Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2419 2423 [Tracking]

Haibara Ai reminded Dondo Shinichi and then turned back to the next door.

Seeing her hesitant expression, Jiang Xia comforted him: "Don't worry, we'll just follow him. If there's any sign of danger, I'll knock him out immediately and drag him away. How about this?"

Haiyuan Ai thought about Jiang Xia's efficiency in knocking people out, and then she felt safe. She nodded solemnly: "Then I'll leave it to you."

At meal time, Mao Lilan examined her mobile phone and walked towards Kudo's house suspiciously.

First he appeared as the leading actor in a stage play, and then he ran away without even being seen when a mysterious case was unfolding before him. Not long after that, he suddenly sent a message saying that he wanted to invite her to dinner...

"Something's wrong, very wrong." Mao Lilan touched his chin, "Let's not talk about anything else, why didn't he show up when the case just happened? This guy shouldn't be able to resist the temptation to solve the case... Wait, I remember that time, Teacher Judy is not here either..."

The female high school student who had learned reasoning moved her fingers while walking, and occasionally there was a creepy clicking sound coming from the slender finger bones.

A house next to the sidewalk.

Jiang Xia and Hui Yuan Ai hid behind the curtains, silently watching her pass by.

When Mao Lilan disappeared from sight, the two looked at each other, and Hui Yuan Ai whispered: "There should be no problem..."

Jiang Xia thought seriously for a while: "Xiaolan should be measured."

Huihara Ai: "..." Really? But one of the floor tiles at the door was broken.

The two people were rigorously analyzing the current situation of their neighbors when suddenly there was a loud bang next door.


Haiyuan Ai took out her cell phone and began to hesitate whether to broadcast the ambulance call.

Jiang Xia reached out and poked the ghosts next to him. The foggy dog ​​understood, flapped its wings and flew to the next door. Not long after, it climbed over the courtyard wall and flew back, half regretful and half relieved: there were no new ghosts.

Jiang Xia: "..." Although Kudo-san's strength is average, his ability to withstand blows is incredibly strong. No wonder he received a sap from Gin on the back of the head without any damage to his brain... Such a strong physique is really good.

No matter what, you still have to eat.

When the high school student next door limped out of the door, Jiang Xia picked up the hat on the coat rack and put it on, barely pretending to be a disguise, and then followed them quietly with Haibara Ai.

A few meters ahead.

While Kudo Shinichi was arranging the scarf used to cover his face, he was racking his brains to make up a story to try to explain his behavior today and his disappearance during this period to Mao Lilan.

As he was talking, he suddenly felt something was wrong - someone seemed to be following him behind him.

Thinking of Haibara Ai's several warnings and the recent elusive vodka, Kudo Shinichi felt a thump in his heart and stood on his back with the chills on his back, as if facing a formidable enemy.

While he continued to talk to Mao Lilan as if nothing had happened, he quietly took a detour and passed an izakaya with a billboard at the door.

The moment the neon billboard turned black, Kudo Shinichi quickly glanced at it. The mirror-like billboard reflected the figures behind them - indeed two people were following them!

…But it’s not gin and vodka, and it doesn’t seem like it’s a member of another organization.

But two extremely familiar guys.

"..." Kudou Shin's eyes twitched wildly, and he couldn't help but look back. As expected, behind him was Haibara Ai, who was still dressed in Conan's costume, and wore a hat perfunctorily. Other than that, he did not hide his stalking behavior. of Jiangxia.

The two sides looked at each other, and Jiang Xia nodded towards him, with a comfortable expression, as if he was being pulled by a primary school student to play house.

Kudo Shinichi: "..." Well, for Jiang Xia, the matter of getting bigger or smaller only involves Dr. Ali's patent, so his attitude is normal.


"I didn't expect that Haiyuan would actually pull Jiang Xia over. Could it be that she was worried that I would be beaten to death by Xiaolan, so she specially brought me a helper with similar strength?" Kudo Shinichi scratched his neck and murmured in his heart, "She is It’s strange, I didn’t expect there to be such kind people in the black organization.”

While he was silently moved by his comrades, suddenly, several naughty children rushed out of the alley in front of him.

The young detective team running around saw something and waved happily: "Conan! Why haven't I seen you today? You guy, uh..."

Why is brother Jiang Xia here? He almost didn't recognize him with his hat on...Conan, this little dog-legged guy, has really kept his original intention and is trying to curry favor with the detective again!

Several children silently condemned in their hearts, while restraining their pace and starting to pretend to be good. At this moment, the big brother who was a passerby between them and "Conan" raised his hand to them: "I have something to do today, so I don't have time to play with you. "

The young detective team was stunned and looked at him blankly: "..." Who asked you to play with us... Why is this high school student so familiar?

Haibara Ai:"……"

Did the antidote she made actually have some side effects? Like making people stupid?

Mao Lilan was also a little confused, but she remembered that Kudo Shinichi didn't hate children, and even liked Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street Guerrillas. Maybe he had made some elementary school friends because of this, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Several elementary school students carefully walked around Kudou Shinichi, ran to Haibara Ai, and communicated with her in a low voice.

Originally, they wanted to take "Conan" away to play together, but when they saw Jiang Xia next to them, the three of them finally did not dare to reach out, said hello and left quietly.

Kudo Shinichi in front looked back and sighed: "..." The days of being a primary school student were like a dream, but now, he has become a mature and steady high school student again!

"Before, I actually wanted to become a child again, but fortunately, Huiyuan didn't have the antidote for the antidote." Kudo Shinichi sighed and determined his direction of effort in his heart, "I must defeat the Black Organization as soon as possible and regain my detective identity! I didn't feel anything when I was a primary school student, but now I'm a high school student again. With the comparison, I found that high school students are so free and beautiful... Although I get beaten occasionally, other than that, everything else is really good."

Next to her, Mao Lilan took a few steps and suddenly found that Kudo Shinichi didn't keep up.

She turned around and said, "What are you thinking about? Let's go quickly."

Kudo Shinichi came back to his senses: "Okay! Sister Xiaolan."

Mauri Ran: "......?"

She was silent for a moment and looked down at her hands.

Was she a little too hard when she hit someone just now?

Or should I stop eating and go to the hospital first?


The proposal to go to the hospital to see the wound was strongly opposed by Kudo Shinichi, so in the end, the two went to the Beihua Central Building as planned.

This is one of the tallest buildings here, and the observation restaurant on the top is famous in Beihua for its excellent meals and expensive prices.

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