Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2196 2199 [War Reporter Vodka]

Officer Takagi racked his brains, trying to push forward the progress: "By the way! Let's take a look at the smoke reaction first - the person who fired the gun will leave gunpowder smoke on his body. Whoever has gunpowder smoke on his body among the four of you will be the murderer!"


After he finished speaking, the four suspects looked at him in silence.

Officer Takagi scratched his head, vaguely feeling that something was wrong: This didn't seem to be a look of panic after being exposed, but more like...

"You're stupid." Sato Miwako slapped him on the back of the head, "Didn't Jiang Xia just say that they went to the shooting club before coming to the ice rink - it would be strange to stay in a place like that all afternoon without gunpowder smoke on their bodies. ."

Several suspects nodded quickly and looked at Sato Kazuko with the same eyes as Mr. Qingtian. But then I thought about it, so the murderer was still among the four of them, and the probability of 1/4 didn't seem too low.

So the Iron Man quickly analyzed: "Actually, the cabinets here often can't be locked. If we didn't close the door at that time, it's possible that someone took advantage of the chaos and stole our gun, and then shot Qianxun."

As soon as he finished speaking, before the police could say anything, his words were refuted by his companions. The dark-skinned man said indifferently: "Clay shooting is not a popular hobby. Our guns are disassembled and put in bags. Normal people would not know that it is a gun bag at a glance, and even if they knew it, they would not be able to assemble it - —The murderer is more likely to be one of the four of us than an outsider who happened to see the locker."

"You!" His three companions were stabbed in the back and glared at him for a moment.

On the contrary, the police looked over with admiration: there were hundreds, if not thousands, of people coming and going in this skating rink. In comparison, focusing on investigating four suspects was simply a good job - this The suspect is really a good guy!

Far away on the other side of Tokyo.

Someone is wrapped in a coat and typing angrily on his mobile phone.

Chianti: [Hold your camera steady, why is it shaking! I want to see the suspect, look at what you are taking pictures of - I took out my mobile phone from my pocket in the middle of winter, could it be to look at the heads of the onlookers? ]

Vodka: "..." It's not me holding the camera, so what's the use of scolding me? It would be nice if you could see the stolen footage, but you have too much to do!

These images were of course vodka hacked from the scene.

Nowadays, technology is gradually improving, and some TV stations have used cameras for frontline reporters that can be synchronized to the headquarters. However, the number was not large after all, and more reporters came with cameras.

At this time, all these reporters were blocked by the onlookers.

Vodka picked carefully, and finally found that there were not many to choose from, so he quickly chose one.

"This year's reporters are really getting worse and worse. They haven't squeezed into the scene for so long." Vodka said, "If it were me, I would have been at the front line."

But to be anxious is to be anxious. In the middle of winter, trying to squeeze a precious machine from a group of melon-eating people wrapped in cotton-padded jackets to the front line is really a hellish task.

Vodka could only pause watching the live broadcast and deal with the business at hand first, while hoping that this group of unsatisfactory reporters could get in as soon as possible.

On the other side, in the skating rink.

The Mumu Police Department did not have time to care about the progress of reporters approaching the scene - it would be better if reporters could not get in, otherwise such a bloody scene would be exposed in advance, and the pressure of public opinion would definitely come again.

So in the face of reporters beckoning for help, Mumu Police Department decisively pretended not to see anything. He frowned and looked like he was deep in thought. He turned his back to the door very naturally and waved to his police officers:

"First go and visit the surrounding area and ask if anyone saw any suspicious persons nearby at the time of the incident."

When Suzuki Sonoko heard this, she suddenly remembered something, and she quickly said: "I seem to have seen it before!"

The Mumu Police Department did not expect that such a fixed team could provide clues. He was surprised and said: "Are you sure?"

Suzuki Sonoko thought for a while and said with a serious face: "To be precise, I may have seen the murderer escaping in a hurry just after committing the crime."

"!" Memu Police Department didn't expect it to be such an important clue, "Tell me more!"

Suzuki Sonoko turned to Jiang Xia and said in detail: "When I hurried to the bathroom, I saw a 'cleaning' sign on the door. No one answered the door, so I had to stand at the door and wait.

"Then the fireworks started to be set off outside. I was afraid of missing them, so I ran to the corridor and looked out of the nearest window.

"The bathroom was about five or six meters away from the window. As I was watching, I suddenly heard movement behind me. When I looked back, I saw a strangely dressed man in black wearing a black hooded raincoat walking out of the women's bathroom."

Conan: "!" Man in black! Could it be...

The mini detective was triggered by the keyword and began to have a brainstorm.

The Mumu Police Department looked at Suzuki Sonoko and said silently: "..." It is indeed a very important clue... But what did you say to Jiang Xia? At this time, shouldn't we tell the police uncle about the matter first?

...But it’s not a big problem. After all, his subordinates have already automatically ignored him as a middleman. It’s normal for Suzuki Sonoko to get used to it.

Police Department Megu sighed and got down to business with a complicated mood: "Then did you see that person's face clearly?"

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head: "He pulled the brim of his hood down so low that it almost covered half of his face, and he also had a scarf covering his mouth... I can only be sure that it was a person."

The Mumu Police Department was helpless: "Of course it's a human being, otherwise could it still be a ghost?"

The ghost gates floating around all stopped and looked at him: Why can't it be a ghost?

The police knew nothing about the invisible resentment.

Miwako Sato combined the cause and effect and suddenly remembered something: "After the suspicious man in black escaped, you didn't immediately go into the bathroom to check?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded: "Because there was a cleaning sign at the door, I thought the man in black was a cleaner who was afraid of getting dirty, so he wrapped himself tightly, and ran away in a hurry to get tools, so I waited for a while. .

"But there was no movement inside, and the person didn't come back. I thought that the person might have forgotten to take off the cleaning tag, so I tentatively pushed the door in, and then... then I saw the body."

Sato Miwako heard the question: "In other words, you didn't hear the gunshot of the murderer killing the deceased?"

Suzuki Sonoko realized in hindsight: "Indeed. Huh? Could it be that the deceased had been shot long ago, and the one I saw was not the murderer?"

Sato Miwako shook her head: "The body is very fresh... Well, I mean the deceased's death time was very close. Combined with the time period when the women's restroom was closed, she was indeed killed during the time you were waiting."

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