Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2260 2264 [Vodka’s Heroic Charge]

Vodka was stunned, and at the same time he suddenly understood something: Shuichi Akai... That tall figure with a somewhat familiar figure to him was actually Shuichi Akai? !

That Akai Shuichi who became notorious just a few years after joining the organization and became a nightmare for many cadres? !

Vodka: "..." He passed by that person without his knowledge and escaped unscathed?

No, the words "passed by" and "escaped" cannot sum up his experience today - strictly speaking, he actually hit Shuichi Akai with his car and almost killed him. Hit!

Vodka was filled with fear and passion, and intermittently cursed Uzo: You actually used him, a dignified cadre of the organization, as a cannonball! It's still used to throw such a dangerous enemy. What if he can't come back after hitting him!

"...Well, Uzo won't think about this. Even if I really die in the collision with Akai Shuichi, that little Yinbi will only write me a tear-jerking eulogy to express that he does not exist. Feeling sorry and remorseful, he happily usurped my position as driver and assistant, thereby murdering Brother Gin and other cadres he came into contact with."

Wiping his face with vodka, he quickly recognized the possible development mentally: "If things really develop to that point, then the only thing that can comfort me is that Brother Gin will not let that kind of dangerous guy be... Assistant! Even if I die, he won’t be able to succeed... Well, it would be great if he could clearly realize this fact."

Maybe he had been in a daze for a long time, so Gin knocked the ashes from his cigarette and glanced over impatiently.


Vodka immediately came to his senses, and various thoughts passed through his mind.

"Although I wanted to sue him severely, but just like what Uzo said before, the devil did exactly what Brother Gin said in the email and told me to get in the car without any serious problems.

"If I didn't check after getting in the car, but immediately stepped on the accelerator and left, I wouldn't have been used as a cannonball from behind. Strictly speaking, I was also at fault in this matter.

"Tsk, Uzo obviously took advantage of the loopholes in Big Brother's words. If I continue to insist on this point, it will be as if I am condemning Big Brother Gin for the loopholes in his words. This is not acceptable.

"...It's better to bite the bullet and admit what happened in another way."

Thinking quickly, Vodka took a deep breath and said, "Yes, we found the traces of Akai Shuichi, and I cooperated with Uzo in the pursuit."

After the words fell, there was silence in the car.

After two seconds, Gin took out a puff of smoke and glanced at him faintly.

Cooperated with Uzo in the pursuit?

Although he didn't see the scene, he could already imagine the misery of vodka being thrown out as a tool by Uzo.

He didn't bother to reveal it: "What was the specific situation at the scene?"

Vodka: "..."

He took another deep breath, recalled the cause and effect, and tried hard not to lie: "Before going to the transaction, I saw Akai Shuichi became a hostage for some reason and was taken into the Ryujin Economic Research Institute by two unprofessional kidnappers. ...Well, I didn’t see his face at that time, so I didn’t know that he was Shuichi Akai, otherwise I would definitely have gone up and shot him to avenge this rat for betraying the organization!”

After showing his loyalty, he added: "After that, I quickly completed the transaction and met Uzuo and his elementary school student on the way back. Then... cough, then the elementary school student used Uzuo's command to The transport equipment in the yard lifted my car up and used it as a weapon to crash into the second floor.

"In the room on the second floor, all the original kidnappers were knocked down, and only Shuichi Akai was still standing. My car heroically rammed into him, but it was a pity that the guy reacted too quickly and escaped."

Gin heard the part he omitted and couldn't help but glance at him again: "..." The perspective of this description... It seems that the idiot Vodka was also in the car at the time. No wonder there was so much dirt rolling on his body, and it was still vague Mix in some glass slag. Sure enough, Uzo hasn't given up on his hobby of hurting his colleagues.

However, that car had been modified and hitting the second floor at the speed of transport equipment would indeed not cause much harm to the driver. Even if Vodka reacts quickly enough, he can aim at Shuichi Akai during the violent shock and shoot him.

It is not an easy task to avoid sudden vehicle collisions and gunshots at the same time. Even Akai Shuichi is likely to suffer in that situation...

Thinking of this, Gin couldn't help but feel as irritated as if he had missed a treasure: Vodka, this loser, would most likely just run away with his head in his hands in the chaos, not even recognizing that the person was Akai, let alone taking advantage of the chaos to replenish his gun.

...And Uzuo didn't even remind him, wasting an opportunity to encircle and kill him.

The problem of Vodka's ability cannot be solved in a short while. After Gin felt murderous for a while, he was too lazy to pay attention to this stupid subordinate and called Jiang Xia: "Why don't you report such important information as Akai Shuichi's whereabouts? ?”

Uzo's voice came quickly along the receiver, as confident as ever: "Shuichi Akai knows the identity of my peripheral members. Today is probably a test for me by him. He is ready to retreat at any time - I I felt that my detective career was more important than an uncertain round-up.

“But he already showed up, and it would be rude to do nothing, so I decided to have a coincidental encounter to give Vodka a chance to make a mark.

"Well... considering Vodka's usual character, discussing it in advance would only allow him to escape, so I sent him directly to the scene. But it is a pity that Vodka is not an actor who will take the initiative to steal the spotlight and missed this rare opportunity. .”

Vodka, who was standing next to him, strained his ears and tried to eavesdrop: "..." Why is the elder brother's eyes looking at me getting colder and colder... What nonsense is this guy Uzo making up again? !

In the receiver, Jiang Xia's voice continued: "Of course, a mature cadre cannot leave everything to Vodka. So I arranged for one of my subordinates to 'mistake' Akai Shuichi as a robber. A random attack. Unfortunately, Akai Shuichi was more vigilant than I thought. He did not look down on a weak, pitiful and helpless child and avoided that sneak attack."

Immediately afterwards, Gin heard the young organization member sigh: "If there had been a gun at the time, maybe I could have kept him in the chaos - as long as Shuichi Akai died on the spot and no one alive knew the situation at the scene, This credit can be attributed to Vodka, and I won’t be exposed so completely... It’s a pity.”

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