Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1567 1567 [You are a good prisoner]

Inspector Asa stared at the man for a long time, and suddenly remembered something. He grabbed the file in the hands of the young police officer and stared at the photos above for a closer look:

"Honda Ryohei, Honda Ryohei... No wonder I always felt familiar just now. I have seen this person before!"

Mao Lilan was stunned: "Have you seen it? So the person I beat is actually an acquaintance of the police... So maybe he didn't want to attack me just now, but just wanted to pull me out of the crime scene?"

She clutched her chest, her conscience aching.

Fortunately, soon, Jiang Xia shook his head: "Whether he is an acquaintance of the police officer or not, he should be the person you saw pushing the fallen person on the rooftop from a distance before - we are in another place on the third floor. At the crime scene, his ID photo and his dropped glasses were found. So he probably did want to attack you just now, but he just failed. What you did was indeed just self-defense."

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief and put down the hand covering his conscience.

At this time, perhaps a group of people were muttering around in the corridor, everyone talking about their own things, but it was too noisy. The burly man on the ground finally woke up with a tight frown.

He sat up, confused for a moment. It wasn't until the eyes of the observing crowd accidentally glanced at Mao Lilan that he finally woke up and shrank in shock.

At the same time, Inspector Asa was also startled by him: "..." This man's resistance to fighting must be too strong. The wall was cracked, but he was able to wake up so quickly... If Honda Ryohei hadn't been kicked unconscious by Jiang Xia's female classmate just now, the police might have injured a few more subordinates if they wanted to arrest him seriously.

Although I was a little scared, I couldn't lose my momentum. Inspector Asa quickly cleared his throat to calm down and asked: "Honda, why did you push Ogata downstairs? Don't forget, you already have a criminal record. How difficult is it to stay here now?" , are you going to ruin so many years of hard work? - How did you promise me back then! When we talked about the future, you clearly said you would change your appearance and be a new person!"

He spoke impassionedly.

However, after he finished speaking, Honda Ryohei frowned and looked at him: "Who are you?"

Inspector Asaph: "..."

... He preached sincerely for a while, but the other party didn't recognize him at all. This seemed a bit embarrassing. He didn't know what to say for a moment and froze on the spot.

Jiang Xia thoughtfully helped him out. The detective approached the police officer who allowed him to wander around the crime scene and said in a voice that others could hear: "I feel that Mr. Honda is not in the right state."

As he said that, he looked at Honda Ryohei again: "Have you lost your memory?"

It seemed that he was right. Honda Lianghei covered his head in pain: "I, I can't think of anything."

When Inspector Asa heard this, he couldn't believe it: "Have you really forgotten everything? You don't even recognize me anymore? - When you were arrested eight years ago, I caught you with my own hands!"

Jiang Xia: "..." Isn't your way of recognizing acquaintances a little strange?

Mao Lilan thought of the trouble that the suspect might have caused to all parties after losing his memory, and felt a little panicked. He apologized: "I shouldn't have been so harsh just now."

Unexpectedly, Honda Ryohei was actually quite honest. He shook his head: "Actually, before I met you, I couldn't remember anything."

Inspector Asa breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him exonerating Mao Lilan - it seemed that the suspect's conscience was still intact.

He was half sighing, and half wanted to persuade Honda to actively cooperate: "It's okay if you don't remember. I still remember - you were not such a cruel gangster before. I believe you may have some reasons for doing what you did today. You Think carefully about why you want to kill him, and then follow us to the police station to cooperate with the investigation."

Although Honda Ryohei couldn't remember what happened before, he still felt a little conflicted when he heard him say this: "If I wasn't a gangster, why did you arrest me eight years ago?"

The reason for his arrest flashed through Inspector Asa's mind: "Eight years ago, you were arrested for robbery."

Kidd couldn't help but push up the disguised glasses on the bridge of his nose: "..." Robbery isn't considered a brutal gangster? Then can a strange thief like him be called a friend of the police?

Honda Ryohei himself was stunned.

I originally thought that what Inspector Asa said just now was because there was another hidden reason behind his arrest. Maybe he was framed and deceived by someone and committed a crime without knowing it. Unexpectedly, it was because the robbery was so direct that it was difficult to defend.

He said blankly: "In other words, I used to be a robber?"

Inspector Asa nodded, trying to help him recall the past, which would be of great help to the subsequent process:

“After you were arrested, you explained the reason for your robbery. While you were drinking in a bar, you were encouraged by a drinking buddy you just met, so the two of you teamed up temporarily and robbed a large amount of money.

"After that, we quickly followed the surveillance to find you, but found no relevant information about that person. We asked you about the accomplice, but you couldn't describe many characteristics. You only remembered that the accomplice's voice was unusually hoarse. Later. The portrait that the police made based on your description didn’t seem to be high enough, so until the end, we didn’t catch that person, and you were the only one in jail.”

As he spoke, Inspector Asa also felt that if he only listened to this paragraph, it would seem to be just an ordinary experience of a robber, which would not be convincing, so he stopped talking in embarrassment.

Then he cleared his throat and changed the topic nonchalantly:

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after you were released from prison, you changed your mind and started your own small business. You also hired many people with criminal records like you, and provided them with the opportunity to start a new life - in your case For those who have worked, the crime rate has become very low since then, and this is all due to you!"

Honda Ryohei's brows, which had been tightly knitted, relaxed a little. He said thoughtfully: "That said, I do sound like a good person."

Kidd: "..." Your standards for good people are too low!

Inspector Asaph was very pleased.

Then he tried to strike while the iron was hot: "So why do you, a pioneer who advocates a clean slate and a new life, commit murder again?"

As soon as Honda Ryohei heard this topic, his head started to hurt again: "Didn't I say, I don't know!"

Inspector Asaph: "..."

The two people stared into each other's eyes, and the air fell into silence for a short time.

Jiang Xia found the conversation between the two people very interesting, and originally wanted to see how long they could keep going around each other.

But looking at the watch, it was indeed a bit late - my companions should get a good rest so that they would have the energy to run around tomorrow.

So soon, he intervened in the conversation between the police and the criminals.

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