Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1614 1614 [Ireland vs Jiangxia]

Kiritengu actually saw Conan's actions.

Seeing that the master of the psychic medium was rubbing his eyes, as if he had missed the hint from Conan, it floated to Jiang Xia's eyes and conveyed it with gestures.

Jiang Xia: "..."

The mermaid floated over, grabbed the foggy dog's wing tip, and silently dragged the ghost away.

Matsuda Jinping held his chin up and looked at this scene: "..." Alas, what a naive monster.

Next to him, Ireland, who had no talent for seeing ghosts, obviously did not notice this scene.

He looked at Jiang Xia, thought for a moment, and said bluntly: "I heard from my colleague just now that you are the famous detective? Can you give me an autograph?"

Jiang Xia didn't seem to have recovered from the strong flash of light. He was a little confused. When he heard someone wanted to sign, he instinctively took out a business card, signed his name, and handed it over.

Then he suddenly remembered something: "Oh no, where is Kidd?"

"Kidd? Are you talking about my fake colleague? I thought he was a naughty fan who broke into the venue with a flash stick. I heard that this happened before..." Ireland took the business card and observed secretly. Looking at him, he pointed at the elevator, "I vaguely saw him taking the elevator up. I'll contact my colleagues to stop him."

"Okay, please excuse me." Jiang Xia also ran to the elevator, "I'll go take a look first."

The detective's figure quickly disappeared into the elevator.

Ireland took out the walkie-talkie, put it to his mouth and pretended to say something.

After the elevator door was completely closed and Jiang Xia was completely out of sight, Ireland's expression darkened.

At present, it seems that the situation is already obvious - the "Kudo Shinichi" the assistant said will assist the police in arresting Kidd is actually Kidd pretending to be.

In other words, no living Kudo Shinichi appeared, and he could not prove that Gin had made any mistakes in the matter of "killing Kudo Shinichi."

This turn of events made Ireland feel angry: Those stupid police officers who went to London from Tokyo and were said to be "catchers of Kidd professionals" didn't even think of grabbing "Kudo Shinichi's" face for testing?

"Hmph, but that's right. If they weren't stupid, how come they couldn't send Kidd to jail for nearly twenty years? They're just a bunch of stupid tax thieves."

Ireland quickly had an explanation in mind.

But when he thought that tonight's crew and everything that happened here seemed to be related to that "Uzo", he couldn't help but have some questions in his mind - is it really as simple as "the police are stupid"?

Behind this, Uzo might have done something else.

Ireland always feels there is something wrong with this. But now is clearly not the time to stop and think.

He had no choice but to put this question aside for the time being, then put the walkie-talkie he had used to fool Jiang Xia back into his pocket, and quickly rushed to the stairwell, intending to go downstairs.

On the stairs, Ireland easily found the business card Jiang Xia had just given him and took a look at it.

The signature of the famous detective is in the corner, and the handwriting is very distinctive. It is completely different from the handwriting on the "letter of war" that Ireland received before.

As a cadre of a black organization with expertise in intelligence, Ireland also has some research on handwriting. He can confirm that this must be written by different people.

After coming to this conclusion, Ireland stuffed the business card back into his pocket - Jiang Xia's suspicion in his mind was slightly lessened, but not too much. After all, from Ireland's point of view, there are obviously many people available to Uzuo. This cannot completely rule out the possibility that "Jiang Xia is Uzuo's subordinate".

But now, compared to studying the ingredients of Jiangxia, there is obviously another thing in front of us.

Ireland sorted out his thoughts in his mind: "Judging from the 'letter of challenge', today's place and this troupe must have something to do with Uzo. Uzo's bad attitude of making the best use of even a passer-by. With his character, it is impossible to let go of a famous thief like 'Kidd'... I will definitely find more useful information from Kidd."

In short, compared to Jiang Xia, a detective whose whereabouts are high-profile and who regularly refreshes in detective agencies and school examination rooms, in Ireland's eyes, the elusive Kidd is now more priority.

"It's impossible to catch up with Kidd in the air. If helicopters and machine guns are mobilized in advance, maybe we can try, but I have no preparations today." Ireland thought clearly, "But since Kidd is using a hang glider, then he Sooner or later it will fall to the ground, so if you drive over, you should be able to stop him."

Jiang Xia slowly took the elevator upstairs while stroking the murderous aura that he just picked up.

His luck was obviously good - although he didn't have much interest in chasing Kidd, Jiang Xia's elevator barely stopped midway. When he reached the top floor, he arrived at the same time as Conan, who had set off dozens of seconds earlier.

The elevator door opened, and Conan rushed out of the elevator carrying his backpack. The elementary school student scanned the surroundings with sharp eyes, guessing the location where Kidd might have fled.

Kidd was not found, but he happened to see Jiang Xia coming out of the elevator next door.

Conan was stunned for a moment, and then regretted: "If I had known I would have been in that elevator, people would always take me in the elevator, which wasted a lot of time."

After a pause, he patted his forehead again: "Oh, that's not necessarily the case. Maybe it's because those two passengers took the elevator I was in, so your elevator was always free. I should have let the elevator go first. The elevator goes up, and then I take the remaining one...but in the end, it still depends on the specific time when the passenger presses the elevator call button."

If a person's brain is too flexible, it is always easy to think twice about everything. Then he will become like Conan, who frequently loses focus at critical moments - just like before and in the future, when this first-grade primary school student is fighting wits and courage with the dark organization, he can't help but solve one or two daily cases. Nuclear multipurpose.

Jiang Xia looked at the rooftop in the distance and reminded this idle detective: "Aren't we trying to catch Kaitou Kidd?"

Speaking of this, Conan came back to his senses: "Wait a minute, why are you up here? Aren't you supposed to be staring at the big security guard downstairs? There's something wrong with him!"

Jiang Xia looked confused: "When did you let me keep an eye on him... What's wrong with him? Is he an accomplice of Kidd?"

Conan was speechless for a moment: "At that time, I was just flashed by a strong light, and I was busy blinking to send you a signal. My eyes were almost sore... You didn't receive it?"

...But think about it, Jiang Xia was closer to Kidd and his light stick at that time, and his height was similar, and he was not blocked by high-tech glasses, so his vision may indeed be recovering slower than him.

Conan: "..." Damn, I was so careless.

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