Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2261 2265 [Master of Balance]

As Gin listened to Jiang Xia's words, the scene at that time emerged in his mind: He was only missing that crucial shot, and with just one shot, he could kill Akai Shuichi...

Gin: "..."

He suddenly woke up and did not continue to talk about this topic. He simply said: "Forget it this time. If there are any clues about Akai Shuichi next time, report it immediately."

Then he ignored the voice on the other end and hung up the phone decisively.

Want a gun? no way.

He knew that Uzo had the means to get all kinds of guns on his own. All he needed was a permit to carry a gun on the street. But let’s not mention that underage detectives have many restrictions in this regard. Even if the procedures can be completed, he will never let Uzo be strengthened to this extent, because then Uzo can carry a gun all over Tokyo in an open and honest manner. Wandering around.

This will undoubtedly greatly increase the danger of this guy, and more powerful weapons will bring him more inspiration and more varied stages-perhaps this kind of enhancement can indeed kill Akai Shuichi who encounters him by chance, but where In the past, according to Usa's bad hobbies, the only ones who would be in trouble first were other members of the organization in Tokyo.

In short, it is best not to happen such a thing that injures the enemy by one thousand and damages oneself by ten thousand.

...As for Akai Shuichi, that guy's identity has been exposed. Now his hatred value is high enough, but the threat is not that strong anymore, so he can put it back a little.

As Gin carefully balances the various threats in Tokyo.

Next to him, Vodka looked at Gin who calmly hung up the phone. He recalled the conversation he had just overheard, and a question mark popped up in his mind: "..." That's it?

Is this how the questioning of Uzo ends?

That guy concealed such important information and almost harmed an innocent cadre for it, but this was able to get him back... Big brother! Does the psychiatrist you went to see today work?

Vodka wanted to shout like this, but his desire to survive forced him to silently withdraw his gaze, pretending not to hear anything.

"Brother was just attracted by Akai Shuichi's incident." Vodka clenched his fists and thought to himself, "Next time, next time he will definitely notice that guy Uzo's contempt for the organization, and then punish him severely !”

the other side.

Jiang Xia looked at the hung up phone and sighed faintly: "Ginjiu is too cautious. I can't shoot him with a gun, so why should I be so defensive? At most, scare him and try to squeeze out some murderous intent. He is vigilant. When I got up, the output was much higher than usual..."

However, carrying a gun does easily arouse suspicion from all parties, and may scare some timid criminals, causing them to dare not take action. After weighing it for a moment, Jiang Xia finally didn't dwell on the matter and decided to let it go.

After contacting my boss about my feelings, I found out that the Amuro Detective Agency was very close.

Jiang Xia turned in along the way. He thought for a while, and while writing the entrustment report, he sent an email to another of his bosses:

[I finished the commission and returned to the office.

By the way, I met Shuichi Akai during the commission just now. ]

Akai Shuichi used a fake face before, so he had to cooperate and pretend not to notice, and only used the name of the mission to see Amuro through. But now that Akai Shuichi has lost his disguise and revealed his true face, there is no need to continue to hide it.

Not two minutes after the email was sent, a car stopped at the door with a screeching sound.

Immediately afterwards, Toru Amuro opened the door with a bang and hurried in, with the aroma of boiling coffee that Jiang Xia was looking forward to floating around.

Jiang Xia put down the cup of real coffee in his hand and showed a surprised expression: "Boss? Aren't you sneaking in?"

Toru Amuro: "..."

He coughed uncomfortably: "That guy's affairs have a higher priority. He is the enemy that the organization must eradicate first - what exactly is going on? Where are the others?"

As he spoke, Toru Amuro looked around.

Of course no one could be found.

He was not too disappointed, and he was not surprised by this: with Akai Shuichi's ability to collect intelligence, he must know who runs this office, and it would be strange to dare to come back after his identity is exposed.

He sat opposite Jiang Xia and said seriously: "What exactly is going on?"

Jiang Xia took a sip of coffee and thought for a while: "First, there was a tall client with an ordinary appearance who came to entrust it - by the way, he was sitting in your seat at the time."

"..." Toru Amuro glanced down and silently moved to the side. He very much suspected that the "tall client with ordinary appearance" was the result of Akai Shuichi's disguise. For a while, he felt unlucky even looking at his sofa.

Jiang Xia briefly talked about what happened before while experiencing the joy of the harvest.

"I was sent to the police station just last night, and I dare to come back today. That guy Akai didn't take his experience at the police station into consideration at all..."

Amuro Toru grinded his teeth silently. He quickly determined from Jiang Xia's description that Mr. Green Light was probably Akai Shuichi pretending to be him.

At the same time, he also had some questions in his mind: "What does Shuichi Akai want to do? Investigate me through Jiang Xia? Speaking of which, the woman from the FBI has been in frequent contact with Jiang Xia recently. Is this for the same purpose?"

Toru Amuro always felt that things were not that simple, and he wanted to beat Shuichi Akai immediately and torture him thoroughly.

Unfortunately, yesterday, he was unable to take action under the eyes of the police, and Shuichi Akai ran away as soon as he was released. But today, I missed it again.

Amuro Toru sighed and couldn't help but look at Jiang Xia: "It's such a big thing, why not..."

Halfway through his words, he fell silent: Jiang Xia called him at least twice today, but he didn't answer it.

And that cunning guy Akai Shuichi has changed his appearance, and Jiang Xia is not familiar with the FBI. Of course, he can't directly tell him "Akai Shuichi is here, come quickly" - probably Jiang Xia just instinctively felt that the person was wrong during the process of getting along, so he I came to see him, but he didn't answer the phone.

Toru Amuro: "..." It seems that Jiang Xia will have to answer calls from now on.

...But if he accepts it, this enthusiastic subordinate will always invite him to investigate cases together, and sometimes he will encounter cases that require him to travel far away... He really doesn't want to go out with Jiang Xia. The last time he "left Tokyo" was just an ordinary matter. Tohru Amuro didn't want to think about how long it took to get through. It was simply the longest road he had ever walked in his life. On the way back, he even thought he was going to die suddenly on the road.

The thoughts in her mind went around in circles, and Toru Amuro opened and closed her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say the words "I will definitely answer your phone calls as soon as possible from now on."

He compromised: "...Next time you come to me for something, try to send an email and write down the details clearly."

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