Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2232 2235 [Severe damage]

Suzuki Sonoko remembered something: "Didn't it mean that the road collapsed and it was impossible to get in?"

"The road to Tokyo did collapse for a section." Yamamura Soo patted his chest proudly, "But the road to our side is fine! Although there was some collapse, it was very small and was repaired quickly."

After answering her question, Yamamura Cao turned back to Jiang Xia, as excited as a star-struck fan: "What kind of mystery are we going to face this time? What method did the murderer use? Where is the murder weapon? The murder weapon must be very special. Bar!"

Judy thought of the Memu Police Department and looked at the guy in front of her. She couldn't help but feel speechless: He was really a rare policeman who didn't expect to commit suicide.

Judy: "..." Speaking of which, why did someone suddenly die before the suspects were gathered together?

In addition, there is the hidden "chess piece": although the policeman in front of him came very late and had nothing to do with the murder, he was so excited when he saw someone dead... Sure enough, this guy is also very suspicious!

There was suddenly another mystery in the FBI's mind.

The completely different behavior of Yamamura Soo and other policemen made Belmod couldn't help but look at him twice.

But when I got to the second floor and saw the appearance of the body, some DNA moved. Yamamura Cao blurted out: "Hang yourself?"

"Not sure yet." After Jiang Xia finished speaking, he began to introduce the situation truthfully, "The deceased was Mr. Akashi's father, and the first person who discovered it was my foreign teacher."

He raised his hand to signal Judy: "At that time, she went upstairs to help the owner collect the dishes. When she came up, she found the body hanging here. Later, we were alerted by her screams and went upstairs."

Judy: "..." Damn it, I didn't escape.

But this can't be blamed on Jiang Xia. This rigorous high school student is just telling the facts... It's all that Uzo's fault!

While thinking about it, she looked at the Mountain Village Police Department warily, ready to receive the suspicious look from this man.

However, he saw Yamamura Cao running to get a glass of water. Baba handed it to Jiang Xia: "Have you solved a lot of cases recently? Your voice has become hoarse from talking. Drink some water!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He took the water and took a sip, cleared his throat, and fell into deep thought: His voice should be fine... Is it obvious that he is mute?

Judy just breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yamamura Cao turned his head towards her after delivering the water.

Then the fanboy's eyes suddenly became sharp: "This is obviously someone else's house, but why did you go upstairs to collect the dishes? - How long were you staying upstairs? Do you really not know this family? Who is the murderer? Not you?"

Judy was hit with a bunch of questions: "..."

...Stop talking and go pour water for Jiang Xia.

In any case, no matter how suspicious the innocent teacher Judy looks, there are still steps to solve the case.

The Yamacun Police Department had no choice but to take his notepad and honestly ask Judy about the specific situation: "What was going on when you went upstairs?"

Judy originally wanted to deal with this annoying police officer, but then she thought: If her attitude was not cooperative enough, her already high suspicion might become even bigger.

She could only sigh and try to be a good citizen who actively cooperated with the police: "Actually, I went upstairs twice. The first time..."

Yamamura Cao exclaimed: "Why did you have to do it twice?"

Judy: “…to collect the plates.”

Yamamura Cao was suspicious: "Why are you collecting the dishes!"

Judy's murderous aura rose: "Because the owner of the house asked me to take it."

The tennis coach nodded quickly: "I was washing dishes at the time, and my hands got wet, so I had to ask the guests for help."

"So that's it." Yamamura Cao wrote down something carefully, then turned to rebuke Judy, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? You're so secretive, and there's something wrong with it at first glance!"

"..." Judy's fist hardened.

Belmod raised his hand to push up his glasses, hiding the smile on his lips: It's a pity that this FBI is not impulsive enough, otherwise if she punched the police and attacked the police in full view, she would be sent back home.

As expected of Uzo, he solved the problem without any blood.

But for this guy, I'm afraid he would rather these FBIs stay...

In order to get rid of this extremely difficult policeman, Judy had no choice but to introduce the matter in detail from beginning to end while still feeling murderous.

He also emphasized: "The first time I went upstairs, I was with 'Shinde-sensei'. The second time I just went upstairs, I found the body. I was so frightened that I screamed, and everyone rushed upstairs soon after. ——I don’t have any time to commit crimes!”

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you." After Yamamura Cao finished speaking, he turned to Jiang Xia furtively, "Mr. Jiang Xia, is she telling the truth?"

Judy: "..."

How can there be such annoying police officers in the world! !

Under Judy's murderous gaze, Yamamura Cao got the information he wanted.

He flipped through his notebook, frowned and reasoned: "The deceased died about 30 minutes ago. And an hour and a half before that, when Mr. Shinde and the suspicious teacher Judy went upstairs, they heard the whimpering of the deceased. The deceased was still alive at that time.”

Judy: "..." You are the suspicious teacher Judy!

Yamamura touched his chin: "During this period, you are all in the lobby on the first floor, and everyone has an alibi..."

He scratched his head in confusion, with a confused look on his face: "There is no murderer, is it really suicide?"

Jiang Xia held the water cup and pointed at the mouth of the deceased.

Yamamura Cao actually had a tacit understanding with him, and immediately understood: "It is true that the person who hanged himself was bleeding from the mouth, and it was a bit strange that he had so much bleeding."

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "What's weird? Haven't you seen it on TV? You can often see people hanging themselves with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths."

Conan couldn't help but said: "People who hang themselves will have their heads swollen because blood collects on the face. If there is a wound in the mouth of the deceased at this time, it is indeed possible that the corners of the mouth will bleed. But in more cases there will be no blood flow. from."

As someone who had a cold that was worse than Jiang Xia's and had even soaked in a river once, Conan's voice was obviously hoarse.

After saying this, he covered his mouth and coughed several times, and then continued like a stubborn duck: "The purpose of filming on TV is to let everyone see at a glance that the character is dead, so it was artistically processed. "

Belmode was distracted for a moment and heard this long string of words coming out of his mouth.

Her heart tightened slightly, and she glanced at Judy with her peripheral vision as if nothing had happened, hoping that the FBI would not be blindly sharp when he shouldn't be.

Then Belmode realized that he was overthinking: Judy was overwhelmed by the policeman's series of questions. She was probably thinking about how to lower her blood pressure at this time, and was completely unaware of the weirdness of Conan, a first-year elementary school student.

Jiang Xia, on the other hand, rubbed the cup with her fingers and looked at Conan quietly, with a rare strange look on her face. She didn't know what she was thinking.

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