Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2247 2251 [Uzo Fan Club] Asking for monthly votes

This is a black disk with a white label on it. The label has the words "Extremely Confidential" and "Strictly Prohibited from Taking Away".

Yesterday on the bus, the old man who called himself "Shitara Shigeyoshi" quietly put it into Akai Shuichi's pocket.

"If I remember correctly, yesterday Shitara Shigeyoshi wanted to ask Jiang Xia for a commission, but happened to catch up with Jiang Xia's absence." Akai Shuichi thought, "Maybe I can use this as an excuse to act together with Jiang Xia, and then find out the secret of it? "

After a moment, he remembered something: "No, I almost forgot, Jiang Xia is a member of the organization. Although he is only a peripheral member, and maybe very marginal, if I appear next to him and he doesn't report it... I'm afraid this will bring trouble to him. to mortal danger.”

"Speaking of which, even though he is a member of the organization, he can be so free as a detective to solve cases..."

Akai Shuichi frowned at first, feeling something was wrong, but then he quickly thought of bourbon.

——If I remember correctly, Jiang Xia works at the "Amuro Detective Agency". From this point of view, Bo Ben should be his boss.

"Bourbon is not a pure member of the organization. He is probably a member of the police. And in the organization, with him as the 'detective agency boss' on top, Jiang Xia's current behavior is very reasonable... In this regard, Bourbon is a nice guy."

Akai Shuichi straightened out the relationship and nodded secretly: "In this case, I will approach Jiang Xia in another way."

When Akai Shuichi was secretly preparing.

On the other side, the report on the curry murder case in the forest was also posted by the reporter and appeared on a special web page.

Unfortunately, compared with previous reports, this report seemed particularly unclear and lacked the previous level of detail comparable to that of a mystery novel.

[Haha, this is because the reporters were not at the scene, and the case this time has changed a lot compared to the past. ]

While fans were discussing the case, a message like this was posted by a fan who was not a senior but was very active.

Vodka glanced at the ID and saw that the person who posted the message was "Mr. Monster Hunter Ashan".

Vodka: "..."

This iconic and obvious name quickly reminded him of the true identity of the person who posted the message: This guy seemed to be the police officer in Gunma Prefecture who was promoted very quickly.

As we all know... well, everyone who knows Uzo knows: Uzo is a dangerous person, and passers-by who are affected by him will also become dangerous, and this group of fans, in Vodka's view, is even more dangerous.

Vodka went undercover to enter this fan group, and of course he did not come to be a fan of Jiang Xia. He had already quietly found out the identities of those active fans during the long diving period, and gradually bubbled up later, spoke in a targeted manner, and talked to this group of people. Join a group to get the latest news and progress on how these poor people are being manipulated.

Seeing Yamamura Cao's speech at this time, Vodka calmly typed two sentences:

[Mr. Ah Shan seems to know a lot of inside information. He is indeed a senior fan. Were you at the scene at that time? ]

After thinking about it, he endured the disgust and added an expression: [envy]

This flattery was like a slap that opened the floodgates, and the words "Mr. Monster Hunter Ashan" poured out:

[Hahaha, as a fan, of course you should always follow your idol’s footsteps! You don’t need to be too envious, as long as you continue to spread your enthusiasm, sooner or later you will be like me. ]

"..." Vodka's eyes twitched: It's just a polite compliment, this guy actually dared to climb up the pole, and climbed so arrogantly.

"Oh, I'm different from those stupid fans, don't think I don't know - the crime scene was in Karuizawa, and there were landslides due to rain on the road to Tokyo. You were probably the one who led the team to handle this case. You guys can get exclusive information just because of your position, and you are a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse."

Vodka snorted in his heart and reasoned quickly: "The crime scene was relatively remote and the reporter didn't have time to rush over, so he could only write such a rough report.

"If it were the Tokyo police, they would patiently explain the cause and effect to reporters. Only an unreliable guy like you would just send away late reporters for the sake of 'exclusive information.'"

Seeing Yamamura Cao showing off in his vest, Vodka had the urge to expose him severely.

...However, reason distorted his typing hands.

Soon, a dialog box from him popped up on the screen: [Awesome, learn from you! ]

Vodka: "..." Huh, just flattering, but he is a professional.


He glanced at the brief report from the reporters and frowned: There was actually someone else who solved the case, and he was a "mysterious man with a strong aura"... This description was obviously made by Yamamura Cao, so This is not important. What is important is who is this guy who solved the case?

Uzo's new toy?

The fearless one who came out to steal the show from him?

Or his enemy?

For this news, Vodka was able to bend and stretch, closing his eyes and boasting loudly, making Shan Cun feel comfortable all over.

"Monster Hunter Mr. Ah Shan" finally relented:

[Well, since you asked sincerely, I will reveal a few more details. ]


The moment the photo popped up, Vodka immediately clicked it, and in order to prevent it from being withdrawn by the other party, he made plans to quickly take a screenshot.

However, it is not a "photo of the crime solver" at all, but a... beautiful business card.

Vodka: "...?"

"Mr. Monster Hunter Ah Shan" had no idea that his focus was off the mark, and continued to write the report while typing like crazy:

[I shook hands with Mr. Jiang Xia, and before leaving, I got his latest business card - this time it was ocean-themed again, but compared with the third edition, the water patterns were deepened, and the coloring method of the scales was also changed. , becomes more textured, and will have a gem-like luster in the sun! ...It's a pity that the camera can't capture its original appearance, so I can only see it myself, alas. ]

Shancun was blowing, feeling a little guilty: this was not actually given to him by Jiang Xia, but given to the young police officers when Jiang Xia saw a few unfamiliar policemen under him.

...Later, Yamamura Cao brought him over for an excuse.

Yamamura Cao: "..." But it's not a big problem. As for the business card, the most important thing is the contact information on it. The business card itself is not important. And I exchanged a duplicate business card I had received earlier for him!

He quickly calmed his conscience, and then looked at the large amount of envy and praise that suddenly poured out from below, and raised his chin proudly.

Vodka: "..."

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