Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2278 2282 [Good guy]

The middle-aged man said calmly: "The flashlight light was so chaotic just now. Even if it stayed on our faces for a short time, it would be difficult for them to remember our looks. As long as we are not caught on the spot, we will have enough time to leave!"

After a brief period of chaos, the three finally reached a consensus.

They looked at each other with unprecedented unity, nodded seriously, and then searched the dark front with flashlights.

"what to do?"

Deep in the cave, three children huddled together shivering: "The exit seems to be on their side, are we going to be blocked here?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya took a deep breath and tried to calm down like a detective: "Don't panic, let's contact brother Jiang Xia first."

As he spoke, he calmly took out his cell phone.

...and then fell into silence facing the blank signal in the upper right corner.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "..."

Why is there no signal at such a critical moment? ! !

Ayumi Yoshida and Genta Kojima looked at his face and had a vague premonition: "...What's wrong?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya learned how adults think: "Why don't you...write a suicide note? Or first write down who the murderer is in blood? By the way! We need to make up a password, otherwise if the murderer knows that we are identifying him, he will The clues will be wiped away, and our death will be in vain!”

Moto Kojima looked like he was about to cry: "I, I can't make up the password."

Ayumi Yoshida also flattened her mouth, and tears began to fill her big eyes: "I don't want to die yet."

Kojima Mota scratched his head: "How about this? I'll go back and tell those people that we didn't see their faces at all just now, so they have no reason to silence them!"

Coming nearby, Vodka was eavesdropping: "..."

It seems that the children around Uzo are not all smart people - compared with these three stupid things, that Edogawa Conan is simply one of the best. No wonder Uzo is quite tolerant of this kid.

Vodka: "..." But strictly speaking, the guy named Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya seems to have been influenced by Uzo, and actually knew to leave a death message before dying... I need to be more vigilant about this guy in the future.

While thinking about it, Vodka moved closer.

Afterwards, he thought about it and did not show up. Instead, he tried his best to use his gentlest voice and greeted in a low voice: "Hello, I am a fan of Jiang Xia! You are the three who have been on TV with Jiang Xia... Uh, Junior Detective Team?”

The three children were startled by the sudden voice. Originally they wanted to scream, but at the same time they were distracted by the content of the words.

——Although they are usually a little afraid of Jiang Xia, at this time, the three of them are eager for Jiang Xia to appear in front of them in a flash, and then beat all the terrible gunmen one by one with a righteous stick.

Therefore, upon hearing that the unknown creature in the darkness was a fan of Jiang Xia, the three children instinctively felt a sense of closeness and a desire to hug their thighs - after all, judging from the voice, the guy speaking was an adult, and In this terrifying environment where death can occur at any time, adults seem to be more reliable than children.

In addition, the phrase "a young detective team that has been on TV" also made them feel a little proud, and they felt that the guy who spoke nicely was very much one of their own.

Genta Kojima and Ayumi Yoshida couldn't help but want to go there and defect.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya still remained somewhat alert. He stopped two classmates: "Uncle, why are you in the cave?"

Vodka: "..." Hehe, I'm still too young. Even if you really have doubts about me at this time, you should pretend that you haven't discovered anything - otherwise, if I am really a bad person, you should say with a sinister smile now. "Because my uncle is busy trying to silence me" or something like that.

Thinking of this, Vodka was suddenly moved by this line and almost wanted to say it out loud.

However, the moment the impulse arose, he suppressed it firmly: No, think about your own anti-Uzo code!

Without even thinking about it, he could come up with countless possible developments - for example, children screaming in terror, causing a gang of gangsters who "happened" to touch nearby to shoot in panic, and then "happened" to land a bullet. In his case, he died heroically.

Another example is that these children "luckily" picked up an unowned gun. After being frightened, they screamed and shot at him. However, one shot happened to hit him, so he died heroically - and in this kind of Under such circumstances, these 7-year-old children may not only not have to go to jail, but they will also be praised by some people for their witty and effective self-defense.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka shook his head vigorously to get rid of all the bad developments and his thoughts just now.

He took a deep breath, was forced to stop entertaining, and said in an honest tone: "I am a traveler who likes to travel by car. I saw this cave accidentally and wanted to go in and look for treasures, but who knew that I encountered such a terrible thing? .”

The three children listened and couldn't help but nodded in sympathy: "We are too!"

After a pause, he suddenly felt something was wrong: "..." Wait, they seemed to have come in because they were following Conan, and they were just looking for the treasure by the way...well, by the way.

But now, the passion for finding the treasure has dissipated along with the fear of bumping into the burial site, and their original target has emerged: Where are the Conan people? Didn't he already go into the hole?

...Could it be possible that he had already been killed and was one of the unlucky ones that the gangsters planned to bury?

When the three children looked at each other.

At the corner, Vodka listened to the tone of their response just now and secretly felt that the time was ripe.

He adjusted the expression on his face and walked out with a gentle smile.

Then he came face to face with three frightened faces.

"Conan..." Yoshida Ayumi stared at Vodka's hand and the person he was holding, with grief and horror overlapping, "You killed Conan?!"

Vodka: "..." Stop talking nonsense! I don't! What are you doing! !

Hearing the little girl's screams, he almost wanted to step forward and cover her mouth to tell her to stop howling, which would attract the three gun-wielding guys.

But with Uzuo in the shadow behind him, the cold-blooded organization cadre could only press the veins on his forehead and squeeze out more smiles for these three annoying naughty kids.

Vodka changed the carry to a hug, picked up the annoying little devil in his hand, and handed it to them to see: "He is still alive, he just fainted."

After a pause, he added: "I saved him!"

"...Really, really?" The three innocent and kind-hearted children hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Vodka had no intention of attacking, they finally gathered around to take a look at Conan.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, you are such a good person who sacrifices himself for others!"

Vodka: "..."

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