Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1645 1645 [The commission is to investigate Uzo]

Ireland nodded. They had just met last night. Although he was dressed as a theater security guard and put on different disguises, Jiang Xia would definitely recognize him.

So Ireland did not hide anything, but only said some words mixed with truth and falsehood: "I received an anonymous letter asking me to go to that theater. Although I knew there was a scam in it, because I have been being assassinated recently, I couldn't bear it. So I went to take a look, but I didn’t know that I was tricked by the other party again.”

Jiang Xia touched his chin and looked at him hesitantly: "I did hear that in some recent cases, there are always some passers-by who are almost hit. Is that all you?"

"..." Although he was ready for the detective to intervene as a "victim", when someone else suddenly mentioned this matter, Ireland still felt unspeakable anger and shame in his heart.

"It's me." He took a deep breath and tried his best to stay calm. "If you find someone, you must notify me first before the police. This is very important to me."

Jiang Xia seemed to be very principled: "Sorry, if the other party is really a criminal, I will choose to notify the police first. This is good for you and society."

"..." Ireland frowned and glanced at him, not satisfied with this response - if the police were really involved, Uzo would certainly be in trouble, but the situation would also be unfavorable for him as a cadre.

But then I thought about it, detectives often have to wait until a chain of evidence is assembled before communicating with the police, and it is impossible for Uzo to leave such a "chain of evidence" behind.

In other words, even if Jiang Xia catches the clues, he will only come to find himself in the end.

Wanting to understand this, Ireland nodded calmly: "Of course. But I have a hunch that that guy is a very terrible murderer. So during the commissioning process, please be sure not to leak this news to anyone, otherwise it will definitely Put them in danger."

Before coming to contact Jiang Xia, Ireland inquired about the situation from various parties in advance - Jiang Xia had a good reputation as a private detective. This young detective has never leaked secrets before, and he handles commissions very neatly. I heard that except for those clients who are inconvenient to rate due to various reasons, everyone else gives him unanimous praise.

Ireland: "..." Contacting a private detective who is secretive under a false identity will not lead to leaking the secret.

As for whether Jiang Xia is related to Wu Zuo...

Ireland has long thought that if these two people are really colluding, then for him, Jiang Xia, a detective with a clear whereabouts, will be a good breakthrough compared to Wuzuo, who has never seen the beginning and end of the dragon.

On the other hand, if Jiang Xia didn't know Wu Zuo, and the overlapping schedule between him and Wu Zuo was just a unilateral malicious entanglement by Wu Zuo, then Jiang Xia would be a good alliance.

Ireland: "..." Secretly handed the information he knew to Jiang Xia, and then asked Jiang Xia to deal with Wu Zuo. When Uzo was forced to a certain point, he used himself to save others. Ireland believed that if he were him, he would never let go of this detective who was targeting him at every turn and who knew too much.

It is not an easy task to silence a famous detective, especially since Jiang Xia has been vaguely aware of Wu Zuo's existence. When the time comes, if I do something secretly, it will not be difficult to pull Uzzo down and let the detective who knows too much die together with that annoying colleague.

A wonderful plan quickly took shape in Ireland's mind.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door curtain leading to the cab moved in front - Mu Shuli, who had gone to an unknown place before, opened the door curtain and walked out.

Ireland looked up and saw her, remembering this woman's difficult temper, and didn't want to have a conflict with him for occupying her seat in public.

So he stood up and said goodbye to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Let's talk again when we have the chance."

Jiang Xia nodded: "I remember I gave you my business card, please contact me anytime."

When two people are talking.

Mushuli looked over and saw a strange man sitting in her seat, and she raised her eyebrows in disgust.

Behind her, Conan was also stunned by this scene. Soon, he looked at Ireland suddenly, his eyes becoming extremely solemn.

——This mini detective is still thinking about catching the Phantom Thief. Considering that the Phantom Thief’s target is the ring on Makiri’s finger, Conan’s attention was all on Makiri just now. When Maki Shuli went to the cab, Conan followed curiously and watched the whole kissing process.

I thought I had watched an interesting piece of gossip, but when I came back to watch it, Conan was shocked to find that he seemed to have missed something more important.

Conan: "..." Looking at the figure, isn't this the very suspicious fake security guard from last night? He was actually on this plane and took the initiative to find Jiang Xia? !

Judging from Jiang Xia's happy expression, the two of them were having a very happy conversation... What did this guy say? Damn it, you shouldn’t have gone to the cockpit just now, you should have stayed and eavesdropped!

Conan was so regretful that his intestines were green. He wanted to rush to Jiang Xia immediately and ask Jiang Xia what happened just now while Jiang Xia's memory was still fresh.

However, considering that the suspicious tall fake security guard had not gone far, Conan did not dare to be exposed, so he clenched his fists, forced himself to hold back the questions, and decided to wait until he was alone to ask questions.

Conan stayed where he was, brainstorming.

Maki Shuri glared at Ireland, who was occupying her seat, and then looked down at the seat with disgust on her face.

Her assistant came over quickly, holding an open box of chocolates in his hand: "I was just wondering if you felt uncomfortable because you were hungry - do you want some snacks? This is your favorite brand .”

The chocolate is packed in a square box, separated by hard cardboard in the middle. There are 16 compartments in total, and each compartment contains a separate piece.

Mushuli snorted, picked a piece at random, and threw it into his mouth.

There was a lot of chocolate left, and everyone who saw it got a share, and the assistant shared it with people nearby.

Jiang Xia saw the box handed to her, so she took a piece.

The younger brother and Ireland, who had not gone far, were also asked, but they both chose to refuse: as members of the organization that licks blood from the edge of a knife, they have no habit of eating randomly outside, especially food handed to them by strangers, let alone this. An area is likely under Uzo's influence.

The box arrived quickly in front of Haiyuan Ai who was huddled in the corner.

The primary school student, who was trying to reduce his presence, wore a bunny hood and waved his hand, about to refuse.

At this moment, in the corridor, Mushuli suddenly let out a bellows-like gasp. Then she suddenly raised her hands, grabbed her throat, and fell to the ground twitching.


In the quiet cabin, this kind of movement is really shocking. The people in the surrounding circle were all stunned. They suddenly raised their heads and looked over.

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