Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2204 2207 [Review] Please vote for me

No matter how vicious Belmod is, he is not his boss after all.

So after perfunctory with her, Vodka quickly got to the point: [The murderer, the deceased and the weapon were all chosen correctly, big brother is wise! ]

Vodka entered the results one by one and distributed the small black coins that everyone had bet on.

A bunch of words popped up in the chat box, a half-smile and half-curse from Chianti.

Vodka skillfully used his eyes to filter out the curse part, and when he saw Chianti said: [Haha, I made the right bet! ]

Vodka glanced at her record: the murder weapon was indeed correct, but everyone was correct about this, so ignore it. As for the others, the "dead man" Chianti held the long-haired woman, and the "murderer" she held down the dark-skinned man.

Vodka: "..." What a ghost! Obviously none of them are right!

I was shocked, I thought I entered the wrong result.

But soon he remembered something and went to look at Cohen's records. Then it was discovered that this taciturn guy bet on a dark-skinned man in the "dead" column, but bet on a long-haired woman in the "murderer" column.

If I remember correctly, Chianti asked him to stake both times.

Vodka looked at the right murderer and touched his chin thoughtfully: She really guessed it right?

When facing Uzo, it is undoubtedly more important to find the dangerous murderer than guessing the deceased - because no matter who is the deceased, he must be prepared to be suddenly targeted. There is no difference.

But if the murderer can be accurately identified, prevention will undoubtedly be more targeted, which can increase the probability of survival and no injury.

"Let me see who is responsible for the murderer..." Vodka counted them one by one.

"Brother, he chose the woman with long hair, and he made the right choice. This should be inferred from the 'KIX' on the deceased's mobile phone."

Vodka secretly muttered in his heart: "Although no other evidence has been found at that time, I can roughly guess who the murderer is based on this real death message left by the deceased - after all, there are people coming and going in places like the airport. My eldest brother and I often went there to engage in kidnappings and assassinations. With an airport code like this, you can tell what it refers to at a glance."

"Brother is wise! But..."

Vodka sighed: Guess what the murderer is for? Isn't it to predict the danger, find this surface danger source before the murder occurs, and then stay away appropriately?

But the death message... this is something that will only appear after the deceased. Inferring from clues is not called prediction, that is called inference.

"Next time I have to cut it off earlier." Vodka wiped his face silently, "But forget it this time, the most important thing is that Brother has fun." After all, hugging Brother Gin's thigh is also an effective way to reduce the mortality rate.

After reading Gin’s bet, Vodka continued reading.


Vodka Typing: [ @Curaçao, why did you vote for the woman in the knitted hat? ]

This woman's reasoning ability should not be weak, and she is often sent across the country by Rum, so she should know more about airports than he does. Turns out she made the wrong choice?

Curacao felt his pocket shake: "..."

She jumped down from the vent and knocked down the last mission target in front of her with the butt of her gun.

Curacao then dismantled the equipment on the man, found the key, opened the locked door, and called a few peripheral members to come in and clean up.

After her subordinates started working in an orderly manner, she retreated to the side and glanced at her phone.

After catching a glimpse of the news about vodka, Curaçao's eyes became dark: "..."

Why did you vote for the woman in the knitted hat?

It's not because you bastard suddenly closed down!

Curacao will glance at his phone when he has free time, but of course the main time is spent on tasks. Unfortunately, she also became busy here in the second half, and more or less missed some news.

When I had time to look at my phone again, the ten-second countdown suddenly popped up.

In just ten seconds, Curacao had no time to look back at the surveillance camera. At that time, she thought quickly in her mind and had to make a guess based on her intuition.

——The first is the dark-skinned man. Among the four suspects, he is the only one who has no alibi. Although this may be a counter-routine set by Uzo, it would be too stupid to guess wrong if he takes the bet, so rule it out.

Then came the remaining three. Chianti asked Cohen to choose a long-haired woman. This sniper's luck and intuition have always been poor, and they were ruled out.

All that remains is the woman in the knitted hat and the man in steel.

There were no clues and incomplete information, so I had to make blind guesses based on intuition.

When there were only two seconds left in the countdown, Curacao gritted his teeth and voted for the woman in the knitted hat.

——She remembered that Uzo was a little interested in Akai Shuichi, and he had also persecuted an unlucky knitted hat on the plane before. Maybe this guy has a thing for knitted hats.

Although there is no evidence, it is still a choice of 1 out of 2. What if the guess is correct?

Curacao voted.

Then it went wrong.

Curacao: “…”

...Unexpectedly, Knitted Hat was just an innocent passerby this time.

She put away her phone silently and pretended not to see Vodka's message: she was busy and had no time to look at her phone. Isn't it just a loss of a small black coin? It's not a big problem, she doesn't care. Don't care at all.

And she wasn't the only one who was unlucky - if I read correctly, Belmode didn't shoot at all, and I don't know if he was entangled by Uzo at the scene.

Curacao comforted himself like this, and then suddenly felt something was wrong: Belmode shared this case, and there was a small black coin reward. And she didn’t invest, so although she didn’t earn anything, she didn’t lose anything either.

...So I am still the worst?

It's all Vodka's fault, so why cut off the game so suddenly? You should give people some time to review the video.

Curacao's eyes twitched slightly, and he made a mental note to this stupid colleague. Then I pressed the exit button hard and closed this unpleasant little program.

Vodka @Curaçao didn’t get a reply and went to Chianti again.

Chianti ignored him, but it made him particularly angry: [Hahaha, guess what. ]

Vodka: "..."

...This hateful woman! He scolded Belmode for mysticism every day, and ended up learning to be mystical himself.

But it wasn't a big problem. This "guess it" made Vodka suddenly think of the chat he had just had during the case.

If I remember correctly, Belmod has already asked this question once.

Chianti did not answer, but Cohen responded - when Suzuki Sonoko saw the bloody "S" on the scene and guessed that the long-haired woman was the murderer, Uzzo gave her an encouraging attitude.

"That's it! Uzo's attitude is reflected in such details." Vodka felt that he had made a huge gain.

But then he felt something was wrong: "But this was also a clue that appeared only after the crime! Everyone is dead, so what's the use of guessing the murderer? Unless it's a serial murder case, but Uzo actually prefers to kill one person individually and accurately. , the serial murders would only occur when he was in a high mood."

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