Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2246 2250 [False Allies]

In the mailbox lay several emails from Judy.

Shuichi Akai scanned it roughly, confirmed the details on the other side, and then sighed softly.

He had to say that he wished he could have had a battle of wits with Uzo last night in the forest villa where Uzo appeared, instead of having tea with some not-so-smart policemen at the police station.

But now that the matter is over, more important than regret is figuring out what to do next.

While thinking about it, Akai Shuichi replied to Judy's email, with only two simple words: "Received."

He was about to put away his phone when a call came in. I picked up the buzzing and vibrating phone and saw that the caller was Judy.

James tilted his head and saw the caller ID. He nodded: "Judy faced that person alone in the forest villa last night. She must be very uneasy now. She really needs to communicate with her."

Akai Shuichi didn't really want to answer the call, but James said so, and what he said made sense, so he had no choice but to pick up the call.

"Shuichi, are you okay?" Judy was still immersed in the nightmare that Shuichi Akai had been stuffed into the trunk and dumped downstream by Uzo, and her voice sounded a little excited.

Akai Shuichi said calmly: "We encountered a little unexpected situation, it's not a big problem."

"That's good." Judy breathed a sigh of relief and shared her experience, "Those police officers are a bit stubborn and you can't reason with them. Don't take these things to heart."

Akai Shuichi paused and looked at James: ...she knew that I was arrested by the police and taken to the police station last night?

James didn't mean to make Ace lose face. He explained with a sneer: "Judy kept saying that you were probably killed, and asked me to salvage her car that was washed away along the river. And that river was because of yesterday's The rain has swollen the water and it flows very fast. We really don’t have that much manpower to do this.

"As you know, she is a stubborn person, and now she is influenced by that person and is very stubborn - if I don't give a strong enough reason, she may have to go into the river to fish for the car by herself."

Akai Shuichi took a breath silently and exhaled: "You are right, this approach is correct."

Then he chatted with the person on the other side of the phone for a few words and then hung up the phone.

When he walked to the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department and saw the bus passing by on the road in the distance, Shuichi Akai paused.

Soon, he pressed his forehead, which was slightly aching from not sleeping all night, and turned back to the Metropolitan Police Department, returning to the office of the First Investigation Division.

"I forgot one thing before." Shuichi Akai found Miwako Sato, "An old man named Shitara Shigeyoshi was suspected of being kidnapped last night."

He wrote down the license plate number of the bus and pushed it to the police along the table: "The location was at the stop where I met you, and the time was exactly at that time. I saw him being chased by a burly man after getting off the bus. He may be in danger."

——That's right, as an FBI whose identity had just been clarified, Shuichi Akai chose to call the police.

Firstly, the Tokyo police, as local gangsters, can take many actions openly and openly in this city, which can increase the probability of Shigeyoshi Shitara being rescued.

Secondly, Akai Shuichi suspected that this matter was related to Uzo... No, it was not suspicion, it was certainty. The "coincidence" of time and experience made it impossible not to think that this was a "little gift" left to him by Uzo.

Shuichi Akai also worked as an undercover agent in the black organization for a period of time, and he even got the code name of a cadre by virtue of his outstanding ability. He knew the rules of this organization very well and knew that the police could cause certain interference to them.

So today's call to the police can be regarded as a small reward for Akai Shuichi's encounter last night.

Akai Shuichi: "..." However, judging from what happened yesterday, "that person" is not afraid of the police. Not only that, he will also take the initiative to drill into the crime scene and imitate the detective to solve the case while a group of police watch. Earned the respect of the leading police officer.

...Looking at so many "former colleagues", it is rare to find people who are not afraid of the police.

Is it possible that Uzo also has an official status and that he is also an undercover person who entered the organization?

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he was quickly denied by Akai Shuichi.

——I’m afraid no normal organization, especially an official organization, would use this kind of person as an undercover agent.

First of all, few normal organizations can accept the inappropriate behavior of Uzona people.

Secondly, whether he teased Judy several times or unexpectedly showed up in front of the police, these things showed that he was not an organized and disciplined person. He also valued the process more than "achieving the goal". The fun in it.

Strong ability, evil nature, and lack of organization and discipline... Let alone official organizations, any normal organization with a little bit of brains would not send such a person out as an undercover agent. Because maybe he would lie on the opposite side while he was lying down, and then turn around and give himself a heavy blow.

Maybe he's not afraid of the police, it's just his personality.

Many thoughts flashed through Akai Shuichi's mind: No matter what, let's call the police first to test. If it doesn't work...

"Do you really want to call the police, or do you want to quibble about your behavior yesterday." A sentence interrupted his thoughts.

Akai Shuichi came back to his senses and met Sato Miwako's suspicious expression. He didn't understand what the policewoman meant for a moment: "Huh?"

Sato Miwako repeated her question: "Do you want to say that you ran wildly on the street with a gun yesterday to save Mr. Shitara? Is this true, or, uh, just for face?"

"..." Although Akai Shuichi is not an overly face-conscious person, he still couldn't help but remain silent for a moment after counting the nails he encountered at the police station. "He was kidnapped and me chasing someone are two different things."

Sato Miwako was doubtful. However, considering that such a life-threatening matter would rather be believed than believed, she still followed the reporting process and registered what should be registered.

After doing this, Akai Shuichi finally walked out of the police station exhausted both physically and mentally.

Although he had never had contact with the Tokyo police before, nor had he sought help from these people, he always felt that the enemy of his enemy was his friend, and he vaguely regarded these people as allies.

...But now, before he had time to use his allies, the opponent made the move first.

After gaining a new understanding of "that person's" methods and evil degree, Akai Shuichi began to think about business.

——You can’t just lie down just because the opponent is difficult to catch, and judging from the current situation, even if the FBI wants to bypass him and focus on dealing with the organization, Uzo probably won’t agree.

"You don't have to fight him to death, but you must have a certain understanding." Akai Shuichi thought of something, touched the pocket of his windbreaker, and took out a palm-sized disk, "The next clue... It seems that we have to find it from Jiang Xia. ”

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