to the corridor on the third floor.

As soon as he entered the corridor, Inspector Asa glanced to both sides with a solemn face, and saw someone standing in the corridor on one side...

There were two people standing and one lying on the other.

Mao Lilan was holding her cell phone and pacing back and forth anxiously.

Suddenly she found a group of people rushing towards her, and she was startled. When she saw clearly who was coming, Maolilan put away her phone and lowered her head, as if she was a little guilty.


Inspector Asa relied on his inertia to run closer and stopped blankly.

He looked at the intact female high school student with no skin scratches, then turned to look at the tattered and comatose burly Japanese man on the ground next to him, and finally his eyes fell on the spider silk behind the man. cracked wall.

Soon, the seriousness and anxiety in his eyes gradually turned into a bit of confusion.

...This scene, this scene seems to be different from what he thought. What about the promised plot of "a female high school student accidentally enters a crime scene and is held hostage by a gangster hiding there. The police are forced to battle wits with the gangster and finally rescue the hostage heroically"? Why, why did the gangster suddenly lie down?

Haiyuan Ai pulled the hood that had wandered away and looked at the scene in front of her: "..." No matter how many times she saw this scene, it was a bit hard to get used to it. Mainly because Miss Maori looks really gentle and delicate... Who would have thought that she would accidentally destroy a few walls every now and then.

Jiang Xia seemed to be more used to it: "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Mao Lilan calmed down a lot when she saw the people she knew.

She trotted to Jiang Xia's side and found a little sense of security. Then she turned around and pointed at the man lying on the ground from a distance:

"I just wanted to go into the building to find you. When I walked to the third floor, I suddenly saw a fire extinguisher falling out of the water room here. I thought you were investigating the case here and accidentally touched the fire extinguisher, so I came here. Check the situation. Unexpectedly, after I entered the door, I suddenly saw... When I saw him reaching towards me with his hands outstretched, I was really scared, so I accidentally kicked him. "

Inspector Asaph: "..." It sounds miserable and innocent. but……

He glanced at the broken wall next to him, and couldn't help but picture the tragic scene in his mind of the burly man on the ground being kicked by Mao Lilan, flying back like a cannonball, hitting the wall with a thud, and then sliding to the ground.

...No wonder I always felt like something shook when I was underground just now. He almost thought someone fell from the building again, but luckily there wasn't.

Although he had a lot to say, when he saw the fearful female high school student in front of him, Inspector Asa tried hard to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor: "Don't panic, Miss Maori, if the situation is really as you said, then you can do this Just self-defense. But if there is another time, uh, I hope you can control your intensity a little."

Jiang Xia explained to her lovely classmate: "Actually, Xiaolan has always been very measured in her actions. She will only effectively control those gangsters who want to do evil, and will not really hurt them."

Inspector Asaph: "..." The strike was measured, so did you make any move?

Next to him, Conan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mao Lilan was not taken as a hostage.

But soon, his keen observation made him take the breath back - why was this gangster in tatters and disheveled? It was more like being stepped on by Jiang Xia than being knocked down by a kick. Knocked once. Could it be that Xiaolan learned something bad from Jiang Xia...

There was a thump in his heart, but soon, Conan rationally ruled out this possibility - the dust marks on the gangster's body didn't look like they were stepped on, but more like they were stained by rain and dust. In addition, the clothes on his body seemed to have some signs of friction.

Rain, stains, friction...

Several clues overlapped, and Conan immediately remembered the drag mark he had just seen in the office of the person who fell from the building, extending from the balcony to the room.

Inspector Asa comforted Mao Lilan with a few dry words, and then with difficulty his eyes moved away from the eye-catching broken wall and looked at the pitiful gangster on the ground with a gray face.

Seeing his face and the several strange-shaped moles connected in a line on his neck, Inspector Asa's memory was suddenly touched, and he said "huh?" in confusion.

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