Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2262 2266 [On the way to the vodka show] Asking for monthly tickets

Chapter 2262 2266 [Vodka · Rushing to the scene] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

Jiang Xia: "..." Write down the details? Write clearly what to do if you don’t come over.

He had some objections to this solution, but it sounded reasonable, so Jiang Xia did not refute it.

He nodded politely, then looked at his watch to see what he wanted to say.

Toru Amuro followed his gaze and looked at the clock, and found that it was dinner time.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly stood up as if in a hurry, and said nonchalantly: "Give me the contact information and address Akai left. Although it may be fake, it is necessary to verify it. I will go there and take a look immediately."

"..." Jiang Xia's plan to invite his boss to have dinner was interrupted. He sighed and handed over Akai Shuichi's authorization form.

Toru Amuro wrote down the above information, stood up easily, and left quickly.

After taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned back, and filled out a charge sheet.

——He remembered that Jiang Xia never discussed the cost when accepting commissions. If the client is used to paying the commission fee in advance, Jiang Xia will accept it, but if the client is not familiar with the process and thinks it is payment afterward, Jiang Xia will not take the initiative to ask for it.

The prepayment amount was not written on the entrustment form just now. It can be seen that Shuichi Akai has defaulted on the entrustment fee. Of course, he cannot pretend that this is not the case.

Amuro Toru sneered, quickly filled out the charge sheet, and then said to Jiang Xia: "Send it to the address he left."

After that, he didn't stay any longer and turned around to go out. Soon, the sound of his vehicle starting was heard outside.

Jiang Xia sat on the sofa, looked out from the door, and took a serious look at the tires of the car.

Then he looked at the murderous cup of coffee that Akai Shuichi had just mentioned, hesitated for a moment, and then retracted his gaze conscientiously.

Half a day later.

Akai Shuichi planned to briefly report the morning's situation to James, but when he called, his old boss seemed hesitant to speak.

Akai Shuichi was keenly aware of the abnormality: "What happened?"

James: "Nothing. It's just that our safe house received a bill sent to you. You..." He stared at the numbers on it and hesitated, "What did you buy?"

Akai Shuichi was also a little confused. He hadn't bought anything recently, let alone paid on credit: "Take a photo and send it to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his forehead and remembered: he forgot to pay Jiang Xia the commission fee.

But how much is the commission fee? Even if you are a detective...

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang and he received the bill that James had taken and sent.

Akai Shuichi looked at the "0" on it. After a moment, he pressed his eye sockets and looked again.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Well...that's right.

...Does this mean that the losses of the building and the car are also placed on him?

Taking a closer look at the details, there is actually a taxi fee for taking a taxi back and forth from Jiangxia.

Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment: before, he lamented that Toru Amuro taught people how to reimburse, but he didn't expect that he would be the one to bear the bill in the end.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Wait, Toru Amuro?

Looking at the sky-high bill, he realized: Bourbon probably already knew that the client was Shuichi Akai.

...Did Jiang Xia tell him, or was it the first-grade kid?

"Jiang Xia is more likely." Akai Shuichi sighed inwardly, "I don't know whether his position is simply in favor of Bourbon, or whether he is more biased towards the organization. Having said that, with his observation skills, staying next to Bourbon After such a long time...could he have already guessed the origin of Bourbon?"

Just as he was lost in thought, a voice brought him back to reality.

James: "So what did you buy?"

"..." Akai Shuichi, "A chance to test."

James: "Well..."

Akai Shuichi: "Is there still a reimbursement limit?"

James nodded silently: "Of course." But not long after they arrived in Tokyo, the money they spent was already much higher than the budget - they just reimbursed Judy for a car not long ago, and now they have to reimburse Akai Shuichi for it. Paying this sky-high bill... hiss, his head was already starting to hurt.

The peaceful day passed like this.

But for others, the impact of these cases is not entirely over.

The next day, in an ordinary restaurant.

"The cases Jiang Xia encountered are still so dense and terrifying."

Maya Hashimoto is currently busy purchasing materials for construction and building the Haixin Theater for Uzo.

After finalizing another order with the builder, he found a nearby restaurant that was very popular recently, ordered a piece of udon noodles, and ate leisurely.

He passed the time while eating and watching the news, and quickly made up for the cases around Jiang Xia during this period. The more he read, the more he couldn't help but feel frightened:

"Why does the 'enthusiastic crime solver' in the last case report look so much like Uzo?...Why did Uzo suddenly show up in person to solve the case? Is this a way to express the shortage of manpower, to tactfully criticize me, and to criticize me? Did it take too long to build the theater?

"...Although I really want to build the theater until the end of the world, so as to delay the time of returning to Jiangxia to face Wu Zuo's cases, I don't dare to neglect my actions at all. I am already building the theater as fast as possible! "

After recalling his construction efficiency, Maya Hashimoto felt a little relieved.

He tried to comfort himself: "Uzo is not just my subordinate, there must be others. This should be a knock on others... Having said that, building the theater must be considered a meritorious service. I won't be eliminated from the bottom because of this." "

Just when he was a little frightened, Maya Hashimoto suddenly saw a familiar person walking through the door out of the corner of his eye.

He recalled the figure he saw just now, and a code suddenly popped into his mind: "Vodka? Why is he appearing nearby? Does he have a mission here?"

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto ate noodles silently faster: Although vodka is not as scary as Uzo, according to his experience, although members of the organization need to "covertly act", that "covertness" is limited to leaving no trace behind. Leave your own traces.

So sometimes, in order to achieve this goal, they will choose to bomb the ground and use flames and explosions to eliminate the traces they left on the scene.

"But fortunately, in order to weaken the official tracing efforts, the organization will try to avoid casualties. This restaurant is so prosperous, it should not be a place that can be detonated." Maya Hashimoto muttered in her heart, "I still have time to eat this meal over."

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, a childish voice came from the location separated by green plants next door.

"Weird uncle?" Conan asked the people at the same table with him, "Where is he? How strange is it?"

Maya Hashimoto's hand holding the chopsticks froze: "?!"

...There are actually other Uzo minions besides me nearby? !

... You can't eat this meal, you must leave immediately!

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