Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1644 1644 [Ireland: Wants to kill Jiangxia]

Maya Hashimoto: "..." In short, now that he has been forced to have contact with Jiang Xia, the top priority is to temporarily reach a cooperative relationship with this detective - to deceive people first, as a weapon and shield against Uzo. If there comes a day when I can no longer deceive anymore, then...

Maya Hashimoto cleared her throat and suppressed some thoughts that should not be exposed under Uzo's gaze.

He quickly clarified his thoughts: if he wanted to cooperate with this terrifyingly observant detective, the first thing he had to do was lie as little as possible and establish a certain amount of trust.

"I didn't expect that you would see it." Maya Hashimoto sighed and said calmly, "Well, what I'm talking about is indeed not my own business, but a friend of mine, he..."

Maya Hashimoto lowered his voice: "He is an illegitimate son of a big family. He is usually watched by many people. He must act very cautiously. It is inconvenient for him to come forward to find a private detective, so he asked me for help. In short, everything about this commission Please keep all information confidential."... Otherwise, I can only ask you to shut up forever.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." However, private detectives are usually very strict with their mouths. Jiang Xia has never leaked secrets before. He should not reach this point before the matter is resolved.

Jiang Xia leaned on the comfortable seat of the first-class cabin and looked at the bucket of iced black tea that was gushing out next to her. When it reached a certain level, she packed it up and dropped it. Her eyes and tone were much softer than before:

"It doesn't matter, I understand. In fact, I want to talk to the client face to face, not because I think the client is not sincere, but because there are some situations that need to be confirmed by him. Only in this way can we find out some of the client's own problems. Details that went unnoticed.”

"This..." Maya Hashimoto was a little confused. He didn't know whether Ireland was willing to take the risk of contacting the detective, and he couldn't help his boss make up his mind.

Just as he was about to use delay to get things over, Ireland actually walked over. He patted Maya Hashimoto on the shoulder and signaled his confidants to give up their seats. It seemed that he actually wanted to talk to Jiang Xia himself.

Maya Hashimoto stood aside, his movements a little stiff: Oops, now that the boss has come forward in person, after the matter is over, regardless of whether Jiang Xia leaks the secret or not, Ireland will not let this keen detective live.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." When the time comes, Mr. Ireland will probably ask me to silence the detective. Is this another little trap set by Uzobu?

Resistance was written all over his body, and he always felt that after he silenced the detectives, countless police officers would break into the scene and be caught on the spot.

But then I thought about it, even if I have to deal with Jiang Xia, it must be after solving Wu Zuo's matter... Instead of worrying about how to silence the detective, it is better to think about how to survive these days of hostility against Wu Zuo.

Thinking about the bleak future, Maya Hashimoto's eyes straightened for a moment, and she felt a little depressed.

The joys and sorrows between ordinary people and members of the organization are not the same.

When two bottles of wine with their own thoughts are sitting side by side.

Forward cockpit door.

The flight attendant held the tray and pressed the communication bell: "I'm Misawa, here to bring you coffee."

In the cab, the captain heard her words and remembered the joke he had just made with the co-pilot, and couldn't help but laugh: "According to the 'flag' you just said, the current Misawa is no longer Misawa, but He is a killer sent by a mysterious organization."

The co-pilot had a picture in his mind, imitating the villain's tone, and changed the stewardess' lines: "'I am Misawa, I am here to take you on your way.'"

The two middle-aged men laughed together, and the other co-pilot shook his head helplessly and shouted: "Come in quickly."

The flight attendant received permission, pressed the code, and entered the cockpit.

She was about to turn around and close the door, but when she turned around, a beautiful woman followed behind her. Mu Shuli passed the flight attendant sideways and raised his hand to say hello to the captain: "Hi~"

The stewardess was startled and hurriedly stopped: "This guest is not allowed to enter here."

The captain recognized the person. He smiled tolerantly and said to the stewardess: "It's okay. If you really want to count, this is still your senior."

Who doesn’t like beautiful and young colleagues of the opposite sex? The captain looked at Maki Shuli and greeted happily: "Long time no see!"

The stewardess still felt this was inappropriate. But after all, she was just a flight attendant. Seeing that the captain and co-pilot had no objections, she couldn't say much and silently stepped aside.

The corridor suddenly became empty.

Maki raised her chin slightly and walked past the stewardess toward the captain. On the way, she glanced disdainfully at the stewardess: she enjoyed this feeling of privilege. When she thought that among the passengers on the entire plane, she was the only one who could step into the cab like this, she felt comfortable all over her body.

Mushuli walked up to the captain and smiled at the man who gave her face: "Long time no see."

The captain turned around and looked at this old but still charming former colleague with some nostalgia: "To this day, I still remember your beautiful appearance walking through the cabin in uniform - gems will indeed shine wherever they are. It’s really an honor for our whole crew that you can reach this status after becoming an actor.”

Mushuli accepted his compliment without any shyness.

After greeting the captain, she turned to the co-pilot: "Mr. Nakaya, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Nakaya smiled shyly: "I went to see your play yesterday, and it was great. I didn't expect to see a real person face to face today."

Maki Shuli was even happier. She was also very satisfied with her drama, and Nakaya praised it to the point.

The captain answered: "I'm going too. It's a very exciting drama - whenever there is your performance in the future, we will definitely go to see it." As he said that, he took off his gloves and planned to shake hands with this long-lost colleague.

Maki Shuli pursed her lips and smiled, and stretched out her hand, but it was not in a "shakeshake" posture.

The captain looked at her strange movements and was stunned for a moment. But soon, thinking of yesterday's drama, he suddenly understood.

The captain regarded the person in front of him as the noble Princess Josephine on the stage, took Maki Shuli's hand and gave her a kiss on the hand.

Maki Shuli pursed her lips and smiled, then stretched out her hands to the two co-pilots. The co-pilots also quickly took off their gloves, took her hand and kissed it gently.

After saying hello and receiving the dumbfounded gaze of the flight attendant, Maki Shuli was satisfied and waved his hand to leave.

When Maki Shuli was performing strange performances with the captains in the cockpit.

On her seat.

Jiang Xia looked at Ireland sitting next to him, folded his hands, and like a serious detective, showed a somewhat "unexpected and reasonable" profound look: "It's you."

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