Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2245 2249 [No conscience]

Akai Shuichi was sitting in the inquiry room of the Metropolitan Police Department, waiting for James to handle the follow-up.

Except that he was temporarily unable to use his mobile phone, he felt quite comfortable here and had plenty of time to think about problems.

——Bourbon actually got involved with Uzo. If I remember correctly, Bourbon was almost burned to death by that man in the Twin Buildings not long ago.

...Or maybe tonight is not a pre-arranged cooperation, but Bourbon was taken advantage of by the opponent?

Shuichi Akai glanced at Toru Amuro who was in a good mood through the open and closed door, and for a moment he felt like he was looking at a brother in distress.

...Of course, no matter what the reason is, these words cannot be discussed in the Metropolitan Police Department.

And Toru Amuro, an apparent "member of the organization," did not stay in the police headquarters for long. He held the fire for a while and left leisurely.

For Tohru Amuro, what happened today was purely impromptu - he happened to be working at the restaurant where the police had a dinner. After hearing the commotion, he went out and saw Shuichi Akai fighting with the police on the street.

The opportunity was rare, and without hesitation for too long, Toru Amuro decisively stepped forward and gave him a kick: Even if entering the police station could not bring a real blow to Shuichi Akai, at least the actions of this group of FBI could be brought to the attention of the Tokyo police. Under their noses, lest they secretly cause trouble behind their backs.

"But why did he suddenly clash with the police?"

Toru Amuro touched his chin in confusion and muttered in his mind: "I heard from Sato that Akai was chasing an innocent passerby at the time... Oh, it's not a real 'innocent passerby' who can think of using the police to escape pursuit. Is that actually the case? A cunning and cunning member of the organization?"

Realizing that he might have interrupted Shuichi Akai's pursuit of members of the organization...

Not only did Toru Amuro's conscience no longer hurt, it actually became more alive.

——If the FBI can't get the information, why does it matter to him as an undercover agent in Tokyo?

"Forget it if it's another FBI, but it was Akai Shuichi who took action, so you can't blame me." Toru Amuro thought to himself, "After all, I am an undercover agent, and I always have to do something to maintain the image of 'bourbon' - help the organization For members to get rid of the tracking of other organizations is obviously an act that is consistent with my position and is beneficial to me."

"The only problem is that we don't know who the unlucky guy being targeted is. Forget it, it's not a big problem. We're both in Tokyo, and we'll meet him again sooner or later."

Shuichi Akai experienced a very bad night at the police station, and was finally led out by his boss James who had completed the formalities.

"I didn't expect that I could save you once." James touched his gray hair and chuckled, "I didn't expect it to be in this way."

"..." Shuichi Akai sighed, "I originally wanted to break out of his rhythm, but I didn't expect that I would just step into his trap. His control over people's hearts far exceeds my expectations."

This made Akai Shuichi vigilant, and he also secretly reflected: In fact, he should have had a hunch when he saw Judy being tricked by the other party, because a considerable part of Judy's actions during this period was actually caused by him. planned.

But because of the difference in strength between himself and Judy, he didn't take it too seriously. Until he took the initiative... and then was easily tricked by the other party.

Akai Shuichi suddenly remembered something: "How is the situation in Karuizawa? Is there any new news?"

He believed that what he experienced last night must have been attributable to Uzo. From this point of view, the most important stage yesterday was actually in this city and on that bus, not the forest villa in Gunma County.

However, the next moment, seeing James' complicated expression, Akai Shuichi realized that he had failed to guess the opponent's routine again.

Akai Shuichi frowned: "What happened over there?"

"Actually, it's nothing..." James still took care of the ace's mood and said carefully, "It's just that a person suspected of Uzo appeared."

Akai Shuichi was silent for several seconds: "What did he do?"

James hesitated to speak: "He..."

Akai Shuichi looked at him, his heart sank, and the scene of mass casualties emerged in his mind.

Then I heard James say: "He suddenly appeared, solved a case, and gained a police fanboy...and then suddenly left again."

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Akai Shuichi: "Crack the case?"

James nodded heavily: "Our siege network completely failed to discover how he entered and how he left. Perhaps this was a tease with an ulterior purpose - until we know what happened to you, we will never be able to figure out his behavior." into my head, but now, I seem to understand.”

Akai Shuichi also seemed to understand: "On one side is the vicious trap created by the cooperation of all parties, and on the other side is the target we are chasing... Is he warning me in this way that only by obeying the drama arranged by him can I see more truth?"

He suddenly caught another key point: "Jiang Xia should have been present yesterday. Why was Wu Zuo solving the case?"

This cunning and shameless guy couldn't have beaten Jiang Xia's speed in solving crimes by relying on the fact that he had a script and read the script.

James recalled the news he heard from Judy: "Jiang Xia had a cold yesterday, and Judy pulled him out to get wet in the rain. He also ate the spicy curry provided by the owner for dinner. After eating, his voice became hoarse. After catching up on my sleep, that person took advantage of me."

Akai Shuichi: "Judy actually became a part of destroying Jiang Xia's state... Uzo's method of manipulating people's hearts is really superb. You must be careful - pay more attention to those colleagues who participated in the siege these days. If anyone behaves abnormally , such as being irritable or having conflicts with others, you need to eliminate the hidden dangers as soon as possible."

James nodded seriously: "I understand."

Even after racking his brains, he couldn't figure out how Uzo could accurately control others, and his observations these days had yielded no results. In his opinion, this was simply a miraculous skill.

The only thing that could comfort James before was that they were a group of foreigners who had just arrived in Tokyo. The thinking mode of the FBI was very different from the Tokyoites Uzo was familiar with.

He thought that this would cause great difficulties to Uzo, and thought that their team was indestructible in front of that guy... As a result, after only a few meetings, Judy, who was quite capable among them, almost became the opponent's marionette, and She herself knew nothing about it.

As he thought about it, James sighed: This advantage he thought he had was rapidly collapsing, and it seemed that he had to think of some new defense methods.

Next to him, Akai Shuichi finally came to his senses from these new messages. He took out the mobile phone he had just retrieved from the police and began to look through it.

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