Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2197 2200【Under Monitoring】

Speaking of this, Sato Miwako snapped her fingers and suddenly found a little detective's happiness:

"In other words, it's not that you and the other people waiting outside the bathroom didn't hear the gunfire, but the murderer waited patiently until the fireworks started to be set off before shooting the deceased, and the bathroom is well soundproofed - so you Treat the sound of gunfire as the sound of fireworks exploding."

The Memu Police Department also understood: "In other words, this is not an accidental case, but a premeditated crime that was deliberately delayed. In this case, the murderer may have made other preparations."

He suddenly had an idea and turned to the four suspects: "Please cooperate with us to show your belongings. By the way, who suggested that you come over to skate tonight."

The long-haired beauty was startled: "You want to say that whoever suggested coming here to skate here is the murderer? But our gatherings are always decided jointly by everyone, so we can't arrest all four of us as murderers."

On the other side, a TV reporter carrying a new camera finally squeezed through the crowd of onlookers and arrived at the bathroom door.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the reporter colleagues stationed on the stage also breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the picture happily together.

At the same time, there was another group of people enjoying this first-hand information without any courtesy.

Although I didn't take many useful images just now, the sound came through.

Chianti: [I know who the murderer is, it must be the dark-skinned man! There really isn't a good thing about Black Skin. ]

Vodka: "..." Oh, Uzo hasn't spoken yet, but you have already solved the case first. If you guess the murderer correctly, I will stand on my head and eat... a bucket of ice cream.

Belmode: [Why? ]

Chianti: [Because that Bourbon guy is annoying! The last time I met him at the mission site by chance, I just looked at him with the scope, and he stared back at me - what happened to a grown man being targeted? How stingy! ]

Curaçao peeking at the screen: "..." A sniper revealed his position so easily. He still glared at you, so he was polite enough that he didn't shoot you back on the spot.

Belmod: […I’m asking you why you think that person is the murderer. ]Who asked you if you have black skin or not?

Chianti: [Isn’t this simple? Didn't the female police officer say that the murderer waited for the fireworks to start and used the sound of the fireworks to kill people? After killing the people, he had to run away and change clothes.

[Except for the dark-skinned man, the other three people were all fireworks who appeared in the surveillance at the beginning. Once eliminated, wouldn’t he be the only one left? Hahaha, it’s so simple and you didn’t even expect it. It’s so incompetent. ! ]

There was silence in the chat box for a moment.

After a while, Cohen: [You can actually reason. ]

Chianti: [Get out! ]

Chianti: [Remember to place your bet! ]

After saying that, she put her little black money on the dark-skinned man, betting that he was the murderer.

Curacao: "..." Oh, naive, no one really thought that Uzo would set up such a simple script.

But thanks to Chianti's lack of brains, her chances of getting the small black coins have become higher again, which is all precious information.

Curacao: "..." Speaking of which, what the hell is the name "Xiaowu Coin"? Vodka actually dares to name it like this, which is not unlucky.

She complained in her mind about this classless driver, and soon began to think about business again: If the dark-skinned man was excluded, who among the remaining three would be the murderer?

...No, it can’t be ruled out so simply! What if Uzo predicts other people's predictions, and then specifically reverses their predictions in order to target the predicted prediction?

Curacao silently added back the list of suspects that he had just crossed out: "..." There is no rush, there are too few clues now anyway, and the betting has not ended yet, it is still time to take another look.

In the restroom of the skating rink.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the long-haired beauty who had just retorted, and suddenly realized something.

She felt deeply that she had followed Jiang Xia to the murder scene for so long, but just now she was frightened by the corpse again, which was a bit embarrassing, so she took the initiative and tried to save it: "Um, maybe you are the murderer."

The long-haired woman she was looking at said: "?"

Suzuki Sonoko was not sure to begin with, but she became even more nervous when she saw him, and silently wanted to shrink back.

However, at this moment, Jiang Xia patted her on the shoulder and nodded encouragingly.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly seemed to have found her backbone, straightening her back again. She looked at the long-haired woman, imitated Jiang Xia's reasoning, and said what she suddenly thought of:

"First of all, the crime scene was in the women's restroom. There were not many signs of struggle on the deceased's body. It can be seen that she came here on her own initiative - if it was because the murderer invited her to meet here, then the invitation would only be valid if the murderer was a woman. Seems perverted.

"In addition, I remember that you had a very bad relationship with the victim and quarreled as soon as they met. You had a motive for killing."

"Wait a minute!" Izumi Sano flipped up his long hair and said aggressively, "There are dozens to dozens of people who have quarreled with me. According to what you said, do I have to go and kill them all?"

Suzuki Sonoko: "Of course not! The two points I mentioned are just evidence. More importantly, the death message left by the deceased on the wall - the 'S' written in blood!"

She leaned over and took a look at Officer Takagi's notebook:

"The initials of your four names are the 'み' of Mr. 'Misawa Koji', which is also the 'M'." It was the steel man.

"Ms. Komatsu Raiko's 'こ', 'K'." This is the woman in the knitted hat.

"Mr. Oda Kunitomo's 'お', 'O'" This is the dark-skinned man who attracts Chianti's attention.

After saying that, Officer Takagi looked at the long-haired woman again: "Only your name 'Sano Izumi' starts with 'さ', which means it starts with 'S' - you are the only one among you who matches the message left by the deceased!"

This section was also captured by cameras rushing to the front line and transmitted to the other side.

Chianti: [ @Cohen, hurry up, vote for this woman! ]

Belmode was curious about what this brainless sniper was thinking: [Why? ]

Chianti: [Aren't you a mystic? You mystics must be very good at guessing riddles - take a guess. ]

Belmode: "..."

Jiang Xia suddenly glanced in her direction.

"!" Belmod instinctively became vigilant and didn't want Uzo to discover this program, so he put away his phone as if nothing had happened.

She temporarily quit the chat, but the others didn't.

Cohen: [Because the girl made this reasoning because she was encouraged by Uzo just now. This is actually what Uzo meant. ]

Chianti was furious: [You are stupid, I asked Belmode to guess, not you! What if you tell me that other people will imitate us in betting? ]

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