Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1569 1569 [Something is wrong with Jiangxia]

After hearing this extremely critical information, Honda Ryohei sat on the ground holding his head in front of Jiang Xia, feeling his headache getting worse and worse.

Mao Lilan looked at him worriedly for a while, and couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Xia: "What if he might have remembered what happened before, but he was kicked by me just now and couldn't remember it at all. "

Jiang Xia was calm in everything she encountered and looked very optimistic. She comforted her and said, "It's not a big problem. You have used a CRT TV before."

"Picture tube TV? You mean the thicker TV?" Mao Lilan didn't know why the topic suddenly turned to TV, but she knew that Jiang Xia must have his own intentions, so he nodded honestly, "Of course I have. "

Jiang Xia raised his hand and knocked in the air: "When it breaks, knock it twice, and it may be repaired. In addition, there are many other machines like this - by analogy, Mr. Honda may be the same." The same thing. That kick you gave him might help him think of something more."

Mao Lilan suddenly realized.

But when I think about it carefully, I always feel like something is wrong: "Yes, is that so?"

Huihara Ai: "..." Of course that's not the case. How can humans be the same as machines? Jiang Xia's somewhat strange idea must have been learned from the organization... a hateful organization.

Kidd: "..." He actually wants to repair people like machines. This detective really has a problem, a big one!

...It’s just that these words contained the aura of an outlaw, but why did the people around them not seem to hear them?

He pushed up the fake glasses on the bridge of his nose and couldn't help but look at the smaller version of Kudo Shinichi beside him.

Conan actually felt that there was something wrong with these words, but he could see that Jiang Xia was trying to comfort Xiaolan - when Jiang Xia said this, Xiaolan's face looked much better than before.


Conan looked at Honda Ryohei, and with a slight twitch in his eyes, he realized that this man actually seemed to have been repaired. Honda Ryohei suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Xia excitedly: "It turns out to be him! I remembered it!!"

Inspector Asaph: "!!"

As the police officer responsible for handling this case, the suspect finally got rid of his amnesia state, which undoubtedly saved him a lot of trouble.

Inspector Asa couldn't help but get a little excited when he thought about the sharp reduction in overtime workload - he originally thought that Jiang Xia's remarks just now were nonsense, but he didn't expect that they actually had some effect.

In any case, now that Honda Ryohei has recovered his memory, things are much easier to handle. He quickly asked: "What did you remember?"

Honda Ryohei pressed his forehead tiredly:

"Yesterday I was walking on the street and saw a man talking on the phone from a distance.

"I didn't pay much attention at first, but when I passed by him, he just yelled at the person on the other side of the phone, saying, 'I don't care whether you go to heaven or hell, whether you live or die, you pay me back the money first! '

"That voice really impressed me. It was exactly the same as the voice of my accomplice who spoke to me in the bar eight years ago.

"I turned my head and looked over in shock, but I saw an unfamiliar face - Ogata must have had plastic surgery, and he looked completely different from before. But fortunately, the body shape did match, and that unique There is no other person who has the voice, that person is definitely him, I will not admit my mistake!

“I was so shocked that I stopped and stared at him.

“He noticed someone was looking at him, and after hanging up the phone, he glared at me. He wanted to curse, but after he said a word, he fell silent—he must have recognized me.

"I could see that he was very panicked at the time. So we went to a nearby park to talk. I felt that since Ogata had done something wrong, instead of living in fear with a false identity, he might as well be like me. Go to prison to atone for your sins, and then start a new life openly."

Inspector Asa felt like he understood: "But he didn't agree at all, so you lost control of your emotions and pushed the person down?"


Mentioning this, Honda Ryohei suddenly bowed and hugged his head: "I, I can't remember! My memory only last night when I talked with him, and then it stopped!"

Inspector Asa's forehead veins were twitching wildly: "..." Why did it start again!

He now gets a headache when he hears the word "amnesia". And if you lose your memory, you will lose your memory. What happens is that you lose the most critical part...

Just as he was having a headache, Inspector Asa suddenly remembered Jiang Xia's maintenance remarks just now.

He looked at Mao Lilan subconsciously.

Mao Lilan looked at the policeman suspiciously, and after a moment, he suddenly understood a little desire in Inspector Asa's eyes.


The kind-hearted female high school student waved her hands repeatedly and backed away alertly: "Forget it, I'm afraid I can't control the strength and knock him out - in fact, when the black and white picture tube TV was still used, I was repairing it. I accidentally broke a few machines..."

"..." Haiyuan Ai suddenly remembered the old TV sets she saw when she passed by a nearby garbage collection point - before, she had wondered why someone would smash TVs to vent their anger. Who would have thought that today, this little question that was bothering her would suddenly be solved...

Jiang Xia also saw Inspector Asa's gaze and waved his hand:

"Xiaolan was acting in self-defense just now. It's unjustifiable to hit someone now. But even if we don't knock Mr. Honda, it's not difficult to guess what happened next.

"You should still remember the rain boots and shovels we saw when we were looking for someone in the basement, as well as the corresponding invoice that was dug out from the trash can of the person who fell. I remember the time on the invoice, it showed last night.

"In other words, after the person who fell from the building talked with Mr. Honda last night, he immediately bought these two things."

After all, Inspector Asa has been a police officer for many years and is somewhat sensitive to these matters.

Hearing Jiang Xia talk to this extent, he suddenly understood: "The person who fell from the building is living a very comfortable life now, but last night, he was suddenly recognized by his accomplice from 8 years ago, and the other party seemed to want to persuade him." The way he goes to jail.

"So in the conversation last night, the person who fell first tried to stabilize Honda Ryohei. After they were separated, he immediately prepared rain boots and shovels, which are convenient for burying the body, and planned to kill Honda?!"

After saying that, Inspector Asa suddenly remembered that he had just retorted to Jiang Xia's words, "It's a good helper for destroying corpses and eradicating traces", and his face suddenly became a little confused. He cleared his throat and pretended he didn't think of anything.

Jiang Xia also considerately pretended not to notice anything.

He continued to restore Honda Ryohei's memory: "After the person who fell from the building prepared the props to hide the body, he invited Mr. Honda to his office tonight."

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