Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2418 2422 [Terrible Vodka]

Jiang Xia turned to look at the sneaky elementary school student: "What happened? You seem a little anxious."

Habara Ai looked around quietly, but didn't see anything like the black Porsche, let alone any traces of gin and vodka.

But as a cautious defector of the organization, she still didn't dare to be careless, and whispered: "Let's go in and talk."

Jiang Xia pushed open the courtyard door, and the two of them entered the house one after the other.

As soon as the door was closed, Haibara Ai couldn't help but complain to this reliable high school student: "Kudo plans to invite Miss Mori out for dinner. If he meets someone from the organization when he goes out, things will be troublesome."

Jiang Xia raised his hand and touched her head: "Don't worry, he should know his limits."

Habara Ai: "..." Are you sure?

Jiang Xia thought of a busy thief: "And I contacted a friend to help tonight. As long as Kudo is not caught on the spot, the problem is not a big deal."

"Really..." Huiyuan Ai was still not reassured, but thinking about Jiang Xia's reliability, it seemed that she could not refute it - after all, if Jiang Xia did not take action, it would be difficult for her, a primary school student, to knock out the high school version of Conan and drag him into the warehouse.

Jiang Xia looked down at her, thinking: "If you are worried, why don't we go there tonight to dine and watch the scene?"

"Me?" Huiyuan Ai was startled, hesitantly shook her head, "Kudo and I are both people around you. If I am also caught, you can't explain yourself in the organization."

Jiang Xia did not seem to be so afraid of the organization. Instead, he was very interested in tonight's dinner: "It's not a big problem. You are now in a child's body. As long as you don't show your original hair color, no one will associate you with Shirley for no reason. And I have an idea..."

Huiyuan Ai: "Hmm?"

Jiang Xia walked to the side of the cabinet, reached in and groped, and then under Huiyuan Ai's curious gaze, took out a wig that Miss Spider cut overtime.

Huiyuan Ai looked at the familiar hairstyle: "......?"


Not long after, a "Conan" appeared in the living room of Jiang Xia's house.

Huiyuan Ai adjusted the wig on her head, pushed the plain glasses on her nose, and then looked at the dressing mirror in Jiang Xia's house.

A familiar child appeared in the mirror, and she put on the mask again, now she looked like a "Conan Edogawa".

"Not bad." Ai Huihara looked at herself in the mirror, and felt that she had opened the door to a new world: this disguise of changing gender was more thorough than Dr. Agasa's hair dye spray, which gave her a lot of security and made her feel that she would not be discovered even if she passed by Gin's nose.

Ai Huihara: "..." Of course, it was just a thought. If she really met Gin...

Thinking of the terrible killer with countless blood on his hands, she shuddered and retracted her slightly inflated confidence.

At this time, Jiang Xia pushed the door back and handed her a voice changer: "I found it from Dr. Agasa, you should be more familiar with it than me - debug the equipment well, and we will set off in a while. Before leaving, you can go find Kudo again and remind him to be careful."

"Okay." Ai Huihara took the props from this reliable high school detective, and felt that the panic when she went home just now dissipated a lot.

Next door, Kudo's house.

Kudo Shinichi found the clothes he often wore when he was a high school student, changed them a little awkwardly, and tied a tie by the way.

He leaned in front of the mirror, looked at the well-behaved high school student in the mirror, and couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, this look is better. I actually wanted to change back before... Fortunately, Huiyuan didn't have the antidote for the antidote."

Just as he was admiring his handsome self, suddenly, Kudo Shinichi's eyes paused and fell on a corner of the mirror.

——Looking through the mirror, there was a child standing at the door of the bathroom. The child was wearing a newly bought small suit, plain glasses and a mask. The moment Kudo Shinichi looked over, the "little boy" happened to raise his head, and the two suddenly looked at each other across the mirror.

This dress was too familiar. Kudo Shinichi had seen it countless times in the mirror in the past. He was stunned for a moment and blurted out: "Conan... Conan?"

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

Kudo Shinichi: "???"

... Conan is at the door, then who am I? !

He pinched his thigh instinctively, then hissed and almost cried in pain: This, this doesn't seem to be a dream, but if so, why is there a Conan at the door? ... Is he crazy about becoming bigger? !


When Kudo Shinichi was at a loss, the "Conan" at the door seemed to be very disgusted with his expression and couldn't help but speak.

And when this familiar voice landed, Kudo Shinichi was even more confused: "Even the voice is the same... Who are you!"

Habara Ai was about to take off her mask to confess her identity, but when she saw him in a daze, she silently pulled the mask back.

She smiled faintly: "I am the wronged soul killed by you."

Kudo Shinichi instinctively refuted: "Nonsense, there are no ghosts in the world!"

Miyano Akemi, who came in with Haibara Ai and leaned on her head: "..." What are you talking about? It's really rude.

Ai Huibara imitated Jiang Xia's serious deduction and continued solemnly: "You met Gin while wandering in the downtown area. He discovered your identity and killed everyone here."


Shinichi Kudo was instinctively wary of this name at first, but soon he came to his senses: "You, you are Huibara?"

Hui Yuan Ai: "..." Tsk.

When Kudo Shinichi saw the reaction of "Conan", he immediately became more sure. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Why do you like to scare people so much lately? Fortunately, I haven't met Gin at all during this time. On the contrary, I always meet Vodka—if you had just replaced the gin in your words with vodka, maybe I would really believe it.”

Haibara Ai:"……"

She felt a little dreamy for a moment: in Kudo Shingai's eyes, the suppressive power of vodka was actually comparable to that of gin?

Although this is also related to the fact that this high school student has never met Gin, what kind of evolution has that silly big guy recently undergone to actually make a capable detective be wary of him to this extent?

This made Haihara Ai a little curious for a moment, but considering that vodka and gin would appear at the same time most of the time, she immediately gave up her expectations of meeting vodka.

Now that it had been exposed, Haihara Ai was too lazy to act again. She took off her mask and said seriously: "What happened just now was a joke. But you should know in your heart that if you are not lucky enough, it will be more than just a joke."

Kudo Shinichi thought of the vodka that had been lingering recently, and realized that Haihara Ai was right. He sighed worriedly: "Don't worry, I know."

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