Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2206 2209 [Kou Kou Gin Wine]

His handle has not disappeared, but a new group of people has changed his grip. And what's worse is that the guys who are now holding the handle on him have become these men in black who have guns, weapons, and mysterious whereabouts.

As a strong-willed Tokyo native, Tachibana Eisuke is of course unwilling to sit back and wait for death.

In a rage, he weighed the difficulty of killing the gin and vodka.

Then he retreated silently.

Forget it. They have guns and look very professional. They may have contributed to the rise in sea levels in Tokyo. It’s better not to confront someone head-on. To be on the safe side, consider the long term.

...In short, he can't solve the problem by simply silencing him.

But the problem still needs to be solved.

Although for every transaction, the people in black would give him a sum of money. But Tachibana Eisuke is now successful and famous, so he doesn't need this little money. In comparison, he cares more about the risks behind these things.

So on several occasions, Tachibana Eisuke tactfully hinted that he wanted to quit, but it was not easy to wash his hands of Jinpen. The other party was half persuading and half coercing, so Tachibana Eisuke was forced to do what he did today.

Now, he finally found a good opportunity.

"I will be transferred to the New York headquarters soon. I don't believe they are willing to chase me all the way to New York."

Tachibana Eisuke secretly thought: "And although I don't know who those people are, one thing is very obvious - they themselves are also doing something illegal.

"So they definitely don't dare to look for me in a big way, let alone look for me across the country. After the distance is established, they can't disturb my peaceful life anymore - wouldn't the matter be solved smoothly?"

While thinking about it, Tachibana Eisuke quickly returned home.

He has actually obtained the items used for the transaction. Next...

Tachibana Eisuke carefully worded his words, edited the time and place of the transaction, and sent it to the two men in black.

He chose a golf club built on the outskirts of the city. There was no police station near this building, so it should not arouse the rejection and alertness of the two men in black.

But on the other hand, the arena is very open and there are not many obstructions around it. There are also surveillance cameras inside the arena. For outlaws, this is not a place where they can safely silence themselves.

"I will bring a few more subordinates with me the day after tomorrow, pretending to go to the golf club to relax. Once there are more people, the risk will be reduced again. If something happens, I can pull someone over to act as a human shield."

Tachibana Eisuke secretly planned in his heart:

"During the transaction, you can't meet the two men in black directly. There happens to be automatic lockers in the golf club, which are strong and safe. I will put the things in the lockers and then hide the keys. They took the keys and went to get the contents of the lockers themselves.

"I don't want the money. Those guys are murderous. If they secretly stuff bombs into the money box, I will be in trouble. I can't be silenced by them just because of this little money - good, foolproof!" "

After all, they are long-term partners. Although he knows nothing about the other party's true identity, Tachibana Eisuke has some understanding of their behavior style.

After sending the specific transaction method via email, Tachibana Eisuke stared at his phone, feeling a little uneasy.

In the past, all transactions, from time, place to content, were decided by the two men in black, and there were often even temporary changes. Tachibana Eisuke never had the right to make a decision in this matter, he could only act according to orders.

But this time, he decided to make a small change and test - if the other party accepts his proposal, it means that the people in black are somewhat sincere in the transaction.

But if the other party refuses...

"Then I'd better ignore the deal and rush to New York overnight." Tachibana Eisuke sighed, "I always feel like they want to kill me today, and they actually arranged to meet in such a remote place... Fortunately, I had an idea and didn't bring anything with me. go."

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone vibrated.

Tachibana Eisuke was startled and almost dropped his phone to the ground. He danced and grabbed the phone again, clicked it and saw it read: [ok]

"Ok? Did they agree?"

Tachibana Eisuke was surprised: "You are so easy to talk to. Am I overthinking it?"

He recalled it carefully and patted his forehead with a hint of annoyance:

"So, I have never proactively provided a trading location once - if I had known that this matter could be discussed, I would have planned it myself!

"Isn't it comfortable in a high-end club? Aren't you happy in a high-end hotel? I always go to those ungrateful places with them, and my clothes are dirty several times... Tsk, but forget it, I will start a new life from now on , let him let bygones be bygones."

He turned off his cell phone, lay down on the bed, and happily planned his new life on the other side of the ocean.

On the other side, two people from across the ocean were talking on the phone and secretly plotting.

Shuichi Akai, who had been waiting in the distance all night, said to Judy: "The surveillance probe at the place where you watched the fireworks tonight had abnormal rotation."

"?!" Judy was shocked. When she went there, she just glanced around and knew that there was a surveillance camera next to the skating rink, but no normal person would stare at the camera all the time, so she really didn't know it until Shuichi Akai reminded her. Notice this detail.

"You mean..." Judy guessed, "Someone is monitoring us in this way? Could it be 'that person' hiding behind the scenes and manipulating the case?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt happy: "Doesn't this mean that he wants the murder to happen in the direction he expected and needs real-time monitoring? - Since it can interfere with the murder, it means that there are people of his near the crime scene. Now, as long as we catch that person..."

Speaking of this, Judy suddenly thought of one thing: "How is your list of suspects going? Have all the people on it been checked?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Finished checking?

I haven’t started reading the second page yet, and I’m about to start the second one now.

Shuichi Akai is not interested in this topic, and this is a long-term plan, not the current focus.

He then flipped through his notebook and said nonchalantly:

"You must be careful in front of the camera to maintain your image as a 'foreign teacher'. In addition, you must prevent him from using this to locate you and then attack you."

Judy: "Don't worry, I've always been very involved in the drama, and I've been paying attention to the dangers around me - being hit by a corpse won't happen again." She still remembered the topic just now, "So the investigation of suspicious persons …”

Akai Shuichi: "By the way, although the venue is open tonight, it is too late and the people are crowded, which is not conducive to observation. Since we have initially guessed the way the person manipulated the murder, we must use this before he becomes alert. A little bit, to catch as many clues about him as possible.”

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