Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1613 1613 [Ireland vs Conan]

Just now, Conan suspected that the security guard in front of him was actually Kidd pretending to be a security guard.

But now, feeling the opponent's momentum at close range, Conan felt that he might have admitted his mistake - Kidd is still an elegant Phantom Thief in general. No matter what he disguises himself as, he never seems to show such a vicious look. The smell of a murderer.

But the person in front of him... was very different. Not only did he feel oppressed like a murderer, Conan was also keenly aware of the malice directed at him.

At this time, under Conan's vigilant gaze, the "security guard" actually smiled a little: "Little brother, why are you running so fast? It's basic courtesy not to run in the corridor."

"..." Conan tried to show the innocent expression of a child and actively admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry, uncle, I will pay attention to it in the future."

The "security guard" nodded and was about to speak, but before he could speak, another smiling young security guard walked into the corridor.

The smiling security guard looked at his colleague: "What's wrong?"

Ireland lowered the brim of his hat: "There is a child running around here, and I don't know where his parents are."

He had checked before and there were two teams responsible for security here. He was wearing a different uniform than the smiling security guard next to him, so he probably wouldn't be recognized.

As expected, the new security guard didn't expose him. He just looked at Conan with a smile: "Where are your parents? A kid of your age who goes out alone will be sent to the police station."

Ireland suggested calmly: "I'll take him to find his parents first."

Conan took a step back to avoid his hand, turned to look at another smiling security guard, and said in a child's voice: "Wow, uncle, your anti-explosion stick is so cool. It's much longer than this uncle's. Can you give it to me?" Want to play?"


Ireland was startled, then looked over and found that it was actually like this - the anti-explosion stick was pinned to the security guard's waist, which was not easy to see from Ireland's perspective. But with Conan's height, the child's line of sight was exactly level with the anti-explosion stick, and he could see it at a glance.

After discovering the unusual anti-explosion stick, Ireland looked at the "colleague" next to him and couldn't help but squint his eyes silently - he had been to the security room just now. If he remembered correctly, the lengths of the instruments inside were very consistent and not this long at all. Anti-explosion stick.

Ireland: "..." In other words... maybe this smiling security guard is a fake security guard like him?

Thinking of this, a name suddenly appeared in Ireland's mind - Phantom Thief Kidd.

At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Conan: This child is really not simple. Is it because he followed Jiang Xia every day and learned some observation skills?

In addition, if I remember correctly, I heard that it was this child who kicked the person who fell from the building with a ball in the afternoon, causing him to be almost hit.

Ireland intuitively felt that there were many secrets hidden in this child. Some of them may even be related to Uzo.

If you drop by and ask him...

Some plans gradually took shape in his mind. While there were no guardians of children around, Ireland planned to do something about it.

But before it was implemented, someone else walked along the corridor.

This time it was Jiangxia.

Seeing this detective who also hid many secrets, Ireland's eyes moved slightly and he took the initiative to talk: "Are you the guardian of this child?"

Jiang Xia nodded and looked at Conan: "Kudo suddenly left from the side door just now. I don't know where he went. There is only one way. Have you seen him?"

Conan looked up and saw Jiang Xia and breathed a sigh of relief: This guy finally started working.

With the detective's force value guaranteed, Conan suddenly became more motivated.

He looked at the smiling security guard, pushed up his glasses, smiled calmly, and was about to analyze the flaws of this guy who was highly suspected of being "Phantom Thief Kidd".

However, before he could express his careful reasoning, Jiang Xia suddenly raised his hand, like lightning, and pinched the faces of the two security guards at the same time.


Kidd had long been on guard against the detective who was chasing him. He leaned back sharply to keep his smiling security face.

Next to him, another fake security guard was about to dodge, but before taking action, Ireland suddenly remembered something, which made his dodge action seem clumsy, and he was suddenly hit.

The Tokyo detective looked very unfriendly to the Phantom Thieves and used a lot of force.

Ireland's face twisted in pain, her fingers trembled, and she wanted to touch the gun, with murderous intent rolling over her.

However, as an organization cadre for many years, he was very tolerant. In order to get the information from Jiang Xia, Ireland stopped all resistance and did not say a word. After a second, like a dull ordinary security guard, he condemned and covered his face in pain: "What are you doing!"

Ireland's patience seems to have been in vain.

After such a tug, Jiang Xia and Conan's attention seemed to be focused on the smiling fake security guard next door.

——Kudo Shinichi is Kidd, and there is only one way in this direction. Between the two "security guards", one of them must be Kidd pretending to be one. Since Ireland is not, it becomes obvious which of the two is Kidd.

Kidd sighed: "I didn't steal anything, I was just passing by. What's the use of catching me?"

As he spoke, he suddenly slapped his over-long explosion-proof stick. The top of the stick suddenly lit up with a bright light, and the dazzling white light instantly obscured the sight of everyone present.

There was already a pair of goggles on Kidd's nose to prevent glare.

He looked at the other three people who had their eyes closed at the same time, smiled, and was about to run leisurely to the elevator in the distance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, Ireland suddenly raised his hand to the side based on his impression, and his arm was just in front of Kidd.


Kidd was startled, ducked down, rolled in an inelegant manner, and stood up again.

He straightened his security hat and took a second look at the big security guard who almost succeeded in intercepting the Phantom Thief. Without stopping, he quickly ran to the elevator.

By the time the other three people's vision had returned, Kidd had already rushed into the elevator.

The elevator doors gradually closed. In the gap, the thief who needed a beating showed them his signature provocative smile. Then he waved his hand politely: "Goodbye."

"Don't run!!"

The escaping phantom thief seems to have triggered a certain instinct in the detective.

Conan couldn't help but chase after him. After two steps, he remembered something. He gave Jiang Xia a covert wink and asked Jiang Xia to drag the suspicious big security guard beside him.

Soon, Conan ran away, rushed into another elevator, and chased Kidd.

When his figure disappeared, Jiang Xia rubbed his eyes meaningfully and blinked twice: What's the look in his eyes? The light was too bright just now. My eyesight had just recovered and I couldn't see it.

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