Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2224 2227 [Abnormal]

Judy: "..." Worshiping God is of no use unless God is willing to strike him with lightning from heaven. However, it is a pity that Tokyo does not seem to be under the control of God - not to mention the lightning strike, that guy has been domineering until now, and he can still hide the information tightly and watertight. He is obviously very lucky.

"But it's not a big problem." Judy encouraged herself in her heart, "We can do what God can't do. Sooner or later, I will be able to pull that mysterious guy out from behind the scenes."

However, the meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and Wu Zuo must catch it step by step.

Judy could only face the bleak reality.

She quickly regained her composure, looked at Suzuki Sonoko, and changed her words smoothly: "Actually, winning or losing doesn't matter. What's important is the process of everyone playing together! I've been in Tokyo for so long, and it's only the first time I've gotten to know you. I feel like I really fit into the life here - you are all great kids and I'm really happy to be around you, and now I don't feel as alone as I did before."

Mao Lilan is so soft-hearted. When she heard the word "lonely", she was filled with emotion: "I also like to go out with Teacher Judy. You can come to me anytime you want to play."

Suzuki Sonoko was also a little moved, but then she touched her chin again and suddenly fell into deep thought: "..."

Are you... happy with us?

Various scenes of Judy and them going out together silently flashed through her mind.

——Poisoning, floating corpses, cutting throats, shooting, explosions...


Suzuki Sonoko froze slightly, and when she looked back at Judy who was smiling cheerfully, she shuddered silently.

This beautiful foreign teacher... turns out to be a pervert! !

Although it aroused the panic of an innocent female high school student, in any case, as long as Jiang Xia nodded, Judy's invitation was considered a success.

Judy could see it clearly and quickly went to find Jiang Xia again.

Then he realized that something was wrong - after chatting for just ten seconds, Jiang Xia turned to the side and sneezed three or four times, with a slightly heavy nasal sound, as if there were signs of illness.

Next to him, Conan looked at him wearing a mask and asked in surprise: "You have a cold too?"

Jiang Xia: "...Maybe I was infected by you."

As he said this, he was a little confused: He could actually catch a cold?

...Is something good going to happen recently?

Judy was a little uneasy when she saw this, worried that Jiang Xia would refuse on the excuse of being ill.

Unexpectedly, this enthusiastic detective nodded neatly.

As a result, Judy's conscience began to hurt again, and she hesitated: "How about I wait until you get better before going? Otherwise, what if I go out for a breath of fresh air and get even more sick?"

Jiang Xia waved her hand and made a decisive decision: "It's okay. Even if I don't go to play, I still have to go out to work. It's better to go out for fun and relax."

Seeing that he seemed to know what he was doing, Judy stopped trying to persuade him: a small cold really doesn't affect anything, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

So Judy silently thanked the enthusiastic detective and ran enthusiastically to prepare the supplies for this trip.

After she walked away, Suzuki Sonoko moved next to Jiang Xia and quietly told the classmate who was stuck by Judy about her new discovery.

Then he came to a serious conclusion: "You may be targeted by a pervert! You must be more careful with her and protect yourself!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia thought about it seriously and speculated: "Although going out with Teacher Judy will always encounter various cases, before the case, everyone did have fun together - maybe what she said 'Have fun', that's what it means."

When Suzuki Sonoko heard what he said, he immediately hesitated: "Is that so?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "As for her attitude towards murder cases. Maybe she is actually a mystery enthusiast, so she mourns the deceased while thinking that everyone working together to solve the case can become a good memory - you see her attitude towards those poisons There are so many treasures like that, maybe she often solved crimes on her own when she was in the United States."

Conan: "..." That makes sense, but that female teacher is still suspicious. What on earth does she want to do?

Suzuki Sonoko was completely deceived and suddenly realized: "That's it!"

Could it be that she misunderstood?

Suzuki Sonoko fell into a distressing tangle: her impression of Teacher Judy is still jumping over and over again today.

Early the next morning, Judy was in a good mood and drove to pick up some high school students.

When she got there, she glanced out the car window and her mood hit rock bottom again.

——The "new doctor" is here again!

Judy looked at the "new doctor" who was chatting happily with Jiang Xia, and sighed quietly, but there was nothing she could do: Jiang Xia's outgoing and friendly personality was indeed easily exploited by some cunning organization members.

But Judy didn't have any position to correct her - even she was able to carry out her current plan thanks to Jiang Xia's character. If Jiang Xia was allowed to become a lone wolf who was cold and repulsive, then their FBI plan would have failed long ago by getting into a small group of high school students.

Having said that, today's action may be the first step in discovering the real identity of "that person".

Judy didn't want to bring Bellmode into trouble.

With this in mind, Judy got out of the car and chatted with the high school students for a few words, then looked back at her normal four-seater car, slapped her forehead, and felt very realistically annoyed:

"If I had known that the new doctor was going to go, I would have rented a bigger car - I plan to take you to a farther place today, and I'm afraid there won't be enough room for this number of people in the car."

This car was of average size, suitable for carrying Judy and three high school students, and at most one Conan. A new doctor can squeeze in, but the seat would be too tight, and it would be uncomfortable to squeeze in from such a long distance.

Judy said while quietly looking at the "new doctor".

When a normal adult hears this, he may be wise enough to quit. However, it is a pity that Belmode may not have this awareness.

But who would have thought that the "new doctor" actually seemed to sincerely help Judy worry: "If you can't sit down, there's nothing you can do. There's only one less person to go - well, I'll take them there today, and Teacher Judy is at home." Take a break.”

Judy: "Okay...huh???"

"You're kidding." The "new doctor" smiled gently, raised his hand and pointed to the side, "I also drove a car, two cars are enough to accommodate these people."

Judy, who had a false alarm: "..."

...this hateful woman.

She was very reluctant, but she had no intention of refusing.

And compared to her, Suzuki Sonoko obviously welcomes this "new doctor" - if he really continues to take it seriously, he may be kicked out of the team.

Thinking like this, Judy could only keep smiling and said with the aroma of crispy fries: "Then let's go."

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