Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1570 1570 [Case closed]

Jiang Xia: "While Mr. Honda was unprepared, President Ogata grabbed the ornaments in the room and slammed him on the back of the head, trying to kill him and silence him.

"But President Ogata overestimated his own strength and underestimated Mr. Honda's ability to withstand a blow."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at the wall next to him, where there were still spider web-like cracks caused by Honda Ryohei being kicked away by Mao Lilan just now:

“So President Ogata’s blow not only failed to kill Mr. Honda, it didn’t even completely incapacitate him.

"Mr. Honda did not expect that his former accomplices would suddenly hit him. After being injured, he got up in a panic and ran out of the office. In the process, he accidentally knocked over the sofa behind him.

"When President Ogata saw his target escaping alive, he suddenly became even more panicked than him. He hurriedly dropped the ornaments in his hands and chased after him, accidentally knocking the coffee table on its way - so the room was in such a chaotic scene.

"The two chased and escaped, and finally came to the rooftop. After some pushing, President Ogata finally succeeded in pushing Mr. Honda downstairs.

"Wait a minute, President Ogata pushed Mr. Honda down the stairs?" Inspector Asa was confused. "President Ogata was the one who fell. Are you telling the contrary?"

Jiang Xia shook her head and suddenly raised her hand to point at Dr. A Li and the others who were eating melon:

"These friends of mine are very observant and will not lie about the case - you remember they said that they saw a person on the top of the building push another person down ten minutes before they fell. Bar.

"Actually, that was the scene at that time. It's just that the building was not particularly high, and the balconies on the 1st to 3rd floors happened to protrude outside. Plus... and Mr. Honda's vitality was very tenacious. So at that time, He did not fall to the bottom of the building, but fell to the balcony on the third floor and fainted.

"President Ogata saw this scene on the roof, hurriedly ran back to the office on the third floor, and dragged Mr. Honda, who had fallen unconscious, from the balcony into the house. This is the origin of the drag mark on the balcony and the stain on Mr. Honda's body. .”

"First he was hit hard on the back of the head, then pushed downstairs, and finally..." Mao Lilan looked at this man who had experienced too much, guessing that Honda Ryohei's head became less clear after being beaten for the first time. She sympathized, "If Mr. Honda had not run to the rooftop but rushed downstairs, he might have been able to escape successfully."

"Maybe he can only run to the rooftop." Speaking of this, Jiang Xia looked at the secretary hiding in the crowd and suddenly asked, "Why do you appear here late at night?"

The secretary was quietly eating the boss's melon, but unexpectedly, he was suddenly named by the detective.

He came back to his senses and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Because Boss Ogata asked me to come to the company at midnight and lock the door..."

Halfway through, the secretary suddenly understood: "Oh! The boss was worried that when he murdered Mr. Honda, someone unrelated would break into the building and bump into the scene where he was disposing of the body, so he wanted to lock the door. Let me lock the door. , because if he did it himself, it would easily arouse Mr. Honda’s suspicion.”

Jiang Xia skipped a line and nodded happily: "You have a bright future. If boss Ogata goes to jail this time and your company goes bankrupt, you might as well try to become a private detective."

Secretary: "...Thank you, I'll think about it."

Inspector Asa's eyes jumped when he saw that Jiang Xia was trying to turn London people into detectives, and still lobbied in front of him: "Let's get down to business first! According to your statement, it was Mr. Honda who was pushed downstairs, but in fact It was President Ogata who fell from the building, and the onlookers downstairs can all testify."

Conan saw that Jiang Xia was talking about this, but Inspector Asa was still struggling with this simple issue.

He sighed and couldn't help but say:

"Just imagine the scene at that time. After the strong Mr. Honda finally fell unconscious, President Ogata, who wanted to silence him, must have breathed a sigh of relief. After that, he would decide to proceed with his previous plan - —Take Mr. Honda to a hidden place, dig a hole and bury him.

"If you were in a situation where you needed to hide a body far away, what would you do as the first step?"

Inspector Asa felt that this child was strange: "...Why should I hide the body?"

Conan: "Because you need to understand the criminal's thinking so that you can restore the scene at the time of the crime... How did you solve your previous murder cases without such basic skills?"

Inspector Asaph: "..." Who solves murder cases every day? And how many times do I have to say that today’s incident was not a murder, and President Ogata who fell from the building is still being treated in the hospital!

How could a child have such thoughts?

The answer seems simple - it must have been taught by the adults around me.

Thinking of the "detective mentor" who was often with Conan, Inspector Arthur couldn't help but have a headache: Jiang Xia wouldn't usually teach this kid to solve crimes like this, right?

...A first-grade child has always assumed the identity of a gangster. If it goes on for a long time, the child will not be able to distinguish between true and false, and will empathize with the prisoners, and then gradually think that he is a criminal, and finally become a highly intelligent criminal. what to do?

Inspector Asa: "..." This kid Jiang Xia has done all kinds of evil!

When this case is over, I have to take the time to talk to Jiang Xia. Children cannot be educated like this, otherwise there will be many more terrible detectives in the world in the future.

When he thought that there were detectives like Jiang Xia all over the world, every time the police handled a case, a passing detective would intervene in a high-profile manner, take charge of the situation, and mess up the crime scene. Inspector Asa felt like his hair had fallen out. A lot.

Seeing that he was ignoring him, Conan thought that Inspector Asaph was still thinking about the question he just raised.

Thinking that the police inspector was already old and could not place too many demands on his ability to solve crimes, Conan sighed and decided to take the initiative to reveal the secret:

"President Ogata plans to bury the body in a hidden place. Whether it is transporting the body or digging a hole and filling it with soil, this will definitely take a lot of time. He will not be able to return to this office in a short time.

"And his office was still in chaos at that time, just like what we see now. President Ogata realized that if someone accidentally entered and saw the situation in the office while he was away, that person would definitely be concerned about it. He was deeply impressed, and when the police came to investigate, he revealed information that was extremely detrimental to President Ogata, and even took the initiative to call the police.

"So before restoring this place, President Ogata cannot leave with peace of mind. He plans to restore the crime scene here to its original state first.

"And after looking so carefully, he suddenly discovered that Mr. Honda's glasses were missing from the bridge of his nose."

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