Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2205 2208 [New Transaction]

Vodka sighed heavily and secretly made up his mind: "Next time, I will definitely close the deal early and increase the reward - just at the moment when the murder occurs. As long as, uh, as long as Brother Gin doesn't mind."

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Gin glance at him.

Vodka: "!"

He felt a thump in his heart, but fortunately, Brother Gin was not here to cause trouble this time.

Gin just noticed one thing: "I remember that not long after the murder happened, you voted for the long-haired woman."

He didn't finish his words, but it was enough for Vodka to understand what he meant.

Vodka: "..." Brother Gin wanted to ask him why he knew that the long-haired woman was the murderer when he had no clues... As expected, brother Gin was also very interested in this knowledge!

If asked by Chianti or Curaçao, Vodka might have to say "guess" to repay Chianti for asking him to "guess" just now.

But the person asking now is Gin.

Naturally, Vodka didn't dare to hide it and told the truth: "Because that Miss Sano is very beautiful."

Gin: "..."

Vodka: "Several other people have more or less flaws - the woman in the knitted hat has small eyes, the passerby guy has a big nose, and the dark-skinned guy has stubble. In short, among these people, the only one who has no flaws in appearance It’s the deceased and the murderer.”

"..." Gin sneered, "It really meets his requirements for the stage."

Vodka nodded, thought for a moment, and suddenly felt proud: Wait, looking at it, among the people who know Uzo, he is actually the only one who came to the correct conclusion without looking at the clues!

What does this mean? This shows that his research on Uzo has been somewhat successful, and the probability of survival when facing the devil has increased!

If he continues like this, maybe one day he will be able to see his stage clearly, and then...

"Among the deceased and murderers in the past, there were also many people who looked ugly."

Gin's cold voice suddenly floated next to him, like a basin of ice water in winter:

"Also, even if you can guess the murderer correctly every time... don't forget, the tactics Uzo uses to deal with ordinary citizens are different from those used against cadres - before you raise your tail, you might as well think about whether you have bourbon. ability."

Vodka: "..."

As an active member of Uzo who has collected a lot of intelligence and analyzed it extensively, when Vodka mentioned bourbon, countless scenes flashed through his mind: what about the Twin Towers speed car parkour, what about the warehouse explosion that almost happened at the same time as Ireland... ...Scenes of various parkour failures and death, silently appeared in front of him.

Vodka: "..."

Could it be that these patterns deliberately left in ordinary cases are actually part of Uzo's conspiracy?

...You are so cunning at such a young age!

From this point of view, it is okay to just play casually at the beginning of the game, but when you really face Uzo, you must not blindly rely on the rules-after all, Uzo can have countless opportunities to make exceptions, but he only has one life.

"The rules still need to be summarized, but they can only be used as a rough reference." Vodka quickly wrote on the notes in his mind, "Of course, the best way is to stay away from that guy and physically isolate all risks."

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Gin knocking on the car window impatiently: "Okay, let's get down to business."

Vodka came back to his senses, looked out the front window of the car, and saw a slightly fat middle-aged man walking on the street in front of him.

"Huh?" Vodka always felt something was wrong. He looked at his watch and looked shocked, "This guy is actually 12 minutes late..."

And if you look carefully, you can see that although the middle-aged man opposite came running all the way and seemed very sincere, in fact he didn't sweat at all on his head - he obviously came slowly and leisurely, and then pretended to be anxious when he came into their sight. On the way.

Vodka, who never dares to be late, couldn't help but frown: "I don't even dare to be late, how could he...cough, brother, this kid doesn't take us seriously anymore!"

Gin lit a cigarette, looked at the winner in life wearing a famous brand watch through the car window, and sneered: "He has been transferred to New York and will leave in ten days. His attitude change is normal."

"You actually think that if you change the hemisphere, you can completely abandon the relationship with us..." Vodka sighed and imitated his elder brother's accent to help him speak, "I really don't know whether to praise him for his ideals or his naivety."

The person who came was Tachibana Eisuke, the backbone of Goi Denki Co., Ltd.

This man is about fifty or sixty years old, with black beard and hair. He has a very urban appearance and has a lot of bureaucracy in the workplace.

Gin pressed the earphones and confirmed with the two snipers that there were no ambush or unusual movements around him. Then he pressed down the car window to leave a space for the sound to be transmitted.

When Tachibana Eisuke stopped by the car, Gin glanced at him: "I rarely meet collaborators who dare to come to see me with empty hands."

Tachibana Eisuke apologized repeatedly: "It's such a core thing. I thought I could get it today, but I didn't find the chance. I will definitely get it tomorrow and trade it at the golf club I often go to the day after tomorrow. How about it?" "

Vodka: "..." Oh, you are making so many excuses, isn't it because the place where we met today is too remote, and you are worried that we will silence you after taking the goods, so you want to go to a safer place more often to save your life?

I have to say... you actually guessed it right. This is indeed our plan.

But that doesn’t mean you let us go!

Vodka was thinking wildly while keeping a straight face in the driver's seat, acting as a burly background to enhance the atmosphere.

Next to him, Gin seemed to think about it for a moment. Then he sneered and agreed to the proposal: "Our patience is limited, next time..."

Tachibana Eisuke breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, everything is safe!"

After the black car drove away, Tachibana Eisuke's tight back finally relaxed. He snorted coldly in his heart: "You just helped me get rid of a person back then, what's the point of being arrogant!"

He silently recited several times in his mind, "I am an elite who is about to be transferred to New York and take up a post. I am different from this group of wage earners." Then he stopped fussing with the two men in black.

Tachibana Eisuke had improper competition in the past few years and was taken advantage of by business rivals. After being blackmailed by the other party, he couldn't help but want to take risks and find an opportunity to kill the bastard who dared to threaten him.

However, before he could take action, several men in black approached him.

The men in black helped him deal with the opponent, and in return, Tachibana Eisuke helped them steal a technology.

Then Eisuke Tachibana gradually realized something was wrong: once this transaction started, it couldn't be stopped. Time after time, he was asked to steal more.

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