Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1586 1586 [Uzo’s terrifying new hobby] Please vote for me

Chapter 1586 1586 [Uzo’s terrifying new hobby] Please vote for me ()

Conan finished confirming the situation at the main entrance and came back with a solemn expression.

After hearing the conversation between Jiang Xia and Xiao Songjun, Conan quickly understood the current situation. He looked at Xiao Songjun's coy look and decisively joined in the conversation of several people: "Let's see, Brother Xiaosong - to be honest, we have never received a love letter from a cute girl, maybe we will see it in this life." If it’s not here yet, just give us a chance.”

Mao Lilan: "..." She thought of Jiang Xia's magical desk hole that was never used but was always filled with all kinds of pink gifts and envelopes.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, the facts prove that as a flexible detective, you must have the skill of "sweet talking" when necessary.

"Hahaha, is it true? Maybe you are still young. When you grow up and enter the society, you will receive love letters like my brother."

Komatsu Kyun was obviously very impressed by these words. He no longer hesitated, felt in his pocket, found a piece of beautiful letter paper, and handed it over: "Here, read it carefully and don't damage it."

Jiang Xia raised his hand to take the letter, but before he opened it, Xiao Songjun's stomach rumbled across from him.

This somewhat stupid man touched his big belly and said after a while: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that I haven't eaten yet - I originally wanted to treat me to a meal at noon and explain the matter clearly, but who knew But such an unfortunate thing happened, and the girl never showed up... Let's go to a nearby restaurant and talk while eating, I know a restaurant where the food is very good!"

Although the investigation is important, important witnesses cannot be kept hungry.

So even though the group had just eaten, they still went to the store he mentioned with Komatsu Jun.

Jiang Xia and others followed Xiao Songjun and left the building where the falling case occurred.

in another building nearby.

Okiya Subaru stood behind the window, gnawing on the ice cream he just bought like a tired tourist while looking at the scenery.

But of course what he was looking at was not the scenery of London, but Jiang Xia and the witness in the case.

Watching the detectives running around investigating the case, Subaru Okiya unexpectedly tasted a bit of the fun of solving the case.

Okiya Subaru: "..." The choice just now was indeed the right one. Rather than following Ireland, it would be wiser to stay with Jiang Xia.

——After all, the only danger around Jiangxia is murder. In fact, those murder cases were all under the control of his superiors, so no matter how thrilling the case looked, the fatal danger contained in it would not hit him, a loyal subordinate who had surrendered, for no reason.

Subaru Okiya couldn't help but reminisce about the great sense of security he gained after raising the white flag. After a moment, he realized what he was thinking, and his conscience suddenly felt a little prickly.

But a sore conscience is a sore conscience. Nowadays, when encountering a case without panic, worry, fear of the police, or fear of being chased, it is so happy... Especially compared with the hell experience of the past few days, the current situation , simply like being in heaven.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Speaking of which, Uzo must have expected that he would have such thoughts.

Knowing that this change of mentality was a conspiracy from his boss, he still fell into the trap irresistibly. Is this Uzo's method? It's really terrifying.

...Speaking of which, Misa-san gradually turned into a puppet loyal to Uzo in this way.

Leng Buding thought of the "kind" woman in black who had saved him from fire and water many times, and also recalled the cold look of Miss Misa who only obeyed Uzo's orders and ignored others after the truth was revealed... The sharp contrast between the before and after made him laugh. Okiya Subaru's heart felt as if he had been stabbed by an ice pick, pulling out the cold.

He couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his chest: His Miss Misa who only lives in his memory... Heh, wait, why does this feeling feel so familiar?

Okiya Subaru was confused for a moment. After a moment, he suddenly understood - that's right! Not long after he became Uzuo's subordinate, when he accidentally met Xiao Hei and wanted to adopt this unique black cloud-stepping snow cat, Uzuo also appeared in front of him from the sky.

Then the cold yet humane cat dropped all its reserve and turned into a licking dog, nuzzling and meowing at Uzuo's feet, completely different from the two cats.

...In addition to this time, this is already the second time.

There are no accidents around Uzo. This must be some kind of bad taste on his part... How many lifetimes of bad luck did he have to be assigned such a terrible boss?

Okiya Subaru: "..." It seems that if you see any good things around you in the future, or encounter any good things, you must first think about whether this is Uzo's conspiracy again.

——Although now, as a subordinate of Uzo, he and this boss with wide interests seem to be in the same camp, and they will not suffer innocently. But we must not forget that Uzo is essentially a bad organization cadre who likes to treat people as toys.

There is no guarantee that one day Uzo will suddenly lose interest in him as a subordinate...or become interested, and then his hell career will begin.

Thinking of these two extremely difficult years, Subaru Okiya's eyes gradually lost their brightness, and the ice cream in his hand suddenly lost its flavor.

at the same time.

The innocent boss who was being talked about by the brain-filling monster had no intention of harming his younger brother. Detective Jiang Xia is focusing on the process to solve the case.

On the way to the restaurant, everyone looked at the love letter in Jiang Xia's hand curiously.

Conan was so anxious that he wanted to jump up and down. But realizing that he couldn't see the letter even if he jumped up, the calm primary school student had to change his strategy rationally and communicated verbally: "What does it say?"

Jiang Xia glanced at Xiao Songjun and saw that he didn't mind, so he read the contents of the letter:

"Although you are very unlucky, you never give in to your fate. This kind of you is really charming and heart-warming. In fact, I have been paying attention to you.

"Can you date me?

"At 1 o'clock at noon the day after tomorrow, I will wait for you in front of the main entrance here..." A cute map was drawn on the paper, with the names of the main streets and buildings marked, and a pink heart drawn on the location of the building. .

"——by the girl who has been paying attention to you."

From the moment he read the first word, Xiao Songjun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. By the time Jiang Xia finished reading, he was laughing so happily that he couldn't see his eyes, scratching his head shyly.

When Suzuki Sonoko heard the ending, she was startled: "It's gone now? You only wrote such a short love letter on such a big piece of paper?"

Jiang Xia nodded, seeing that she seemed in disbelief, and simply handed over the letter.

Suzuki Sonoko took it and took a look, and saw that there were only a few lines on it. Fortunately, because there is a map inserted in the middle, the layout is not too empty at first glance.

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