Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2231 2234 [Cunning FBI]

Bermod and Judy, two people whose positions should be completely contradictory, actually looked at each other at this time.

"..." Could it be that the tennis coach actually didn't lie: He went upstairs and stayed for so long just now, not to transform into an outlaw, but just to coax this world-weary old man?

Is there really no murder tonight?

The development of things once again deviated from the script she predicted.

Judy pushed up her glasses awkwardly, not knowing whether to be happy or disappointed.

But soon she cheered up again, remembered something, and whispered to Dr. Shinde next to her: "He was crying so sadly. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Belmode: "..." Huh.

The "new doctor" shook his head and said warmly: "I think a mature person should not expose other people's scars."

Judy didn't believe she was so kind, but there was some truth in her words: since there was no case, if they broke into a neurotic old man's room without authorization, not only would the owner of the house feel embarrassed, but they would also be kicked out by the old man.

So no matter what, the matter of collecting the plates was settled for the time being, and the two of them went down the same way they came up.

The tennis coach heard the movement on the stairs and turned to look at them. Seeing that there were no plates in their hands, he shook his head and sighed: "My dad's appetite is getting worse and worse - please, please sit down and have a rest first."

There was no murder, and no car came to pick him up.

Today's events seemed to have become an ordinary and ordinary sleepover.

Judy sat on the sofa and glanced out the window, lost in thought: "..." The rain has not stopped until now. If Shuichi Akai has really followed the plan today... I am afraid it will have been soaked by now.

But don't let yourself suffer from hypothermia or something and then lie dead in the forest...

Judy shuddered when she thought of this, and silently dismissed these messy thoughts: Akai Shuichi is rich in experience, and such a little rain can't do anything to him.

However, this stalking environment was definitely not comfortable, and that was certainly true. "That person" couldn't be torturing them on purpose.

An FBI slowly fell into a delusion of murder.

Others were busy with their own business. A few high school students actually turned out a deck of cards with the tennis coach and started playing cards.

Judy took the time to look at Suzuki Sonoko several times, and the suspicion in her heart gradually faded: "..." No matter how you look at it, this is just an innocent female high school student, and she doesn't look like a "chess piece" at all.

Maybe it was really just a coincidence before, and I was overthinking it?

At this time, the tennis coach looked at his watch in his busy schedule and suddenly remembered something: "It's 10 o'clock. My dad should have finished eating - can you help me put away the plate?"

Judy was startled and looked back, realizing that the words were clearly directed at her - everyone else was busy playing cards, and she was the only one sitting on the sofa distracted.

Judy: "...Okay."

Once raw, twice cooked.

In addition, during this period, everyone was active on the first floor and no one went to the second floor at all. Judy didn't think much and got up and went to the stairs.

Climbing up the steps, I saw that the lights in the old man's room had indeed been turned off. Fortunately, the lights in the corridor on the second floor were still on, and the surroundings were not in a pitch-black environment. This made Judy feel relieved again. .

She walked over and pushed open the sliding door, and the first thing she saw was a tatami next to the door - a bed was spread out here, and the white cotton cloth reflected the light of the corridor, which was quite conspicuous.

The next moment, a drop of blood fell on the white mattress.

Judy: "..."

She raised her head silently and somewhat resignedly, and a hanged man came into her eyes.

——The nervous old man was hanging directly above the mattress at some point. His eyes were closed, but his mouth was half-opened. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, falling drop by drop under his body, splashing into a small pool of blood.

Jiang Xia had finished playing cards early and was dozing off against the back of his chair when suddenly a scream came from the second floor.

After being a detective for so long, I have already developed some conditioned reflexes that a detective should have. Jiang Xia opened her eyes and found that her experienced classmates were also standing up, but...

"Did Teacher Judy scream just now?" Suzuki Sonoko was not sure: Compared to screaming, why did this sound sound more like exhaustion? It sounded really different from Xiaolan's usual screams.

But no matter what, if he screamed, something must have happened.

So after a brief period of confusion, everyone decided what to do and rushed upstairs.

Although when they went upstairs, several people were already vaguely prepared. But Mao Lilan, who was the first to rush up, raised his head and saw the horrific corpse hanging in the room, and was still so frightened that he screamed "Ah!!"

The words were spoken in a clear tone, which fully washed away the strange screams made by Teacher Judy just now, and made several people feel refreshed: By the way, the screams are right this time!

However, this thought only briefly passed through the subconscious mind, and everyone's attention was immediately focused on the scene in front of them.

"Dad..." the tennis coach made a sad and disbelieving voice, "How could this happen!"

Jiang Xia had already made preparations to prevent unrelated people from breaking into the scene, but Mr. Akashi Hiroto was very worry-free and stayed at the door without moving.

Jiang Xia ignored him and entered the house by himself.

After briefly looking at the body, he shook his head and sighed: "It has been dead for about half an hour. Call the police."

Suzuki Sonoko silently took back her cell phone and planned to call an ambulance.

Mao Lilan also took back the cell phone that called the police - almost forgot, there is no signal here.

She turned to look for the landline phone.

After calling the police, Mao Lilan was stunned and turned back to Jiang Xia: "The police said that our location is under the jurisdiction of the Qunma County Police."

Jiang Xia nodded: It doesn't matter where the police are, as long as they can clean up the stall.

But Conan thought of something, his eyes twitched, and he pulled him to mutter: "As for Gunma County..." Could it be that strange and unreliable policeman who led the team?

Conan's words came true.

"Mr. Jiang Xia!"

Soon, Yamamura Cao, who had been promoted rapidly recently, came in happily with a group of his subordinates.

Yamamura Cao: "I have been carefully watching your past crime collections during this period, and they are getting more and more sophisticated as I read them! Many of my colleagues have become your fans because of this - can you sign your autograph for them?"

As he said this, he took out a thick stack of autograph books, and it seemed that he was well prepared.

Belmod: "..." Following the police in Tokyo, have the police in Gunma Prefecture also become this kind of moral character?

But if I remember correctly, the policeman in front of me was promoted successively after meeting Uzo... It seems normal to have this kind of attitude all of a sudden.

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