Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2277 2281 [Vodka’s new position] Please vote for me

Chapter 2277 2281 [Vodka’s new position] Please vote for me (づど)

Vodka: "..."

...This insidious bastard! !

A curse came to his lips, but he was choked back by the muzzle of the gun pointed between his eyebrows.

——This time it was a real gun, and every shot made a bloody hole. No one knows this better than Vodka himself.

He cleared his throat and slowed down his voice: "You, don't mess around. The terrain of this cave is very complex, and there are many random people. There may even be three gunmen. Even you can't easily kill them." They all silenced us - we worked together after all, and it would be a pity if your detective career was ruined because of me."

He said this, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Vodka felt guilty: How many people are there in the cave, does this kid in front of him not know? ——Maybe he got all these people here! Otherwise, how could this remote and hidden cave suddenly become so lively?

Jiang Xia looked at him and was a little surprised: "What are you doing here? We are comrades and colleagues fighting together in Tokyo. You don't think I want to kill you, do you?"

Vodka: "...?" You take down the gun first and then say this!

He took a deep breath and asked weakly: "...Then what do you want to do?"

Jiang Xia: "Those children who accidentally entered the cave need a little help. It's up to you to take them out of the cave."

With that said, he took the Conan who had just been knocked unconscious from Matsuda Jinpei's hand and handed it to the vodka: "Bring this with you by the way."

Vodka took it blankly and looked down at the child in his hand: "?"

Isn't this kid a minion of Uzo? How come he was sanctioned too?

Jiang Xia looked at him and suddenly said: "Are those three people your targets for silence in this mission?"

Vodka came back to his senses and nodded immediately. He wished that the guy in front of him would quickly turn his attention elsewhere: "They probably took the organization's information by mistake."

Jiang Xia recalled the strong murderous aura on those three people, and nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I will help you with this. In contrast, you are responsible for leading these children to find the 'treasure' in the cave, and then leave. .”

Vodka: "..." Wait, don't talk to yourself, who asked you to help me? I'm just introducing three more interesting toys to you, not because I want to owe you that terrible favor! How about you charge this account to your elder brother and the organization...

But this matter obviously cannot be decided by him, and Uzo's tasks have been given to him.

Vodka carried the fainted Conan and looked at him with disgust. Immediately afterwards, he realized something bad: "These brats don't know the organization, and they are not members of the organization. When they get out, they will regard me as a murderer and call the police to arrest me!"

Jiang Xia patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely: "It depends on your affinity - make good use of this short journey to gain their trust. Once you learn this skill, your efficiency in completing tasks will definitely improve again."

Vodka: "..." You don't need to teach me!

Jiang Xia: "There was no smoke from where you were standing just now. Those children could prove that you were not one of the three people who buried the body. And I remember that your fake identity of 'Yamada' is very durable after being repaired many times." Check, you’ve already established your identity, wouldn’t it be a waste not to go in front of the police?”

Vodka: "..." Do you think everyone likes to hang out in front of the police as much as you do? I don't have that kind of hobby!

"The only thing that may lead to you being caught is illegal gun possession." Jiang Xia retracted his hand and weighed the pistol donated by Vodka:

"And now, this problem has been solved by your enthusiastic colleagues. I will keep this thing for you first, and then take it back after you successfully complete this test - you don't want others to know that you were scared by a few elementary school students. Just hand over your gun and surrender."

Vodka: "...?" It's obviously you who asked me to hand over the pistol, but you actually confuse right and wrong in front of me. Can you be unreasonable? This guy can't be unreasonable!

Jiang Xia finished what she wanted to say, looked at Vodka who was obedient and silent throughout the whole process, and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you have agreed, go ahead and do what you want to do - maybe you have a beautiful face under your sunglasses. It’s a face that’s popular with children.”


Vodka looked at him warily.

It wasn't until the figure turned twice and disappeared into the fork in the road that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt like he was surviving a disaster.

"'Do what I want to do'?" Vodka recalled what Uzo had just said. He glanced at the little Uzo minion in his hand and muttered, "I want to kill this trap and hit Akai Shuichi's little ass." Baby, okay?"

Conan fainted quietly and innocently, without answering.

However, Vodka asked himself some questions and sighed in his heart: "..." Of course not - he had already seen how miserable the fate of those who had murderous intentions in front of Uzo was, and every single stroke was written in the Uzo Manual. It’s written in it!

He had no choice but to suppress the disgust in his heart, carry Conan, and follow the memories to find the three almost annoying children.

After Vodka left, a figure appeared again.

While Jiang Xia asked professional Matsuda Jinpei to clean the footprints on the ground, he walked behind the stone pier and picked up a ball of soft and fresh ice cream.

"Sure enough, vodka can become more productive only when facing children and cats." Jiang Xia sighed and showed Matsuda Jinpei the murderous aura that was obviously much more swollen than usual. "It is thicker than the murderous aura you used to trick me before. too much."

Several ghosts nodded in sympathy.

When a psychic helps a lost child find the exit.

On the other side, three corpse bearers were also carrying strong murderous aura in large numbers.

"What's going on?" Someone still didn't understand the situation, "What happened just now?!"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "There are others in the cave! From the sound of the voices, they should be a few brats... These guys have refused to enter in the morning and in the evening, and they chose now to cause trouble! What do their guardians do to eat, and they actually let them in? Such a dark cave to play in!”

The female writer frowned: "Just now when you drew your gun and shot over there, I vaguely saw a figure - that person is not short, he must be an adult."

The young female assistant was horrified: "You mean, the guardians of those little devils also followed us and saw us burying the bodies?! There are so many people, how can we kill them one by one!"

"Don't worry, find them first." The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses and spoke much faster than usual, slightly anxious, "If there is a chance to kill the guardian, then silence them together. If we really can't find him... …Then let’s retreat first!”

The female writer was stunned: "Evacuate first? What if they call the police?"


Thanks to Mr. Huanyang for the reward (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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