Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2211 2214 [Vodka Exercises]

However, this thought flashed across his mind, and Belmode remembered that because there was an organized mission here that needed to be kept secret, Vodka had stopped this session.

Belmod: "..." It's really rigid formalism. It's obviously not an important task this time. Doesn't that vodka guy know how to be flexible?

But complaining was nothing but complaining. Thinking of the gin behind Bodega and the guy's unsophisticated temperament, she had no choice but to sigh and give up the idea of ​​negotiation.

The ordinary members went to the bathroom, while Section Chief Yasui was surrounding Eisuke Tachibana to greet him. According to the simple company food chain, the migrant worker at this time suddenly became the department director.

The young director sighed, carried a basket and played a basket of balls, and first helped Tachibana Eisuke pour the balls into the ball table.

Afterwards, he returned to the automatic ball server and wanted to help the section chief get a basket as well.

Section Chief Yasui waved his hand: "No, I will do it myself."

"Okay, okay." The little director was happy to save trouble and stepped aside.

Section Chief Yasui shook his head at his unmotivated look, then pushed up his glasses and hit a basket of balls over.

He first poured half of it into his own ball table, and then left some aside. He ran to pour it next to Tachibana Eisuke's ball table: "Mr. Tachibana, these are for you."

Mao Lilan turned to look at this scene and couldn't help but whisper to several classmates: "After entering the society, you not only have to do a good job, but you also have to maintain interpersonal relationships. It is not easy to be a worker."

Jiang Xia nodded with deep sympathy: These social beasts in front of him still have a chance to flatter their bosses. However, each of his superiors hid further away than the last. Every day, the dragon was seen without seeing its end. He could only get closer to them if he got the chance... and it was really not very friendly.

Seeing Tachibana Eisuke nodding politely towards Section Chief Yasui who had sold him, Jiang Xia finally couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if my boss was so approachable."

Mao Lilan was startled: "Is that boss Amuro very cold?"

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and thought objectively: "A bit weird, but the person seems to be pretty good - maybe it's because of the big age gap or generation gap."

Belmod: "..." Bourbon would be tricked every once in a while while hiding like this. If he had been more approachable, he would have turned into ashes long ago.

But maybe the boss Uzo meant was Gin?

An approachable gin…

The corners of Belmode's eyes twitched, and he couldn't imagine it at all.

At this moment, the ordinary member who had gone to the bathroom came back.

Section Chief Yasui saw him and quickly stopped him.

The two of them walked a little further to the side. Section Chief Yasui avoided Tachibana Eisuke and whispered, "Have you repaired all the clubs I asked you to repair Mr. Tachibana last time?"

The ordinary club members nodded quickly: "Of course, it was repaired by the same old master that Mr. Orange used. After repair, it will be as good as new."

"Well, things were done well this time. You finally became smart for once." Section Chief Yasui pushed up his glasses, "Don't ask Mr. Tachibana for the repair fee. You pay it out of your own pocket - Mr. Tachibana will be transferred soon. This is a small amount of money. , consider it a gift from us."

Ordinary club member: "Huh? Ah, okay."

The two of them were far away from Ju Yingjie, but they happened to be close to Jiang Xia and the others. Their whispers were all heard by the high school students.

Mao Lilan's originally complicated expression suddenly became more complicated: "It's too difficult to be a social worker. I'd better choose a major that allows me to be independent in the future and open my own studio."

Jiang Xia's ears twitched and he suggested: "The detective is very good."

Suzuki Sonoko feels the same way: "In the future, I will open a studio, and we will form a rice flower iron triangle to clear up all cases in Tokyo, so that criminals will run away when they see us!"

Belmode: "..." Let's not mention the previous ones, but the last sentence... In a sense, it has already been accomplished.

Especially some criminals who are as timid as mice and happen to know too much.

Among the black cars in the distance.

Vodka: "Sneeze!"

He rubbed his nose, glanced at the surveillance camera warily, and thought to himself: "Is this kid Uzo talking about me?"

Gin was doing other things nearby, and Vodka couldn't always disturb this big brother who was busy with things like this yet-to-be-happened danger.

He could only follow the surveillance and watch alone.

After looking at the vodka, I noticed the problem and couldn't help but mutter: "...I always feel that Section Chief Yasui has a dead look on his face. Could it be that he is the one who died this time?"

He is determined to start a game and make others scratch their heads and heads in anxiety with him. However, this time it involves organizational tasks, and it doesn’t feel right to broadcast live to other cadres.

"Next time." Vodka sighed inwardly:

"Belmod now has a fixed social identity. As long as Uzo wants to look for her, he can find her at any time - it's rare to have such a handy toy. How can that kid Uzuo not play with her?

"There will definitely be no shortage of cases in the future. I have enough samples for analysis. Sooner or later, I will be able to completely grasp Uzo's pattern!

"However, strictly speaking, although I don't have a companion to analyze with me this time, I can practice by myself."

With this in mind, Vodka focused his attention on the surveillance, guessing who the deceased was, and looking for fatal hazards in this venue so that he could avoid them smoothly if he encountered them.

After completing a bunch of social operations, the social animals finally began to calm down and play ball.

For a moment, there was only a buzzing sound in the venue.

While Tachibana Eisuke was swinging the club hard, he couldn't help but be a little distracted: he didn't know if the two men in black were coming. He had specially reserved a locker using someone else's identity and put the transaction items in it. Now counting the time... those two people should have taken the things away?

While thinking, Tachibana Eisuke quietly raised his eyes and looked around: There were high nets around the venue, and there were no buildings that were too tall, so those people couldn't snipe him.

In addition, the venue is equipped with surveillance cameras. According to his observations over the years, those men in black seemed to focus on hiding their identities and always avoided surveillance, so they would not come to the venue to shoot themselves.

"By the time we finish playing, it will be almost the morning rush hour. There will be more people on this road, making it very inconvenient for assassination."

Tachibana Eisuke was thinking quickly in his mind: "At that time, I can sit in my own modified car and let my subordinates sit on both sides as human shields. When I return to my villa with excellent security conditions and very close to the police station, I will It’s safe!”

"After that, I will find an excuse to take leave at home. I also need to plan a route to the airport. But it is not a big problem. I will hire a farewell convoy to escort along the road. If there are too many people, it will be difficult for them to take action - freedom is at hand. So close!"

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