Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2225 2228 [Scheming]

Soon, the two cars set off one after the other, heading towards the tourist destination chosen by Judy.

Jiang Xia really hoped that Belmod and Judy would ride in the same car, but unfortunately, they were the drivers of two cars respectively, so they couldn't get together.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xia finally chose Judy's car.

Belmod breathed a silent sigh of relief, and then watched Judy welcome Jiang Xia to the car with mixed emotions.

Belmode: "..." Sometimes I really don't know whether I should envy these guys who know too little.

But maybe ignorance is also a blessing. Look how happy Judy is smiling now.

She sighed silently in her heart and got into her car.

Judy was thinking about the mysterious chess piece played by Uzobu. She didn't say the specific whereabouts, she just said she wanted to give everyone a surprise.

As the car was driving, Suzuki Sonoko found that the destination looked familiar: "Do you want to take us to Karuizawa?"

Judy snapped her fingers: "Bingo!"

Mentioning this, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly felt no longer sleepy. Her eyes brightened and she straightened up: "In that case, let's drop by a forest tennis court in Karuizawa - I'll show you the way!"

Judy was startled, this was not in line with her plan. She politely said: "I didn't bring my racket and tennis clothes, how about next time?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't bring it!" The tennis court Suzuki Sonoko mentioned was full of handsome guys and beauties. Of course she didn't go there for tennis, and the racket certainly didn't matter. "Just go and have a look. Anyway, I'm on my way." "

——Looking at handsome guys is much more interesting than sitting on the shore fishing or something!

When Judy heard her insistence, her heart thumped: "..." You still have to play tennis without any equipment?

...Is it for tennis, or is the drunkard not interested in drinking?

Could it be that the chess piece Uzo placed among this group of people to set the pace of the case... was Sonoko Suzuki?

Judy was immediately alert.

But then I felt something was wrong: if such a large consortium was really closely connected with that organization, they would have already gotten wind of it.

And if the contact is not close, or there is no contact at all... then there is no need for Suzuki Sonoko, the daughter of the consortium, to come forward to work.

"However. This is just from a business perspective." Judy, as a fairly elite FBI, of course cannot let go of the suspicious things easily. She secretly muttered in her heart, "From a private perspective... maybe this is just a matter of business." The personal actions of Usa and Suzuki Sonoko have nothing to do with the Suzuki Foundation?"

——The daughter of the Suzuki family will certainly not work for an evil organization at a young age.

But on the other hand, Suzuki Sonoko is young, has little social experience, is a bit of a nympho, and is very easy to deceive.

The opponent is the villain who is good at stirring up people's hearts. If he targets Suzuki Sonoko's weakness and shamelessly pulls a beauty trick or something...

While Judy was thinking wildly, she secretly sent her guess to Akai Shuichi.

In the end, the vehicle drove towards where Suzuki Sonoko wanted to go - who asked Judy under the banner of "bringing the students out to play"? At this time, of course, the wishes of the high school students mattered.

In addition, if this change of route can explode the "chess piece" hidden around him, it will certainly be considered a fruitful harvest.

So soon after receiving the reply, Judy cautiously followed Suzuki Sonoko's directions and drove to where she wanted to go.

Suzuki Sonoko was happy at first.

As the vehicle got closer to its destination, her mood dropped rapidly.

When he arrived at the tennis court, Suzuki Sonoko sighed quietly, and his mood dropped to the bottom: "Why does it have to rain today!"

——That's right, although it's still sunny in Tokyo, it's already raining quite a bit here in Karuizawa.

This forest tennis court is open-air, and of course it was soaked by the rain. Reluctantly, Suzuki Sonoko got out of the car and walked around holding a parasol, but could not see even a ghost.

Jiang Xia held the umbrella on the newly arrived doctor's car and opened her phone with her other hand to look at it: "The weather forecast is written, it will rain in Karuizawa today."

Hearing this, several other people couldn't help but look at Judy - if I remember correctly, it was the foreign teacher who brought them here on an impromptu basis today.

"Sorry!" Judy apologized, "I was just thinking about finding a fun place and forgot to check the weather forecast."

This is a lie.

Today's trip was a purposeful and planned action. How could she not check the weather forecast?

Or to put it another way, it was precisely because of watching it that Judy chose such a rainy day.

——After all, their purpose is to isolate passers-by and surveillance as much as possible. Then find out all the variables in the limited environment and find the traces left by "that person".

But at the same time, as a person with the status of "teacher", Judy couldn't really bring a group of people to the deserted wilderness, so she had to find some reasonable entertainment venues.

Therefore, the weather is very important at this time - a rain will force most passers-by away, leaving them with a clean observation environment.

If someone insists on staying, that's fine: they'll have something to observe.

As a result, what he thought came to him, and he accidentally glanced across the tennis court, and Judy suddenly found a person holding an umbrella coming over there.

Judy: "?!" Is someone really here?

Suddenly running to the outdoor tennis court on a rainy day... It's suspicious, this person is very suspicious!

She made a quick decision and decided to test it out.

Relying on his enthusiastic and cheerful foreigner appearance, Judy opened the door of the tennis court and said in surprise: "Someone actually loves tennis so much - are you planning to practice on a rainy day?"

The passerby holding an umbrella raised his head, revealing a tough guy's face: he was a young man with tanned skin. He was in good health, but his expression seemed a little melancholy.

Hearing Judy's words, he sighed: "I was just passing by here and remembered some past events - my wife and I first met at this tennis court, and it was also a rainy day."

The "new doctor" who just ran over from the car and got under Jiang Xia's umbrella: "..."

First meeting with his wife?

It sounds like a story. Next, you shouldn't invite us to sit at your home and introduce us to your other three friends.

Belmod looked at this man with slight vigilance. Of course, despite her "new doctor" appearance, she did not show her vigilance and seemed to be just looking at him curiously.

Judy was not so conservative. She looked at the young man's shoulder and asked tentatively: "But you are carrying a tennis bag. Are you really not here just to play tennis?"

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