Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1585 1585 [The murderer who uses humans as props]

Xiao Songjun thought about his friends and then himself, and couldn't help but sigh: "Compared with him, I am really a loser in life in every sense. Before, I just had trouble at work and poor abilities. I didn't expect that today Even my life almost ended..."

Jiang Xia comforted him casually: "It's just a little accident. I have seen people who were chased and hit by people who fell from the building several times. You just almost got hit once when you were passing by. There is still hope in life."

Xiao Songjun was stunned for a moment: "Who is so unlucky?"

Conan: "..." Probably a target targeted by "that adult".

Jiang Xia: "I don't know either. I heard that every time that person was hit, he would leave the scene quickly. Maybe he is used to this level of bad luck. Anyway, you are still very lucky."

Xiao Songjun was indeed comforted. He laughed and said: "If you compare it to this, I still get lucky occasionally - speaking of this, what you just said is actually wrong. I didn't pass by by chance, I was waiting here. Human.”

When he said "waiting for someone", he blushed heavily, with a shy smile on his face: "A cute girl wrote me an anonymous love letter and asked me to meet here, but..."

His expression froze, and he suddenly realized that this good luck didn't seem to be very good, because it was interrupted by bad luck: "It's just that there was that level of commotion just now, and the other party may have been scared away, and he hasn't shown up yet. Oh, that's right, if you are with someone like me, you will definitely become unlucky."

While eating the melon, Suzuki Sonoko made a comment: "Hmph, how can this be considered an interruption of good luck - if you really like you and see you almost getting smashed, she will definitely rush over to care about your situation, or at least express condolences to both of you. That's the right sentence. People who sneak away like this may just want to have fun with you. It's a good thing you haven't seen anyone."

Conan's thinking was obviously different from hers, and he quickly grasped a certain key point: "'Anonymous love letter', that is to say, you were actually asked out by someone you didn't know?!" - Could that person be someone? A very beautiful cadre secretary in a black dress?

Miss Spider was weaving a murderous aura out of boredom when she suddenly felt something. She looked at Conan, and the sharp claws protruding from her back moved. She felt as if something was paying attention to her.

Komatsu Kyun didn't know why Conan's expression became so scary, but he still recalled it with a good temper: "Yes, she asked me to wait for her in front of this building at 2 o'clock."

Jiang Xia pinched Miss Spider's cold spider legs and suddenly wanted to eat popsicles. While distracted, he did not forget to pick up the clues that were brought to him:

"Have you ever thought that that person asked you to come here, maybe to fix your position and then hit you with a falling person?"

"Ah? No way." Komatsu Kyun is unlucky, but he usually lives in London and doesn't encounter many murder cases. When he suddenly heard this hypothesis, he was a little frightened and instinctively denied it:

"Actually, the lady didn't ask me to wait for her at the place where she fell. Instead, she asked me to meet at the main entrance, which is quite far away from the place where she fell! I waited for a while and didn't see her, so I ran to the side. .”

Conan refused to let go of any suspicious aspects in this case and interjected: "Then why did you suddenly run to the side door?"

Xiao Songjun's face turned red again: "Well, after all, this is the first time I have received a love letter from a girl. Regardless of whether I answer or not, I always have to be more formal when meeting. So I put on a little makeup today.

"The front entrance happened to be facing the sun, and I love to sweat. I was worried that too much sweat would wash away the powder on my face, so I ran to the side to hide from the sun. As a result, when I was hiding from the sun, the man fell down. Yes. Alas, after all, I am not lucky enough and it has nothing to do with the young lady who asked me out... Hmm? My little friend, where are you going? "

——Before he finished speaking, Conan had already strode towards the main entrance, as if he was eager to confirm something.

Haiyuan Ai also remembered something and whispered to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Speaking of which, the other wipe mark we found on the railing on the roof happened to be right above the door."

Jiang Xia nodded: "It seems that the murderer is indeed the 'anonymous girl' who asked Mr. Xiaosong out. That person wanted to kill Xiaosong with the drunken man who fell from the building. However, when he was about to push the person down, Mr. Xiaosong He just ran away. So the murderer had to take back the person who almost pushed him out, brought him to the side of the building, and smashed him against Xiao Songjun again, so there was such an extra wipe mark on the roof of the building."

Suzuki Sonoko also joined in the fun and squatted down next to them. While listening, she nodded repeatedly: "I see, it's so vicious! He actually takes advantage of other people's longing for love. Humph, this kind of person will definitely be stabbed by Cupid. Human.”

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly, seeming to agree deeply.

Hui Yuan Ai frowned: "And it's really terrible to use people as props to kill people. What's even more terrifying is that once the murderer succeeds, as long as the police miss a little detail during the investigation, this murder case that killed two people will , it will become a 'suicide accident' that goes unsolved."

Suzuki Sonoko shuddered when she thought of the real murderer hiding behind the scenes and sneering. She felt that the words of this beautiful and cute little girl were a bit scary.

But soon, she looked to the side and found a ton of security.

"Detectives are needed at times like this!" Suzuki Sonoko slapped Jiang Xia on the shoulder, "No murderer can escape Jiang Xia's eyes, absolutely not!"

Huihara Ai: "..." Jiang Xia will indeed not miss the murderer in the case, but he is surrounded by murderers... Damn it, if there is no organization, Jiang Xia is just a free detective.

Behind them, Xiao Songjun looked at the mumbling high school students and children, scratching his head curiously: "What's wrong, what are you talking about?"

Mao Lilan also listened to the conversation carefully just now. When she heard this, she looked at Xiao Songjun: "Do you know the gentleman who fell from the building?"

Judging from Jiang Xia's words, the murderer probably wanted to kill two birds with one stone. While killing the person who fell from the building, he also killed Xiao Songjun. If this is the case. Maybe the murderer has a grudge against both men.

Xiao Songjun shook his head after hearing this: "Of course I don't know him, I've never seen him before."

Jiang Xia also stood up: "In that case, can we see the love letter you received?"


When he mentioned the love letter, Xiao Songjun's face turned red again. It seemed that he rarely received such things, so he was very shy now. He touched the pocket containing the love letter and hesitated.

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