Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2212 2215 [Silence]

Thinking of breathing the free air on the other side of the ocean, Tachibana Eisuke became more comfortable and became more energetic about playing ball.

Next to him, the biggest flatterer, Section Chief Yasui, was playing ball perfunctorily.

Some of his balls were originally given to Eisuke Tachibana, but now after just a few strokes, the ball table was empty.

Section Chief Yasui wiped his sweat and returned to the rest area.

People rested, but their mouths had to be idle. He looked at Tachibana Eisuke. Just as Tachibana Eisuke hit the hole in one, Section Manager Yasui quickly cheered: "Good shot! You are so lucky today!"

The young director and the ordinary servants were yawning in the back. When they heard this, they immediately started clapping regardless of whether they saw it clearly or not.

They have never participated in this sport of successful people. Today they are just here to accompany them. With their hands free, the two of them just put on the air of a group of people.

Tachibana Eisuke was very satisfied with this trick and burst out laughing. He is a person who likes to be praised and loves face. The attitude of those men in black is too arrogant when trading. Otherwise, if they could be more humble, Tachibana Eisuke wouldn't be able to do so. I want to wash my hands in a golden basin so much.

While playing, he remembered something and looked at his subordinates: "Where is my long-distance club?"

"Here it is!" The young director happened to be closest to the golf bag. He quickly took out the club and handed it to Eisuke Tachibana at a trot. "It has been repaired for you. It is guaranteed to be as good as brand new!"

Tachibana Eisuke: "Yeah, not bad."

He took the old stick that he was used to, looked at the sun for a few times, nodded secretly, and was quite satisfied with the feel.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the ball table aside.

Most of the balls inside have been played by him, and only a few are left at this time.

Next to him, Belmode was secretly observing these people, thinking about what pattern this time would be.

Suddenly her phone vibrated and she received a message.

Belmode took out his cell phone, opened it, and scanned it casually. His eyes suddenly stopped.

The actually Uzo? !

Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately opened the email calmly and checked the content.

I saw that there was only a casual sentence written in it:

[When everyone is practicing together, it is not a good habit to be lazy alone. ]

Belmode: "...?"

What does this mean?

What does Uzo want to express, what is he implying? ?

A bad premonition gradually emerged in Belmod's heart, but soon, her rich experience made her understand what to do at this time.

Considering that there might be surveillance around him, Belmod casually poked at his phone a few times, as if he was just replying to the most ordinary email.

Then she put away her phone, stretched, pretended to have finished her rest, picked up the club she had just put aside, and walked to the practice table next to Jiang Xia.

Although Belmod is in good physical condition, she is currently wearing the disguise of a "new doctor", which makes her body uncomfortable when she moves a lot, so she just hit a few shots and ran to the side to be lazy.

But the meaning of Uzo's email seemed to be calling her to come back and continue playing.

Belmod: "..." Although this devilish child is ruthless in tricking people every day and throws anyone he gets onto his stage, one thing is certain - this is a man who is very powerful in some aspects. A principled and unscrupulous director.

Uzo never tells the actors personally "You have to act like this", he only secretly guides them in a way that no one can see through, allowing the poor actors to "play freely" according to his wishes, and then take the initiative to die to complete this A vivid stage emerges.

...So on the other hand, following his instructions means being able to temporarily leave the stage.

Thinking of this, Belmode suddenly understood.

"Uzo suddenly asked me to move because he thought I was blocking the actor's way? The play is about to start?"

Thoughts flashed in Belmod's mind. At the same time, she listened to the sound of Peng and Peng hitting the ball in her ears, and discovered something:

"If I remember correctly, Uzo just kept hitting the ball and never stopped at all. The club needs to be held with both hands, but he was able to send me an email... So this is a timed email?"

She looked at her watch, 7:44.

It's not a special point, but it looks strangely unlucky - "death" is a homophone for "death". Could something really happen?

In the past, Belmod didn't believe in the idea of ​​good luck or bad luck.

But it happened that the person who really controlled all this was not the ghosts and gods, but the person less than three meters away from her. In the black organization, this was never about metaphysics and probability, but a vicious game based on human calculations. She couldn't help but believe it. .

Therefore, although there is no evidence at all, all the senses in Belmod's body have been mobilized, ready to deal with any changes at any time.

At the same time, another person suddenly became alert.

Judy received a message from Akai Shuichi:

[Go to the 'doctor' immediately. ]

Judy was confused, but out of trust in the FBI ace, she pretended to watch the game and walked to the "new doctor".

On the batting table next door, the foursome of social animals noticed their movements, but did not pay attention to this group of harmless students and teachers, and just continued to do their own things.

Tachibana Eisuke swung twice to test the feel, and then pulled a ball out of the ball table.

He aimed at the hole in the distance, preparing to hit the hole with one more shot to try his recent good luck.

At this time, Section Chief Yasui, who was sitting next to him, suddenly remembered something and got up and walked into the building.

Sensing his movement, the "new doctor" and Judy raised their eyes at the same time and looked over.

The next moment, a violent "boom" exploded from the edge of the court. The hot air flow spread out, making people's hearts beat violently. The entire teeing ground was shaken twice - there was a bomb! And it has exploded!

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were startled and jumped up. Together with others, they all turned to look at the source of the sound, just in time to see Tachibana Eisuke being blown away half a meter.

This dignified and successful man was now covered in charred black. Before he could utter a last word, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Judy: "?!"

She was stunned, grabbed her phone suddenly, and took advantage of the chaos to send a message to Shuichi Akai: [Did you already know that there would be an explosion there? ! ]

If she had continued to stand in her original position just now, she might have been affected by the explosion now. Akai Shuichi suddenly asked her to move, probably to avoid this.

Thinking of this, Judy's heartbeat became violent: "..." So... Could it be that Xiuyi has found the flaw of "that person" and successfully seen through the other person's behavior pattern?

While she mourned for the charred corpse on the ground, she couldn't help but feel ecstatic: her efforts over the past few days were not in vain, she had finally caught "that person"!

One less person in the world knows that she has bought hentai comics!

Judy: "...Ahem." Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that once "that person" is caught, many people can be saved, and they are one step closer to overthrowing that organization!

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